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Python splitlines使用技巧

2008-09-06 00:00 656 查看
mulLine = """Hello!!! 
Wellcome to Python's world! 
There are a lot of interesting things! 
Enjoy yourself. Thank you!""" 

print ''.join(mulLine.splitlines()) 
print '------------' 
print ''.join(mulLine.splitlines(True))

Hello!!! Wellcome to Python's world! There are a lot of interesting things! Enjoy yourself. Thank you!
Wellcome to Python's world!
There are a lot of interesting things!
Enjoy yourself. Thank you!


def addSpaces(s, numAdd): 
white = " "*numAdd 
return white + white.join(s.splitlines(True)) 
def numSpaces(s): 
return [len(line)-len(line.lstrip( )) for line in s.splitlines( )] 
def delSpaces(s, numDel): 
if numDel > min(numSpaces(s)): 
raise ValueError, "removing more spaces than there are!" 
return '\n'.join([ line[numDel:] for line in s.splitlines( ) ]) 
def unIndentBlock(s): 
return delSpaces(s, min(numSpaces(s)))
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