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Mono 2.0 正式发布

2008-10-06 14:55 447 查看
一直关注Mono的发展,今天发现Mono 2.0正式发布。
Mono是一个多平台支持的开源的.NET framework的实现,支持的操作系统有Unix, Windows, MacOS 和一些其他操作系统。
Mono 2.0包括ADO.NET 2.0/ASP.NET 2.0/Windows.Forms 2.0/System.XML 2.0/System.Drawing/Linq/GTK#等类库的实现。还包括C# 3.0/VB 8/IL编译器和很丰富的工具。

Microsoft Compatible APIs
ADO.NET 2.0 API for accessing databases.
ASP.NET 2.0 API for developing Web-based applications.
Windows.Forms 2.0 API to create desktop applications.
System.XML 2.0: An API to manipulate XML documents.
System.Core: Provides support for the Language Integrated Query (LINQ).
System.Xml.Linq: Provides a LINQ provider for XML.
System.Drawing 2.0 API: A portable graphics rendering API.

Mono APIs
Gtk# 2.12: A binding to the Gtk+ 2.12 and GNOME libraries for creating desktop applications on Linux, Windows and MacOS X.
Mono.Cecil: A library to manipulate ECMA CLI files (the native format used for executables and libraries).
Mono.Cairo: A binding to the Cairo Graphics library to produce 2D graphics and render them into a variety of forms (images,windows, postscript and PDF).
Mono's SQLite support: a library to create and consume databases created with SQLite.
Mono.Posix: a library to access Linux and Unix specific functionality from your managed application. With both a low-level interface as well as higher level interfaces.
Third Party APIs bundled with Mono Extensive support for databases: PostgresSQL, DB2, Oracle, Sybase, SQL server, SQLite and Firebird.
C5 Generics Library: we are bundling the C5 generics collection class library as part of Mono.

C# 3.0 compiler implementation, with full support for LINQ.
Visual Basic 8 compiler.
IL assembler and disassembler and the development toolchain required to create libraries and applications.

详见:Mono 2.0 Release Notes http://www.mono-project.com/Release_Notes_Mono_2.0
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