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DXperience v2008 vol 2.2 released on 30 Jul 2008

2008-07-31 21:15 537 查看

DXperience v2008 vol 2.2 for Visual Studio 2005, 2008

DXperience installation (179,541,056 bytes)
Updated 07/29/2008
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What's Included & New
.NET Product Line - v2008 vol 2.2

Release Notes

To learn about our new XtraGauges and XtraWizard suites, as well as get acquainted with other major improvements introduced in this version, please check the following page:

What's New in DXperience v2008 vol 2

To learn about breaking changes in this version, please refer to the following page:

Breaking Changes - DXperience v2008 vol 2.2

The following sections list all minor and major changes, as well as issue fixes in DXperience v2008 vol 2. Note that this list covers all issues fixed in 8.2.0 (Release Candidate) and 8.2.1 (Final Release) versions of the Suite. The current version 8.2.2 only includes one change compared to 8.2.1: a fixed demo of DXGrid for WPF.

New Features/Changes

All ASP.NET Components

S30047 - ASPxUploadControl - The loading progress, indicated within the browser's status bar, never stops after the file is uploaded
S30176 - AutoFormats - Provide a capability to apply AutoFormats to a control without clearing the control's existing templates

ASPxGridView and Editors Suite

S91176 - Add the ASPxGridViewBehaviorSettings.SortMode property
S19438 - ASPxClientEdit - Add a new client side method to validate invisible editors
S19941 - ASPxComboBox - display an error message on the client, if a server-side exception is thrown during a callback
AS17597 - ASPxEdit - Support the Enable property on the client side
S18744 - ASPxGridView - add the GroupRowTemplate for a column
AS16002 - ASPxGridView.DetailsChanged event - add a capability to determine a row, which was expanded/collapsed
S19303 - ASPxGridView: Add an ability to change a summary footer cell style conditionally (based on the summary value)
S91891 - ASPxGridview: Documentation - Describe the Settings.UseFixedTableLayout property in more detail
S19196 - ASPxWebControl - add the client-side CallbackError event
S30153 - Describe the OnHtmlEditFormCreated event
S30072 - Documentation - HtmlRowCreated event - add a note that it's never fired with e.RowType == GridViewRowType.Title parameter
S18181 - Export - add a capability to export a description of the exported GridView
S18825 - Export hyperlinks as hyperlinks, but not as text
S20056 - GridViewExporter control with master and detail gridviews
S18397 - Native rendering is required for particular editors (such as TextBox, Memo, ComboBox, ListBox)
S91848 - New Filter Row Menu in 8.2 - Menu Item Wording
S18541 - Provide a consistent look and feel of error messages displayed within the ASPxGridView control
S30209 - Rewrite the "Missing primary key" error message


S19628 - Add a capability to strip unsafe HTML tags
S19404 - Add an ability to define and apply custom text formatting using tags and CSS styles
Q103638 - Integrated spelling checker is required

ASPxperience Suite

S18765 - Add an option to ASPxMenu to prevent items resizing if the menu's width is 100%
Q102303 - Add the ability to prevent loading panel display during callbacks
S18711 - ASPxCallbackPanel - add a property, which will force the ASPxCallbackPanel not to clear its contents during a callback
S19762 - ASPxCallbackPanel - Provide an capability to pass server data to the client side
S30085 - ASPxMenu - Add the htmlElement property to an argument passed to the client ItemMouseOver and ItemMouseOut events
S18713 - ASPxNavBar - add client-side methods to hide / show Groups
S19306 - ASPxNavBar, ASPxMenu - add a capability to map data table fields to fields used by the NavBar
S19651 - ASPxPageControl, ASPxMenu, ASPxNavBar: add an ability to change the Enabled and Visible properties of a client object (tab, item, group) on the client if it is disabled and invisible on the server
AS12579 - ASPxTabControl - Provide means to obtain tabs from an xml file
B95604 - Provide a capability to initiate a new callback within a handler of the client EndCallback event
S90451 - Provide a mechanism to pass any required information from the server to the client
S90852 - Provide a server-side capability to determine whether a control is being updated using the callback technology


Q97960 - Implement the LayoutChanged event that is fired each time when the grid's structure is changed by the end-user
S19381 - Support Chart integration similar to the PivotGridControl's one

ASPxScheduler Suite

S19383 - Add the reminder functionality
S19589 - Client-side - provide a capability to show AppoitmentForm by AppointmentID
S18844 - Documentation - Add a topic to describe how to bind ASPxScheduler to XPO data source
S19231 - SchedulerCommand - implement a constructor with XtraScheduler (or ASPxScheduler) instance passed as a parameter instead of InnerSchedulerControl


S91774 - Provide the data export capability for the control
S19666 - Support data editing
S19537 - Support drag-and-drop nodes

Core of ASPxScheduler and XtraScheduler

S91102 - Add an ability to customize the caption of navigation buttons
S19729 - Add helper DateTime conversion methods when the (client) time zone is taken into account
S19085 - Add the ability to handle the "More Items" button click
AS3474 - Data Exchange - iCal (VCalendar 2.0) support
AS17087 - DayView - Add a possibility to show AllDay Appointments in the TimeCells area, rather than in the AllDay area
S91516 - SchedulerControl - provide a capability to customize date and time formats in different parts of the scheduler control separately

Data Library

S30005 - Linq~ data sources must support the grid's Incremental Search feature in Server mode
S19363 - LinqServerModeDataSource - support data editing

DXperience Suite

CS57170 - New Product - Gauge Control (or Meter)
AS6099 - New Product - Wizard control

eXpress Persistent Objects

Q104460 - Add support for the IN operator in the Where clause
S30137 - Allow the use of the XPWeakReference class under Medium Trust environment
S19481 - Append a version number to Xpo Source in Data Source Configuration Wizard (Web)
B95172 - LINQ - support for the "where !(obj is DomainObject2)" construction

XtraBars Suite

AS6085 - Add support for tooltips for XtraMdiTabPages
S18376 - Add the Glyph property to AppMenuFileLabel
CS60507 - Collapsible Toolbars like in QuickBooks 2007
AS16039 - Ribbon - Add a new ButtonGroupVertAlign property that will allow BarButtonGroup objects to be vertically aligned
S18534 - Ribbon - AppMenuFileLabel - Add an option to hide the Pin button to the right of the AppMenuFileLabel
AS17229 - Ribbon: provide BarEditItem grouping similar to ButtonGroup
A230 - XtraDocking - add an ability to display images in the dockpanel's caption bar

XtraCharts Suite

S19848 - ASPxClientTitle - Add the Alignment and Dock properties
A2351 - Axis - If the scale type is date-time, make it possible to start showing axis labels and draw its gridlines from a start of a day, week, month, etc.
DS4405 - Chart - Multi-pane charts (capability to show several panes inside one diagram)
S19849 - Chart Titles, Series Titles - Support basic HTML formatting tags to emphasize text in titles
AS6825 - Data Binding - Summarization capability (e.g. capability to calculate a standard function for a data field)
AS13397 - DateTimeMeasurementUnit - Add Millisecond, Week and Quarter measure units
S18577 - Financial Analysis - Support trend line indicators
AS2865 - Pie Series View - Add the Radial and Tangent values to the set of possible label positions
AS10911 - PointOptions - Rename the "ValuePercentPrecision" property to "PercentageAccuracy" and set the ValueNumericOptions.Precision to PercentageAccuracy-2 every time the ValueAsPercent=True and Format =Percent (at design time)
AS4702 - Series - Implement the "Top N" and "Other" functionality
AS3228 - Series Labels - Smart labels do not overlap each other for series point labels (collision detection)
S18073 - Web - Capability to print and export a WebChartControl on the client side
S30048 - Web - Client-side improvements (add the ShowLoadingPanel property, CallbackError and CustomJSProperties events)
S19847 - WebChartControl - Add the RuntimeSelection property and SetObjectSelection and ClearSelection methods
S90605 - Wizard - Capability to specify a chart's appearance (e.g. its background image)

XtraEditors Library

S50110 - Add an Export Images method to the DevExpress.Utils.ImageCollection
S30017 - Documentation - XtraTabPageCollection.Move Method - add sample code demonstrating how to move a page forward and backward
S50014 - DropDownButton - Add an ActAsDropDown property that specifies whether a dropdown control is opened on clicking the main button
S19917 - Hide the Mask property for the LookupEdit control
S91772 - Hide the TEXT property of XtraTabControl
AS7414 - Improve HyperLinkEdit Appearance support
S30170 - Mask - DateTime - preserve the date/time portion that is not displayed in the editor
S30052 - MemoEdit - Hide the BackGroundImage and BackgroundImageLayout properties
S19685 - TextEdit - remove a restriction on the length of the entered text when working with a numeric mask

XtraGrid Suite

S19733 - Hide the FormatEditValue and ParseEditValue events for the CheckEdit control
S19873 - Implement the AutoFilterCondition.Contains mode
S91347 - LayoutView: Improve RetriveFields designer action speed
S30054 - Master-detail - When a detail view is being edited, and a master (main) view is being scrolled, the current edit value must be saved
B93998 - Nullable type's alignment should work in the same way as the alignment for its not nullable equivalent
S91647 - Update designer for Group summary items

XtraLayout Suite

S91374 - Add an option to display all of the layout control's constraints
S19648 - Add an option to hide LayoutControlItem content
S91331 - DataLayoutControl - Display field names in the Bindings Manager
B94604 - Scroll LayouControlGroup on pressing PageUp and PageDown


AS13325 - Documentation: Add a note that the CustomDrawHint and CalcHintSize events fire only for the VSToolBoxView style

XtraPivotGrid Suite

S30018 - Customization Form - Display field header filter icons for filtered fields when they reside within the Customization Form
DS5903 - Make data editable within the PivotGrid
S19245 - OLAP - Use the Analysis Services 2005 translation in the Customization Form
S90067 - OLAP connection string - The OLAP connection string should support more parameters

XtraPrinting Library

B93956 - Deployment - Add the ability to throw an exception when exporting data if the DevExpress.XtraPrinting.x.y.dll isn't deployed
B730 - Export to XLS - Allow export of hyperlink fields
S90887 - Preview - Change the Printable Component Editor's caption to "Print Options"
CS200 - Preview - Support skins for the Document Map (use the DevExpress XtraTreeList for this)

XtraReports Suite

S90754 - Data - Always show display names, but store real names when binding report controls to data, use mail merge, specify summary data member, etc.
A864 - Data Binding - Add calculated fields with the capability to visually construct their expressions via the Formula Wizard
A137 - End-User Designer - Localize all property names in the Property Grid
DS39930 - Field List - Put a two second delay on the info tip
S19271 - Field List - Show different images for fields of different data types
AS3189 - Filtering - Add a collection of parameters to a report, which may be passed to a report via code, or entered by an end-user via a parameters dialog before generating a preview
AS15389 - Localization - Capability to localize smart tags
AS12725 - Summary - Capability to calculate a percent of the total value for a group, page or entire report
AS5480 - Summary - Running totals
S19959 - XRPivotGrid - Add the capability to handle the CustomGroupInterval event

XtraScheduler Suite

S90782 - Add a method to process reminders on demand
S91613 - Add reminder intervals to DurationEdit control to match Outlook 2007
S91795 - Add the LayoutVersion property and LayoutUpgrade events
S91022 - Context menu for switching a view should match BarButtonItems in the new ViewSelector
A713 - Data Exchange - Synchronization with Lotus Notes
S91642 - Right-clicking on calendar should select a day if no interval is highlighted
AS17638 - SchedulerControl - Add new AppointmentResizing and AppointmentResized events
S19531 - SchedulerControl - new service is required to get the current SchedulerControl state (is the popup form opened, are appointments being dragged, is the in-place editor shown, and so on)
S19504 - SchedulerControl - Provide a capability to set the ignored state for Reminders
S91627 - SchedulerControl - Support an interface, which will allow a user to create SchedulerControl commands without an InnerControl instance
S19475 - SchedulerControl - update the corresponding Custom Field value when the Appointment.SetValue() method is called
S30188 - ViewNavigator Bar - disable the bar item when the command cannot be executed

XtraTreeList Suite

CS54856 - Drag and Drop support for reparenting nodes without keyboard SHIFT button
S20039 - Native support for Checkboxes
AS14025 - Sort columns in the customization form

Resolved Issues

All .NET WinForms Components

B95977 - DXDesignSettings tool doesn't enable visual inheritance for VS2008 in Vista x64
B95751 - Invalid bar layout when setting AllowCollapse and UseWholeRow properties
B95803 - Slider control isn't drawn correctly on Windows 2008 Server RemoteApp
B95593 - The Skinned HighlightedItemStyle isn't applied to the ImageListBoxContol when using some bonus skins
B95947 - When ToolTipType=Standard and no tooltip is specified, an empty tooltip box is displayed

ASPxGridView and Editors Suite

B95671 - ASPxButton - A click on the button, placed within an UpdatePanel, doesn't initiate a callback under Mozilla in some situations
B31744 - ASPxButton - Handling a client-side event of a button whose UseSubmitBehavior option is enabled and which is placed within an Update Panel, is not in effect under Firefox
B31185 - ASPxDateEdit: The dropdown isn't closed on pressing the Tab key
B95795 - ASPxGridView - An error occurs when trying to navigate to another page after calling the Selection.SelectAll method
B31787 - ASPxGridView - the client-side GetRowValues method fails for a field of the Enum type
B95789 - ASPxLabel - The EncodeHtml property doesn't work correctly in some situations
B31201 - ASPxSpinEdit - MinValue is not effective if the Enter key is pressed
B95574 - Auto-Expand Groups does not work when a grid is created at runtime
Q108157 - Column validation settings are not properly restored from the ViewState
B95895 - GetMainElement is null or not an object
Q108131 - Hidden editors validation issue
B95493 - Hidden GridView MemoColumn not shown in EditTemplate
B95917 - If using inline Edit Form, a client error occurs after the edit mode is initiated by a row click
B95684 - Incorrect alignment of error text displayed on top of the text box
B31814 - Invalid Value message is cleared after a post back


B95563 - ASPxHtmlEditor - An image is wrongly aligned after insertion
B95976 - ASPxHtmlEditor - If the Prototype.js file is linked to a page, a client error occurs when trying to insert an image using the "From this computer" option
B94931 - The ASPxHtmlEditor freezes when used inside an UpdatePanel (FireFox, IE6)
B94955 - The ASPxHtmlEditor is not initialized if placed in a hidden container

ASPxperience Suite

B31335 - ASPxPopupControl - FireFox - it is impossible to type in the ASPxHtmlEditor if it is hosted by the ASPxPopupControl
B94907 - ASPxUploadControl - A page doesn't finish loading after the client UploadComplete event is fired
B31876 - Setting the e.cancel property's value in a handler of the client TabClick event has no effect


Q106765 - ASPxPivotGrid doesn't work in master detail for the ASPxGridView
B94854 - AspxPivotGridExporter truncates text values
S91548 - Show the user that the area is not allowed

ASPxScheduler Suite

B31902 - The APTCHANGE callback may be omitted when starting to resize an appointment and dropping it immediately afterwards (when custom fields are used)


B31975 - Column captions assigned via the Caption property of column are not exported - the corresponding data field names are used instead

eXpress Persistent Objects

B31608 - LINQ there is no way to apply criteria based on an aggregated collection
B95171 - LINQ: Unable to cast objects of type 'PropertyAlias' to type 'DevExpress.Data.Filtering.CriteriaOperator'.
B95749 - Nested UOW exception if Delayed property exists: Entering the 'GetObjectsNonReenterant' state from the 'LoadingObjectsIntoNestedUow' state is prohibited
Q108171 - Unique constraint violation when inserting an instance of a dynamically generated class
B93327 - UpdateSchema() doesn't fire SchemaCorrectionNeededException on CompactFramework

XtraBars Suite

B95832 - BarQuickCustomization button invalid hit test
B94575 - Dock Panel not working properly with multiple monitors
B93748 - Minimize MDI child form - control buttons disappear
B95865 - Ribbon - The alignment of a LargeButton's text is incorrect
Q32811 - RibbonControl - buttons are not centered

XtraCharts Suite

B31982 - Chart Wizard can be invoked for a chart when placed within an inherited Form
B31981 - Data Filtering - Unable to filter empty points when using the PivotGridControl as a series' datasource
B95726 - DateTimeMeasureUnit - Different precision problems with date-time values with milliseconds
B95846 - Localization - Some strings are missing in v2008 vol 2 Release Candidate
B95919 - Web - WebChartControl and LLBLGENProDataSource do not work
B95779 - Zooming - The behavior of the DevExpress.XtraCharts.Native.Chart class's CanZoomIn and CanZoomOut properties has been changed in v2008 vol 2

XtraEditors Library

B95889 - Arithmetic Exception in RibbonControl
Q108738 - CalcEdit -incorrect behavior when calculating percents
B31922 - CheckedListBox - CheckedItems property is not updated after new items are added
B31443 - Documentation - The XtraTabPageCollection.Move Method - the description within the Parameters section is wrong
B95742 - GroupControl's caption is not trimmed correctly
B31774 - Skinned MDI application - the title bar is painted incorrectly
B95796 - SourceSafe checks out files if a Form contains XtraTabControl
B95932 - TextEdit beeps when input is valid with RegEx mask
B95953 - XtraScrollableControl - Scrollbars are not updated when adding controls to the XtraScrollableControl

XtraGrid Suite

B95038 - Documentation - Correct the BooleanFormatter example
B94000 - LayoutView - a card's background image (TemplateCard.ContentImage) is only visible if the OptionsView.ShowCardCaption is set to True
B95834 - LayoutView Designer is unstable
B95916 - The control crashes, when setting the format string to {00.00%}
Q108991 - When printing, an exception is raised: Unable to cast object of type 'DevExpress.XtraPrinting.RichTextBrick' to type 'DevExpress.XtraPrinting.ITextBrick
B95559 - With the CellSelect multi-selection mode, the grid does not select all rows by clicking the RowIndicator

XtraLayout Suite

Q96910 - A control disappears after performing Undo in the Layout Control
B96042 - Documentation - Spelling error in the IXtraResizableControl.MinSize/MaxSize topics
B95598 - Drop area is incorrectly displayed when the control is within an XtraScrollablePanel
B95597 - LayoutControl - The vertical scrollbar is not working in a sample layout
B95659 - OnLoad event is raised too early
B94543 - Opening a form with a LayoutControl containing a StandaloneBarDockControl modifies the form
Q109399 - Shortcut adjustment problems with LayoutControl
B94304 - Size constraints state is not indicated
B96041 - The RestoreFromCustomization method must throw ObjectDisposedException when being called for a disposed item

XtraPivotGrid Suite

B95733 - Error when using the LoadCollapsedStateFromStream method with the Custom Group Interval feature enabled
B31252 - Print Preview - The Behavior tab is empty in the Printable Component Editor dialog

XtraPrinting Library

B31431 - ImageBrick - Brick is rendered incorrectly if Sizing is set to Auto
B30715 - Preview - Header and Footer dialog isn't closed via the ESC key

XtraReports Suite

B31432 - Design Time - A selected item in the Field List shouldn't be changed, when hovering over an existing control during the dragging process
B30496 - Design Time - Web Application - The "Add Project Datasource" context link is visible and enabled for the DataSource property (of a report, chart and pivot grid), but does nothing
B30766 - End-User Designer - If a DataAdapter is selected, there are several verbs shown at the bottom of the Property Grid, which do nothing and must be hidden
B31515 - End-User Designer - In the DataSourceSchema dialog, the "XML/XSD Schema File" caption and the editor below are overlapped
B31622 - End-User Designer - The XRCrossBandBox.BackColor property is visible in the End-User Designer, while it shouldn't
B95848 - End-User Designer - User-friendly names are not displayed when the End-User Designer is started from scratch (without calling the XtraReport.ShowDesigner method)
B31433 - End-User Designer - Values of bound fields aren't displayed in the DetailReportBand, if the XtraReport.Datasource property is set to null
Q106695 - Export - Sometimes an incorrect layout is produced when exporting a report to XLS, MHT and image formats
B31449 - Importing - Access - The XtraReport.DataSource property isn't assigned when importing a data-bound report
B31450 - Importing - Importing doesn't work at Visual Studio design time in v2008 vol 2.0 Release Candidate
B95393 - Page Builder - Sometimes a subreport with a multi-page image causes a dead lock
B94029 - Page Builder - XRCrossBandBox issues with a subreport
B95148 - PageBuilder - PageHeader is shown though the PrintOn property is set to NotWithReportHeader
B32004 - Parameters - Unable to filter reports using Begins With, Ends With, Is Like operators
B95855 - Report Wizard - Wrong image size on the first page when Large Fonts are used in the operating system
B30590 - ReportToolbar - The ComboBox.Name property is required
B94196 - User Designer - Labels deleted from a report are still listed in the "Property Grid"
B95383 - XRRichText - If data fields are renamed via the IDataDictionary interface, and a field name contains an accented character, the data binding isn't recognized in mail merge

XtraScheduler Suite

B94865 - Documentation - RecurrenceInfo.ToXml and FromXml methods
B96021 - ShowPrintOptionsForm causes NullReferenceException
B95799 - XtraScheduler at design time - the RibbonViewSelector and RibbonViewNavigator components are missing in the Toolbox; LargeGlyphs problems
Q108431 - XtraScheduler at design time - the RibbonViewSelector component is missing in the Toolbox
B95717 - XtraScheduler Demo (Custom Appointments Form) - incorrect calculation within the code for a custom form

XtraTreeList Suite

B95761 - DragDrop event doesn't fire
B31951 - The CalcNodeDragImageIndex event isn't raised if we drag a node, and then press the Control key
B95786 - Unhandled IndexOutOfRangeException is raised when a datasource row is deleted
B95794 - Values of ColumnEditName properties are not saved when a layout is saved

XtraVerticalGrid Suite

B30522 - PropertyGridControl - BestFit method raises an exception, if there is any other row except EditorRow
B31933 - PropertyGridControl - When the modal editor is invoked by an UITypeEditor class descendant, the value being edited is not posted
B95529 - VGridControl - BestFit method raises an exception for invisible rows


B95729 - FinishText never appears when modified
B95728 - WizardPage.DescriptionText is not localizable
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