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(原創) DE2_NIOS_Lite 1.1 (SOC) (Nios II) (SOPC Builder) (μC/OS-II) (DE2)

2008-08-23 10:35 525 查看

有網友發現DE2_Nios_Lite 1.0在μC/OS-II無法執行,1.1版修正對μC/OS-II的支援。


[b]使用環境:Quartus II 7.2 SP3 + Nios II EDS 7.2 SP3 +
[b][b]DE2(Cyclone II EP2C35F627C6)[/b][/b][/b]

(原創) DE2_NIOS_Lite 1.0 (SOC) (Nios II) (SOPC Builder) (DE2)中,網友kdjwangz8發現在μC/OS-II會出現以下錯誤訊息:

**** Build of configuration Debug for project ucosii_tutorial_0 ****

make -s all includes

Creating generated_app.mk

Creating system.h

2008/8/22 下午 11:33:49 - (嚴重的) generate: java.lang.IllegalStateException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: java.lang.NumberFormatException: empty String

make[1]: *** [system_description/../obj/system.h-t] Error 1

make: *** [system_project] Error 2

Build completed in 12.157 seconds

原因在於DE2_Nios_Lite 1.0中,我在SOPC Builder沒有加上timer ip,若沒上OS,沒有timer也無仿,但若上了OS,則一定要加上timer才行。DE2_NIOS_Lite 1.1加上了timer ip。



Step 1:

設定System clock timer

Step 2:


預設會跑在onchip memory,由於onchip memory太小,μC/OS-II執行一定失敗,所以改跑在SDRAM上。

Step 3:

μC/OS-II Tutorial project template執行結果

nios2-terminal: connected to hardware target using JTAG UART on cable

nios2-terminal: "USB-Blaster [USB-0]", device 1, instance 0

nios2-terminal: (Use the IDE stop button or Ctrl-C to terminate)

Hello from task1


Hello From MicroC/OS-II Running on NIOS II. Here is the status:

The number of messages sent by the send_task: 39

The number of messages received by the receive_task1: 10

The number of messages received by the receive_task2: 3

The shared resource is owned by: getsem_task2

The Number of times getsem_task1 acquired the semaphore 30

The Number of times getsem_task2 acquired the semaphore 24



Hello From MicroC/OS-II Running on NIOS II. Here is the status:

The number of messages sent by the send_task: 51

The number of messages received by the receive_task1: 19

The number of messages received by the receive_task2: 6

The shared resource is owned by: getsem_task2

The Number of times getsem_task1 acquired the semaphore 60

The Number of times getsem_task2 acquired the semaphore 47





常常聽到初學者在問這個Java錯誤訊息,因為我沒有遇過,所以想幫也無能為力,經由這次的經驗,我發現這個錯誤主要是在產生system.h時發生,system.h簡單的說就是SOPC Builder的register map,這樣Nios II的C才能透過system.h所定義的macro去存取SOPC Builder內的各ip。這次的錯誤,是由於μC/OS-II一定要timer ip,但卻找不到SOPC Builder的timer ip來產生system.h而導致錯誤。因此下次遇到這個錯誤訊息,可以朝SOPC Builder所缺少的ip下手,若初學者對於手動在SOPC Builder加入ip有困難,DE2 CD的Nios II reference design是很好的範例,他已經將所有DE2的周邊都加上了,或者參考(原創) 如何自己用SOPC Builder建立一個能在DE2上跑μC/OS-II的Nios II系統? (IC Design) (DE2) (Quartus II) (Nios II) (SOPC Builder) (μC/OS-II)(原創) DE2_NIOS_Lite 1.0 (SOC) (Nios II) (SOPC Builder) (DE2)

See Also

(原創) 如何自己用SOPC Builder建立一個能在DE2上跑μC/OS-II的Nios II系統? (IC Design) (DE2) (Quartus II) (Nios II) (SOPC Builder) (μC/OS-II)

(原創) DE2_NIOS_Lite 1.0 (SOC) (Nios II) (SOPC Builder) (DE2)

(原創) 如何自己用SOPC Builder建立一個能在DE2上跑μC/OS-II的Nios II系統 (SRAM精簡版)? (SOC) (Quartus II) (Nios II) (SOPC Builder) (μC/OS-II) (DE2)

(原創) DE2_NIOS_Lite 1.2 (SOC) (Nios II) (SOPC Builder) (DE2)
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