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Agile Principles,Patterns,And Practices in C# 之OCP源代码

2008-08-11 10:06 459 查看


public interface Shape


void Draw();


public class Circle:Shape


public void Draw()

{Console.WriteLine("Draw Circle");}


public class Square:Shape


public void Draw()

{Console.WriteLine("Draw Square");}


public class MyComparer:IComparer


private Hashtable typelist = new Hashtable();

public void Add(Type type,int order)

{ typelist.Add(type, order); }

#region IComparer 成员

public int Compare(object x, object y)


int i1 = (int)typelist[x.GetType()];

int i2 = (int)typelist[y.GetType()];

//if it store the value type ,it don't implement the interface IComparable

return i1.CompareTo(i2);




public class App


static void Main()


MyComparer compare = new MyComparer();

compare.Add(typeof(Circle), 1);

compare.Add(typeof(Square), 2);

ArrayList list = new ArrayList();

list.Add(new Square());

list.Add(new Circle());

list.Add(new Square());


foreach (Shape shape in list)






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