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关于Enterprise Architect生成SQL 2005的DDL出错的问题

2008-10-07 09:51 337 查看
今天运行Enterprise Architect生成SQL
就可以,如果使用SQL 2005的朋友记得把EA更新到V7(815)以上的版本哦
V7(815) 更新log: http://www.sparxsystems.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Latest;action=display;num=1186123583 Version 7.0 - Released (Build 815)
on: Aug 2nd, 2007, 9:46pm
Release Notes for EA 7.0 Build 815
support for round-tripping alternate-images using XMI 1.1 and XMI 2.1
during XMI Export/Import and Batch XMI Export/Import
Added support
for importing the attribute "mixed" on complexTypes and multiplicity on
associations to modelGroups from XML Schema
Added capability to save a project reference that defines what to open in the model.
Added Model Patterns Task Page to provide support for using UML Patterns defined in MDG Technologies.
Added capability of showing searches run from a hyperlink to the output window.
Added support for batch export of 'Rational Rose/Unisys UML 1.3'.

General Improvements
Sequence message validation to allow messages within scope after delete messages.
Usability of self messages just loaded or created on a sequence diagram.
XMI 2.1 export of operation pre/post-conditions.
XMI 1.2 generation of stereotypes
XMI import of very large files.
XMI round trip of tagged values start and ending with pair of chevrons.
Rendering of thick collaboration borders to metafiles.
Result of canceling a diagram save.
Selection of text in internal source editor.
Undo behavior for new and removed connectors.
Result of not saving a diagram after objects are added.
Sizing of objects with an alternate image.
Import of XSD and WSDL containing comments.
Sort order of diagrams generated under elements in rtf generation.
Behavior of file types when saving a diagram as an image.
Drawing of names for composite elements with an alternate image.
Loading of multiple sets of templates from a file based MDG technology.
Profiles extending Forks and Joins.
Handling of code and transform templates containing unicode characters.
Saving of diagram at very low zoom level.
Adjusting of tree sorting.
DDL generation for SQL Server 2005.
Propagation of column datatypes changes to indexes.
Merge of tagged values when applying a UML Pattern.

Other Changes
Changed behavior to allow double click on non-selectable elements.
Corrected diagram attribute/operation visibility on Oracle repositories with German and Spanish regional settings.
Corrected missing security permissions on Oracle repositories with German and Spanish regional settings.
Resolved issue where tablespace not displayed on table properties dialog.

Corrected behavior with calls to deprecated methods in the Automation
Interface to prevent issues with loading MDG Technologies via Addin.
Changed behavior with applying stereotypes to prevent redundant error messages being displayed.
Fixed drawing issue when the Toolbox and Taskpanes are docked together in a floating window.

转载自: http://www.wyzzlm.com/blog/html/73/t-11673.html
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