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Effective C#之Item 25: Prefer Serializable Types

2008-10-27 18:11 429 查看
25: Prefer Serializable Types


Persistence is a core feature of a
type. It's one of those basic elements that no one notices until you neglect to
support it. If your type does not support serialization properly, you create
more work for all developers who intend to use your types as a member or base
class. When your type does not support serialization, they must work around it,
adding their own implementation of a standard feature. It's unlikely that
clients could properly implement serialization for your types without access to
private details in your types. If you don't supply serialization, it's
difficult or impossible for users of your class to add it.


Instead, prefer adding
serialization to your types when practical. It should be practical for all
types that do not represent UI widgets, windows, or forms. The extra perceived
work is no excuse. .NET Serialization support is so simple that you don't have
any reasonable excuse not to support it. In many cases, adding the Serializable
attribute is enough:

相反,只要有实际意义,就要为你的类型添加序列化。对于不表示UI widgets、windows或
forms的所有类型来说都是实用的。.Net序列化支持很简单,使得你没有任何理由不支持它。在很多情况下,添加Serializable特性就足够了: [Serializable]

public class MyType


private string label;

private int value;


Adding the Serializable attribute
works because all the members of this type are serializable: string and int
both support NET serialization. The reason it's important for you to support
serialization wherever possible becomes obvious when you add another field of a
custom type:

因为这个类型的所有成员(string和int)都是可序列化的,即都支持.Net序列化,所以添加Serializable特性就可以了。随处尽可能的支持序列化很重要,它的原因是在你向自定义类型添加另外的字段时就很明显了: [Serializable]

public class MyType


private string label;

private int value;

private OtherClass otherObject;


The Serializable attribute works
here only if the OtherClass type supports .NET serialization. If OtherClass is
not serializable, you get a runtime error and you have to write your own code
to serialize MyType and the OtherClass object inside it. That's just not
possible without extensive knowledge of the internals defined in OtherClass.


.NET serialization saves all
member variables in your object to the output stream. In addition, the .NET serialization
code supports arbitrary object graphs: Even if you have circular references in
your objects, the serialize and deserialize methods will save and restore each
actual object only once. The .NET Serialization Framework also will recreate
the web of references when the web of objects is deserialized. Any web of
related objects that you have created is restored correctly when the object
graph is deserialized. A last important note is that the Serializable attribute
supports both binary and SOAP serialization. All the techniques in this item
will support both serialization formats. But remember that this works only if
all the types in an object graph support serialization. That's why it's
important to support serialization in all your types. As soon as you leave out
one class, you create a hole in the object graph that makes it harder for
anyone using your types to support serialization easily. Before long, everyone
is writing their own serialization code again.


Adding the Serializable attribute
is the simplest technique to support serializable objects. But the simplest
solution is not always the right solution. Sometimes, you do not want to
serialize all the members of an object: Some members might exist only to cache
the result of a lengthy operation. Other members might hold on to runtime
resources that are needed only for in-memory operations. You can manage these
possibilities using attributes as well. Attach the [NonSerialized] attribute to
any of the data members that should not be saved as part of the object state.
This marks them as nonserializable attributes:

添加Serializable特性是支持序列化对象最简单的技术。但是最简单的解决方式不总是正确的。有时,你不希望将对象的所有成员都序列化:一些成员的存在可能仅仅是为了缓存一个长操作的结果。其他一些成员可能持有了只有在活动内存操作中才需要的运行时资源。使用特性,你能够将管理这些可能性。向任何不需要作为对象状态的一部分保存下来的数据成员添加[NonSerialized]特性,使它们成为非序列化特性。 [Serializable]

public class MyType


private string label;


private int cachedValue;

private OtherClass otherObject;


Nonserialized members add a little
more work for you, you, the class designer. The serialization APIs do not
initialize nonserialized members for you during the deserialization process.
None of your types' constructors is called, so the member initializers are not
executed, either. When you use the serializable attributes, nonserialized
members get the default system-initialized value: 0 or null. When the default 0
initialization is not right, you need to implement the IDeserializationCallback
interface to initialize these nonserializable members. IDeserializationCallback
contains one method: OnDeserialization. The framework calls this method after
the entire object graph has been deserialized. You use this method to
initialize any nonserialized members in your object. Because the entire object
graph has been read, you know that any function you might want to call on your
object or any of its serialized members is safe. Unfortunately, it's not
fool-proof. After the entire object graph has been read, the framework calls
OnDeserialization on every object in the graph that supports the
IDeserializationCallback interface. Any other objects in the object graph can
call your object's public members when processing OnDeserialization. If they go
first, your object's nonserialized members are null, or 0. Order is not
guaranteed, so you must ensure that all your public methods handle the case in
which nonserialized members have not been initialized.


So far, you've learned about why
you should add serialization to all your types: Nonserializable types cause
more work when used in types that should be serialized. You've learned about
the simplest serialization methods using attributes, including how to
initialize nonserialized members.


Serialized data has a way of
living on between versions of your program. Adding serialization to your types
means that one day you will need to read an older version. The code generated
by the Serializable attribute throws exceptions when it finds fields that have
been added or removed from the object graph. When you find yourself ready to
support multiple versions and you need more control over the serialization
process, use the ISerializable interface. This interface defines the hooks for
you to customize the serialization of your types. The methods and storage that
the ISerializable interface uses are consistent with the methods and storage
that the default serialization methods use. That means you can use the
serialization attributes when you create a class. If it ever becomes necessary
to provide your own extensions, you then add support for the ISerializable


As an example, consider how you
would support MyType, version 2, when you add another field to your type.
Simply adding a new field produces a new format that is incompatible with the
previously stored versions on disk:



public class MyType


private string label;


private int value;

private OtherClass otherObject;

// Added in version 2

// The runtime throws Exceptions

// with it finds this field missing in version 1.0

// files.

private int value2;


You add support for ISerializable
to address this behavior. The ISerializable interface defines one method, but
you have to implement two. ISerializable defines the GetObjectData() method
that is used to write data to a stream. In addition, you must provide a
serialization constructor to initialize the object from the stream:


private MyType(SerializationInfo info,StreamingContext cntxt);

The serialization constructor in
the following class shows how to read a previous version of the type and read
the current version consistently with the default implementation generated by
adding the Serializable attribute:

下面类的序列化结构展示了如何通过添加Serializable特性生成的默认实现来达到读取到的类型的前面一个版本和当前版本是一致的。using System.Runtime.Serialization;

using System.Security.Permissions;


public sealed class MyType : ISerializable


private string label;


private int value;

private OtherClass otherObject;

private const int DEFAULT_VALUE = 5;

private int value2;

// public constructors elided.

// Private constructor used only by the Serialization framework.

private MyType( SerializationInfo info,StreamingContext cntxt )


label = info.GetString( "label" );

otherObject = (OtherClass)info.GetValue("otherObject", typeof(OtherClass));



value2 = info.GetInt32( "value2" );


catch ( SerializationException e )


// Found version 1.




[SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.Demand,SerializationFormatter =true)]

void ISerializable.GetObjectData (SerializationInfo inf,StreamingContext cxt)


inf.AddValue( "label", label );

inf.AddValue( "otherObject ", otherObject );

inf.AddValue( "value2", value2 );



The serialization stream stores
each item as a key/value pair. The code generated from the attributes uses the
variable name as the key for each value. When you add the ISerializable
interface, you must match the key name and the order of the variables. The
order is the order declared in the class. (By the way, this fact means that
rearranging the order of variables in a class or renaming variables breaks the
compatibility with files already created.)


Also, I have demanded the
SerializationFormatter security permission. GetObjectData could be a security
hole into your class if it is not properly protected. Malicious code could
create a StreamingContext, get the values from an object using GetObjectData,
serialize modified versions to another SerializationInfo, and reconstitute a
modified object. It would allow a malicious developer to access the internal
state of your object, modify it in the stream, and send the changes back to
you. Demanding the SerializationFormatter permission seals this potential hole.
It ensures that only properly trusted code can access this routine to get at
the internal state of the object (see Item


But there's a downside to
implementing the ISerializable interface. You can see that I made MyType sealed
earlier. That forces it to be a leaf class. Implementing the ISerializable
interface in a base class complicates serialization for all derived classes.
Implementing ISerializable means that every derived class must create the
protected constructor for deserialization. In addition, to support nonsealed
classes, you need to create hooks in the GetObjectData method for derived
classes to add their own data to the stream. The compiler does not catch either
of these errors. The lack of a proper constructor causes the runtime to throw
an exception when reading a derived object from a stream. The lack of a hook
for GetObjectData() means that the data from the derived portion of the object
never gets saved to the file. No errors are thrown. I'd like the recommendation
to be "implement Serializable in leaf classes."


I did not say that because that
won't work. Your base classes must be serializable for the derived classes to
be serializable. To modify MyType so that it can be a serializable base class,
you change the serializable constructor to protected and create a virtual
method that derived classes can override to store their data:

我没有那样说,因为那行不通。为了让派生类是serializable的,基类必须是serializable的。为了让MyType是可序列化的基类,必须对其进行修改,将序列化构造器修改为保护性的,创建虚方法,那样的话派生类可以重写来存储它们的数据。using System.Runtime.Serialization;

using System.Security.Permissions;


public class MyType : ISerializable


private string label;


private int value;

private OtherClass otherObject;

private const int DEFAULT_VALUE = 5;

private int value2;

// public constructors elided.

// Protected constructor used only by the Serialization framework.

protected MyType( SerializationInfo info,StreamingContext cntxt )


label = info.GetString( "label" );

otherObject = (OtherClass)info.GetValue("otherObject", typeof(OtherClass));



value2 = info.GetInt32( "value2" );


catch ( SerializationException e )


// Found version 1.




[ SecurityPermissionAttribute( SecurityAction.Demand,SerializationFormatter =true ) ]

void ISerializable.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo inf,StreamingContext cxt )


inf.AddValue( "label", label );

inf.AddValue("otherObject", otherObject);

inf.AddValue( "value2", value2 );

WriteObjectData( inf, cxt );


// Overridden in derived classes to write

// derived class data:

protected virtual void WriteObjectData(SerializationInfo inf,StreamingContext cxt )




A derived class would provide its
own serialization constructor and override the WriteObjectData method:

派生类可以提供自己的序列化构造函数并且重写WriteObjectData方法: public class DerivedType : MyType


private int DerivedVal;

private DerivedType(SerializationInfo info,StreamingContext cntxt)

:base(info, cntxt)


DerivedVal = info.GetInt32("DerivedVal");


protected override void WriteObjectData(SerializationInfo inf,StreamingContext cxt)


inf.AddValue("DerivedVal", DerivedVal);



The order of writing and
retrieving values from the serialization stream must be consistent. I've chosen
to read and write the base class values first because I believe it is simpler.
If your read and write code does not serialize the entire hierarchy in the
exact same order, your serialization code won't work.


The .NET Framework provides a
simple, standard algorithm for serializing your objects. If your type should be
persisted, you should follow the standard implementation. If you don't support
serialization in your types, other classes that use your type can't support
serialization, either. Make it as easy as possible for clients of your class.
Use the default methods when you can, and implement the ISerializable interface
when the default attributes don't suffice.

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