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2008-07-25 16:13 666 查看
'首先添加引用,在COM组件里选择 Microsoft Excel 11.0 Object Library


Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel

Public Sub ExportExcel()

Dim xlApp As New Excel.Application
Dim xlBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim xlSheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim rowIndex, colIndex As Integer
Dim TDS As DataSet
Dim TSQL As String
TSQL = "select * from transfers"
TDS = GetDataFromDB(TSQL)
rowIndex = 1
colIndex = 0
xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks().Add
xlSheet = xlBook.Worksheets("sheet1")
Dim Table As New DataTable
Table = TDS.Tables(0)
Dim Col As DataColumn
Dim col1 As DataColumn
Dim i As Integer
Dim Row As DataRow
For Each Col In Table.Columns
colIndex = colIndex + 1
xlApp.Cells(1, colIndex) = Col.ColumnName
'得到的表所有行(, 赋值给单元格)
For Each Row In Table.Rows
rowIndex = rowIndex + 1
colIndex = 0
'For i = 0 To Table.Columns.Count - 1
For Each col1 In Table.Columns
colIndex = colIndex + 1
xlApp.Cells(rowIndex, colIndex) = Row(col1.ColumnName)
With xlSheet
.Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(1, colIndex)).Font.Name = "黑体"
.Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(1, colIndex)).Font.Bold = True
.Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(rowIndex, colIndex)).Borders.LineStyle = 1
End With
With xlSheet.PageSetup

.LeftHeader = "" & Chr(10) & "&""楷体_GB2312,常规""&10公司名称:" '& Gsmc
.CenterHeader = "&""楷体_GB2312,常规""公司人员情况表&""宋体,常规""" & Chr(10) & "&""楷体_GB2312,常规""&10日 期:"
.RightHeader = "" & Chr(10) & "&""楷体_GB2312,常规""&10单位:"
.LeftFooter = "&""楷体_GB2312,常规""&10制表人:"
.CenterFooter = "&""楷体_GB2312,常规""&10制表日期:"
.RightFooter = "&""楷体_GB2312,常规""&10第&P页 共&N页"
End With

xlApp.Visible = True

End Sub
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