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Pattern-Oriented Analysis and Design: Composing Patterns to Design Software Systems

2008-08-24 19:56 477 查看
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Design patterns are immensely powerful, but to build large-scale robust systems, you need more. Pattern-Oriented Analysis and Design introduces a methodology for "composing" proven design patterns into reliable, robust large-scale software systems. Using POAD, you can quickly build systems that are far more robust, scalable, and maintainable-using UML class diagrams as your building blocks.

*POAD: What it is, how it works, and what problems it solves

*Structural and behavioral approaches to design pattern composition

*Design models and UML techniques for pattern composition

*POAD processes: in depth coverage of analysis, design, and design refinement

*A systematic process to compose design patterns

*4 chapter-length case studies: feedback control, customer behavior simulation, digital content processing, and distributed medical informatics

*Building on POAD: advanced trends and research
Pattern-Oriented Analysis and Design takes design patterns to the next level. Whether you're an architect, designer, developer, or manager, it will help you build better software systems faster.
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