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2008-10-09 23:16 519 查看
不要混合使用运行时库的静态版本和动态版本!!!! 最近在开发一个项目,有比较多的dll模块,以前测试时一直没有发现问题,运行的很正常。今天要发布一个新版本了,就用Bounders Check检查了一下。乖乖,很多错误阿!全部都是:
Allocation Conflict: Attempting to call global_operator_delete on 0x01566E68; pointer was allocated by malloc.
真是奇怪了,看了n多代码,找不出问题所在,并且这个错误是在pair<string,string> 发现的,好像根本就不是我的问题。

最后终于发现问题了。原来我所有dll模块在生成时用的是多线程调试(/MDd), 但是我的exe也就是访问dll的模块是用单线程调试(/MLd)生成的,但是有意思的是我有一个测试程式也是用“单线程调试(/MLd)”生成的,运行时确很正常。
(1)所有的模块,包括dll/exe等,都需要统一的“C Run-Time(CRT) library ” !!!!
(3) MSVCR71.DLL(C run-time library (without iostream or standard C++ library) ) 和 MSVCP71.dll(Standard C++ Library) 访在和exe文件的同一目录下时,BounderChecker也会报 “Allocation Conflict: Attempting to call global_operator_delete on 0x01566E68; pointer was allocated by malloc.”这个错误。
MSVCR71.DLL : C run-time library (without iostream or standard C++ library)
MSVCP71.dll : Standard C++ Library)


不要混合使用运行时库的静态版本和动态版本。在一个进程中有多个运行时库副本会导致问题,因为副本中的静态数据不与其他副本共享。链接器禁止在 .exe 文件内部既使用静态版本又使用动态版本链接,但您仍可以使用运行时库的两个(或更多)副本。例如,当与用动态 (DLL) 版本的运行时库链接的 .exe 文件一起使用时,用静态(非 DLL)版本的运行时库链接的动态链接库可能导致问题。(还应该避免在一个进程中混合使用这些库的调试版本和非调试版本)。

Reusable Library Switch Library Macro(s) Defined
Single Threaded /ML LIBC (none)
Static MultiThread /MT LIBCMT _MT
Dynamic Link (DLL) /MD MSVCRT _MT and _DLL
Debug Single Threaded /MLd LIBCD _DEBUG
Debug Static MultiThread /MTd LIBCMTD _DEBUG and _MT
Debug Dynamic Link (DLL) /MDd MSVCRTD _DEBUG, _MT, and _DLL

MT为静态链接CRT,这样编译出来exe是自包含的,所以会相对大一些,但运行时不用再load CRT库。
MD为动态链接CRT,编译出来exe会小一些,运行时需要load CRT,性能有一点点损失。

任何工程都应该使用同样的CRT Library。即要么都是/ML,要么都是/MTD, 如此类推。

2)不能在多个lib中共享file handle。

当工程比较大,包含的lib很多,特别当有外部lib(Third party library)存在时,link很容易发生下面这样的错误。
LIBCMTD.lib(chsize.obj) : error LNK2005: __chsize already defined in MSVCRTD.lib(MSVCRTD.dll)
这说明,你的工程使用了不同类型的CRT。这个时候首先一定要坚信这个原则:整个工程用同样的CRT Lib就可以解决问题。然后耐心一一检查每个lib。
如果有他们源码,就编译一个MT or MD类型的lib,以统一使用一个类型CRT。

另有msdn lib关于:

Run-Time Library Reference

C Run-Time Libraries

See Also

Run-Time Library Reference

This topic discusses the various .lib files that comprise the C run-time libraries as well as their associated compiler options and preprocessor directives.

The following libraries contain the C run-time library functions.

C run-time library (without iostream or standard C++ library)CharacteristicsOptionPreprocessor directives
LIBC.LIBSingle-threaded, static link/ML
LIBCMT.LIBMultithreaded, static link/MT_MT
MSVCRT.LIBMultithreaded, dynamic link (import library for MSVCR71.DLL). Be aware that if you use the Standard C++ Library, your program will need MSVCP71.DLL to run./MD_MT, _DLL
LIBCD.LIBSingle-threaded, static link (debug)/MLd_DEBUG
LIBCMTD.LIBMultithreaded, static link (debug)/MTd_DEBUG, _MT
MSVCRTD.LIBMultithreaded, dynamic link (import library for MSVCR71D.DLL) (debug)/MDd_DEBUG, _MT, _DLL
If you link your program from the command line without a compiler option that specifies a C run-time library, the linker will use LIBC.LIB.

To build a debug version of your application, the _DEBUG flag must be defined and the application must be linked with a debug version of one of these libraries. For more information about using the debug versions of the library files, see CRT Debugging Techniques.

This version of Visual C++ is not conformant with the C99 standard.

Standard C++ Library

Note that starting in Visual Studio .NET 2003, Visual C++ will no longer ship the old iostream libraries. For details, see Upgrade to the Standard C++ Library and the Standard C++ Library Overview.

The new iostream functions, as well as many other new functions, exist in the Standard C++ Library:

Standard C++ LibraryCharacteristicsOptionPreprocessor directives
LIBCP.LIBSingle-threaded, static link/ML
LIBCPMT.LIBMultithreaded, static link/MT_MT
MSVCPRT.LIBMultithreaded, dynamic link (import library for MSVCP71.dll)/MD_MT, _DLL
LIBCPD.LIBSingle-threaded, static link/MLd_DEBUG
LIBCPMTD.LIBMultithreaded, static link/MTd_DEBUG, _MT
MSVCPRTD.LIBMultithreaded, dynamic link (import library for MSVCP71D.DLL)/MDd_DEBUG, _MT, _DLL
When you build a release version of your project, one of the basic C run-time libraries (LIBC.LIB, LIBCMT.LIB, and MSVCRT.LIB) is linked by default, depending on the compiler option you choose (single-threaded, multithreaded, or DLL). If you include a Standard C++ Library header in your code, a Standard C++ Library will be linked in automatically by Visual C++ at compile time. For example:
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