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Arcgis server error:File inaccessible arcgis server object container account

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Starting Map Service Error - File is inacce... chad bergoApr 27, 2007
Re: Starting Map Service Error - File is in... L TMay 04, 2007
Re: Starting Map Service Error - File is in... chad bergoMay 08, 2007
Re: Starting Map Service Error - File is in... Jason MillerMay 24, 2007
Re: Starting Map Service Error - File is in... chad bergoMay 24, 2007
Re: Starting Map Service Error - File is in... Anastasia AourikJun 12, 2007
Re: Starting Map Service Error - File is in... mike weaverJul 09, 2007
Re: Starting Map Service Error - File is in... Anastasia AourikJul 09, 2007
Re: Starting Map Service Error - File is in... mike weaverJul 09, 2007
Re: Starting Map Service Error - File is in... Gary PersinoFeb 06, 2008
Re: Starting Map Service Error - File is in... Juston ManvilleMar 24, 2008
Re: Starting Map Service Error - File is in... Scott DeanApr 03, 2008
Re: Starting Map Service Error - File is in... Jeff WratchfordJul 25, 2008

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SubjectStarting Map Service Error - File is inaccessible to SOC
Authorchad bergo
DateApr 27, 2007
MessageAfter installing ArcServer 9.2 without any issues (I thought), I receive the following error when attempting to start a mxd map service in ArcCatalog. The mxd and data are on networked drives along with ArcServer. Any ideas?

Server object instance creation failed on all SOC machines.

Server Object instance creation failed on machine X. Can not open file Y.mxd

The system cannot find the path specified.

Probable cause: The file is inaccessible to ArcGIS Server Object Container account.

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SubjectRe: Starting Map Service Error - File is inaccessible to SOC
AuthorL T
DateMay 04, 2007
MessageHi Chad,

you've probably solved your problem by now, but I'm wondering if you ran the server PostInstall?

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SubjectRe: Starting Map Service Error - File is inaccessible to SOC
Authorchad bergo
DateMay 08, 2007
MessageYes I have. I've been able to log into the server as SOM, SOC and I've also been able to connect via ArcCatalog. I created a very simple mxd file as my first service on the server. When attempting to start the service, I receive the inaccessiblity error.

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SubjectRe: Starting Map Service Error - File is inaccessible to SOC
AuthorJason Miller
DateMay 24, 2007
MessageI am having the same issue, I ran the post install, could this be a problem with the arcgissoc needing access to the SDE database?



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SubjectRe: Starting Map Service Error - File is inaccessible to SOC
Authorchad bergo
DateMay 24, 2007
MessageI actually got this to work a couple of weeks ago but forgot to reply to the tread.

Here was my solution, I needed to give the SOC account read/write access to our network drive that was hosting our data from the PC which was connecting to the Service Object Manager. To do this, I contacted our network people to give the SOC account permissions to the drive and then I created a LOCAL user to my PC (with the same password i created for the main SOC account), and kabam! It worked!!

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SubjectRe: Starting Map Service Error - File is inaccessible to SOC
AuthorAnastasia Aourik
DateJun 12, 2007
MessageHmmm, When you say the SOC account are you speaking of the local user account ArgGISSOC that is not a domain account, just a local account and only a member of Users GROUP?

Or maybe you are talking about the internal ArcGIS Server account - the one you entered during post installation that asks for your user id and password.

This can be a local admin account or a domain account with local admin priveleges.

Don't you have to go to the machine that has the MXD and Data (shapefiles etc) and create a share with PERMISSIONS and SECURITY set.

Don't think you can access a machine A's local account (arggissoc) from machine B.

Can you clarify
Anastasia Aourik

GIS Consultant



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SubjectRe: Starting Map Service Error - File is inaccessible to SOC
Authormike weaver
DateJul 09, 2007
MessageI've encounter the same problem. And I agree that you can't access a machines local account from a different machine. If you have and ideas or fixes for this please reply.

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SubjectRe: Starting Map Service Error - File is inaccessible to SOC
AuthorAnastasia Aourik
DateJul 09, 2007
MessageYes, I have fixed this problem and now understand how it works. Basically if any GIS Resource (mxd, or shapefile referenced in an mxd is NOT ON THE soc machine, then you need to go to the machine where the GIS resource is located, and do the following:

step 1: Create what I call a 'mirror' ArcGISSOC local user account on that machine (called the remote machine because it is remote to ArcGISSOC); Make sure the spelling is IDENTICAL 'ArcGISSOC' and the the password is IDENTICAL.

Step 2:

Find the folder(s) where you have SHP and MXDs and make shared directory on those folders.

Add this new local user account ArcGISSOC to the PERMISSIONS of this share, READ ONLY is enough.

For Shape files, also press the SECURITY pane and add ArcGISSOC to have security access (read-only is enough) to the folder that has shapefiles. Make sure you apply to subfolders if you have a hierarchical directories of shapefiles.

Step 3:

Open MXD files you wish to publish. Ensure that ALL shape files are using UNC path - you will have to add your own login id to the share permissions too. You will have to change the data source location from C:\... to \\myshpshare\... then Save MXD files.

Step 4:

Open ArcCATALOG as your own login id or Run As login id that you know is in agsadmin.


Publish MXD via the UNC path name.

Step 6:

Test preview geometry - if this fails, then your shape file is not accessble by SOC and check your UNC share information.

Let me know how this goes....

Anastasia Aourik

GIS Consultant



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SubjectRe: Starting Map Service Error - File is inaccessible to SOC
Authormike weaver
DateJul 09, 2007
MessageThanks for the quick and detailed reply. I actually just figured it out right before your reply. You're right about the permissions and accounts. Mine was hanging at first because the new ArcGISSOC account I had added had a different full name. Then the mxd was being saved with path of C: instead of the UNC. I'm migrating from IMS 9.2 to GIS server 9.2, hopefully its worth it. For those who may read this having the same sort of problem, a good resource is this link -


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SubjectRe: Starting Map Service Error - File is inaccessible to SOC
AuthorGary Persino
DateFeb 06, 2008
MessageWhat about an .mxd that is accessing layers in an SDE geodatabase (Spatial Database Connection)?

When I try to publish I get this error...

Server object instance creation failed on all SOC machines. Server object instance failed on xserverx . SO construction has timed out.

I've run out of ideas

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SubjectRe: Starting Map Service Error - File is inaccessible to SOC
AuthorJuston Manville
DateMar 24, 2008
MessageCould you have to many services running? I just ran into that.
Juston Manville

GIS Software Developer


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SubjectRe: Starting Map Service Error - File is inaccessible to SOC
AuthorScott Dean
DateApr 03, 2008
MessageMake sure that you have your services file edited with the correct sde services entry on the server hosting ArcGIS Server , example

esri_sde 5151/tcp #ArcSDE 9.2 for Oracle


File Services---open with notepad to edit

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SubjectRe: Starting Map Service Error - File is inaccessible to SOC
AuthorJeff Wratchford
DateJul 25, 2008
MessageI'm getting this same error. I have installed ArcGIS Server 9.3 on 2 machines. One's a SOC and the other's a SOM/web server. I've followed all directions from this link http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisserver/9.2/dotNet/manager/administration/distributed_install.htm on permissions, shares, local accounts and pws, IIS settings and virtual directories, and everything else from this link and still get the SOC creation failed error when adding a simple mxd that is shared and pointing to data that is shared.

The weird thing is, is that after it fails if I change the Output parameter from \\servername\Output to none on the mxd, it starts up and runs fine.

Any ideas?
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