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2008-10-05 14:49 369 查看
调用CWnd : : SetWindowText可以改变任何窗口(包括控件)的标题。
//Set title for application's main frame window .
AfxGetMainWnd ( ) —> SetWindowText (_T("Application title") );

//Set title for View's MDI child frame window .
GetParentFrame ( ) —> SetWindowText ("_T ("MDI Child Frame new title") );

//Set title for dialog's push button control.
GetDigitem  (IDC_BUTTON) —> SetWindowText  (_T ("Button new title ") );
联机帮助中找不到它,它在AFXPRIV.H中半文档化, 在以后发行的MFC中将文档化。
voik AFXAPI AfxSetWindowText (HWND hWndCtrl , LPCTSTR IpszNew )
    itn nNewLen= Istrlen (Ipaznew);
    TCHAR szOld [256];
    //fast check to see if text really changes (reduces flash in the controls )
    if (nNewLen >_contof (szOld) ||
        : : GetWindowText (hWndCrtl , szOld , _countof (szOld) !=nNewLen ||
           Istrcmp (szOld , IpszNew )! = 0
    //change it
         : : SetWindowText (hWndCtrl , IpszNew );
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