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trouble shoot about using BindLayer in MapX with C# [原创]

2008-11-01 15:44 411 查看
If you have problem about using BindLayer in MapX with C#, check this out. it may help.  

My Enviroment:Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2005 (C#)  + Mapinfo MapX 5.02

Keywords: BindLayer ,DataSet,ADO,MapX,C#

Let's cut the bullshit, If you want to follow the VB6 sample to add a new bindlayer into your application, 

congrats, you will make most of your time waste. the .NET make things different. the old good time

passed away and never back again. 

Step 1: you have to add 2 COM reference into your application : ADODB also named Microsoft ActiveX Data Object 2.8

      MapX 5.0,why ADODB, cause the fucking .NET dataset will not work with MapX.

Setp 2: If you want to set you bindlayer style to miBindLayerTypeXY ,you need modify you database firstly, for example, you have to add new primary key columen into you database named like "MYID" in this sample . if you dont do so, there will be an error like "NOT FOUND GeoField or BindLayer".i bet you wont like that. 

Step 3: Copy these code into your program.you may change a little bit to fit your request.



private string m_strConnString; 

private ADODB.Connection m_cnn; 

private ADODB.Recordset m_rds;


private ADODB.Recordset RetriveDataFromDB(string pConnString)


         m_strConnString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\\Fart\\DB\\TestDB.mdb";

         m_bndlyrName = "MyBindlayer"; //Set your bindlayer name here

       m_cnn = new ADODB.Connection();

         m_rds = new ADODB.Recordset();

         m_cnn.Open(m_strConnString, null, null, -1);

         m_rds.ActiveConnection = m_cnn;

         m_rds.Open("SELECT MYID, Longitude_X,Latitude_Y FROM GUANRUI_TEST_TBL", m_cnn, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, 

                    ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic, 1);

         return m_rds;



private void DoBindLayer(ADODB.Recordset pDs)

            MapXLib.BindLayer BindLyr;

            MapXLib.Dataset miDS;

            MapXLib.FieldsClass flds;

            miDS = null;

            flds = new MapXLib.FieldsClass();

            BindLyr = new MapXLib.BindLayer();

            flds.Add("MYID", "MYID", MapXLib.AggregationFunctionConstants.miAggregationIndividual, 


            flds.Add("Longitude_X", "Longitude_X", MapXLib.AggregationFunctionConstants.miAggregationIndividual, 


            flds.Add("Latitude_Y", "Latitude_Y", MapXLib.AggregationFunctionConstants.miAggregationIndividual, 


            BindLyr.LayerType = MapXLib.BindLayerTypeConstants.miBindLayerTypeXY;

            BindLyr.RefColumn1 = "Longitude_X";

            BindLyr.RefColumn2 = "Latitude_Y";

            BindLyr.LayerName = m_bndlyrName;

            //BindLyr.FileSpec = Application.StartupPath+ "\\DB\\Test.tab";

            //BindLyr.OverwriteFile = true;

            miDS = axMap1.DataSets.Add(MapXLib.DatasetTypeConstants.miDataSetADO, pDs, BindLyr.LayerName,

                "MYID", System.Reflection.Missing.Value, BindLyr, flds, false);
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