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2008-09-18 20:48 204 查看
Is your boss a yeller, a micromanager or clueless? Does he put insulting notes on memos that co-workers can see? Does he throw things?
你的老板习惯大喊大叫、什么都管,还是很无能? 会把侮辱的话写在同事们都能看见的备忘录里吗?会扔东西吗?
Amy Cunningham's first boss at a Minneapolis public relations firm was a yeller and a micromanager, a tough challenge for a new employee just out of college. After a series of unpleasant incidents, the boss finally exploded when he found out Cunningham had put together a media kit without showing him the separate pieces before assembling it -- a routine task she'd done many times before.
Amy Cunningham在明尼阿波利斯市公共关系公司遇到的第一位上司是一位习惯大喊大叫、什么都管的人。这对刚毕业的大学生来说是很大的挑战。在发生了一系列不愉快的事情后,当这位老板发现Cunningham组装一个媒体工具前没有给他看各部组件后,终于暴怒。而这是Cunningham做过许多次的一项工作。
The boss stormed into her office, got in her face, yelled and cursed. "He tried to throw out any personal insult he could come up with," Cunningham says. "I've never been in another situation, business or social, that was that scary."
It all worked out. Cunningham approached another executive at the company and got reassigned. The boss left a few years later, and Cunningham stayed on--15 years, and counting.
Having a bad boss is more than an annoyance. It's the main reason people leave their jobs. Increasingly, that's a tough choice these days. A new survey from Working America, an AFL-CIO affiliate, says that more than 50 million workers feel some pressure to stay with a bad boss because of the current economic downturn.
碰到坏老板不是小麻烦。这是辞职的主要原因。如今,选择辞职越来越困难了。AFL-CIO附属的Working America最新的调查表明,5000多万美国人由于经济不景气而被迫为坏老板工作下去。
"It's difficult to handle [uncomfortable] situations without taking some type of risk, and that's why a lot of people choose to ignore or live with it," says Manny Avramidis, senior vice president for global human resources at the American Management Association.
美国管理协会全球人力资源资深副主席Manny Avramidis说:“由于不冒风险就很难处理(困难)情况。所以很多人只有忽视或忍受。”
So if your boss is a jerk and you feel you have no choice but to stay, how do you cope? Here are some basic tips:
The best way to deal with a micromanager is to update him frequently. E-mail the boss a memo or checklist of what you're doing on a project so the boss is reassured, and check off your accomplishments as you go.
For instance, if the boss assigns you a report to write and then dictates what exactly you should have in it, tell him, "You've given me enough guidance. Let me take a shot at it and I'll come back after I have a rough draft. Can we talk about the rough draft when it's done?"
Dealing with an unpleasant boss can be uncomfortable, if you choose to address the situation by confronting him. Weigh the problem and how much bringing it up with him might affect your career. If your boss is a yeller and is creating a tough--or even hostile--working environment, say something like, "These aren't the conditions I work best under. Let's talk about a way to make them better." If that approach doesn't bring results, seek advice from Human Resources.
Sometimes a boss who's perceived as a dummy can actually be good for your career. Use cluelessness as an opportunity to gain more responsibility. Ask if you can take on more projects and even help manage the team.
"For people who like to take initiative, that can be a great thing," says Gini Graham Scott, author of A Survival Guide for Dealing with Bad Bosses.
《对付坏老板生存指南》一书作者Gini Graham Scott说:“对积极主动的人来说,这是很好的事情。”
Meanwhile, others find that they're directionless without a boss's guidance. If that's the case, gently force the boss to critique your work and ask you questions.
Ideally, vet your boss before starting a new job. If you're in the final rounds of interviews with an employer, use networking to find someone on the inside. Ask about the person you're likely to work with. What's his skill set? Does he respect the views of his employees? Does he delegate or does he drive people crazy with questions?
Finally, ask the following to flush out any facts your source didn't spill earlier: What do you like--and not like--about working here?
If you don't like what you hear, don't take the job.
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