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C#、Oracle、Sql server中拼音查询的函数

2008-07-31 10:20 513 查看
C# sqlserver oracle 的都有 不过发现那个 C# 的好像"楠"字查的时候会有问题。。。不知道为啥。。


1 public static string GetPinyinCode(string unicodeString)

7create or replace function fGetPy

2(V_Str varchar2)

3return varchar2


5 v_strlen int;

6 v_return varchar2(500);

7 v_ii int ;

8 v_n int;

9 v_c char(1);

10 v_chn varchar2(2);

11 V_RC varchar2(500);


13 V_RC:=V_Str;


15 v_strlen :=len(V_RC);

16 v_return := '';

17 v_ii:=0;

18 while v_ii<v_strlen loop

19 v_ii:=v_ii+1;

20 v_n:=63;

21 SELECT substring(V_RC,v_ii,1) INTO v_chn FROM DUAL;



24 select v_n+max(rowsf) into v_n

25 from(

26 select chn,ROWNUM rowsf from(

27 select chn from (

28 select '吖' chn from dual

29 union select '八' from dual

30 union all select '嚓' from dual

31 union all select '咑' from dual

32 union all select '妸' from dual

33 union all select '发' from dual

34 union all select '旮' from dual

35 union all select '铪' from dual

36 union all select '丌' from dual--because have no 'i'

37 union all select '丌' from dual

38 union all select '咔' from dual

39 union all select '垃' from dual

40 union all select '嘸' from dual

41 union all select '拏' from dual

42 union all select '噢' from dual

43 union all select '妑' from dual

44 union all select '七' from dual

45 union all select '呥' from dual

46 union all select '仨' from dual

47 union all select '他' from dual

48 union all select '屲' from dual

49 union all select '屲' from dual

50 union all select '屲' from dual

51 union all select '夕' from dual

52 union all select '丫' from dual

53 union all select '帀' from dual

54 union all select v_chn from dual

55 ) a

56 order by nlssort(chn,'NLS_SORT=SCHINESE_PINYIN_M')

57 ) c

58 ) b WHERE chn=v_chn ;



61 v_c:=chr(v_n);

62 if chr(v_n) ='@' then--英文直接返回

63 v_c:=v_chn ;

64 end if;



67 v_return:=v_return||v_c;

68 end loop;


70 return v_return;


sql server

1create function fGetPy(@Str varchar(500)='')

2 returns varchar(500)

3 as

4 begin

5 declare @strlen int,@return varchar(500),@ii int

6 declare @n int,@c char(1),@chn nchar(1)


8 select @strlen=len(@str),@return='',@ii=0

9 set @ii=0

10 while @ii<@strlen

11 begin

12 select @ii=@ii+1,@n=63,@chn=substring(@str,@ii,1)

13 select @n = @n +1

14 ,@c = case chn when @chn then char(@n) else @c end

15 from(

16 select top 27 * from (

17 select chn = '吖'

18 union all select '八'

19 union all select '嚓'

20 union all select '咑'

21 union all select '妸'

22 union all select '发'

23 union all select '旮'

24 union all select '铪'

25 union all select '丌' --because have no 'i'

26 union all select '丌'

27 union all select '咔'

28 union all select '垃'

29 union all select '嘸'

30 union all select '拏'

31 union all select '噢'

32 union all select '妑'

33 union all select '七'

34 union all select '呥'

35 union all select '仨'

36 union all select '他'

37 union all select '屲' --no 'u'

38 union all select '屲' --no 'v'

39 union all select '屲'

40 union all select '夕'

41 union all select '丫'

42 union all select '帀'

43 union all select @chn) as a

44 order by chn COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS

45 ) as b

46 set @return=@return+@c

47 end

48 return(@return)

49 end
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