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2008-07-22 18:25 288 查看

SQLite on .NET - Get up and running in 3 minutes.

January 15th, 2008 | grokable

You found it! The quick and dirty guide to setting up SQLite with .Net in 3 minutes. Small, fast, and ass-kicking like a transactional Jackie Chan. At least that’s what this campy image created just for this post says. (Shout out to righteous graphics dude Brian Cook for the sweet photoshoppery)

public static DataTable GetDataTable (string sql)

public static int ExecuteNonQuery(string sql)

public static string ExecuteScalar(string sql)


SQLiteConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection("DataSource=C:CheckoutWorldDominator.s3db");


SQLiteCommand mycommand = new SQLiteCommand(cnn);

mycommand.CommandText = sql;

object value = mycommand.ExecuteScalar();


if (value != null)


return value.ToString();


return "";

NOTE: Above code is quicky crap. It’s just to show you the gist.

Some uses for SQLite to consider:

Configs / Settings: SQLite is a good alternative to xml config files or registry settings for things like user account info and application preferences. It supports encryption, so feel free to keep your brilliant patent ideas in there.

Persistent Caching: You can use SQLite as a DB for cache data that needs to persist through reboots / application recycles. Maybe you have some expensive one-time-on-loadup queries from your enterprise db that you cache up and use in your website or app. By timestamping the data into a local SQLite db, you can live through application restarts and only refresh your cache at the threshold you want to.

Slicing and Dicing data: Load in some data and query to your heart’s content. Great for analyzing data at your leisure, worming through subsets of data, etc. Since its just a little db on your on box, no one is going to hassle you. Managers who were once developers will appreciate being to query through data with SQLite vs. using excel as they usually are too crusty to still have permissions on the real db.

Full DB for One-off apps: Sometimes you write a quickie app that just harvests something in a funky way and collects data. You can output the data as you are grabbing it in all kinds of ways, but throwing into a db is ideal.

Linkage to some more in-depth stuff ……….

- SQLite is pretty hip with with the alt.net scene, you can follow on from here to check out a SQLite NHibernate provider, or here for a SQLite Subsonic provider.

- If you are rockin’ the 3.0 framework there is even a SQLite Linq provider.

- For a comprehensive SQLite how-to (emphasizing command line, non-MS specific) : SQLite Tutorial

- And in case you missed it up top, the main SQLite project page is here.

Have a good idea for ways to use SQLite in .Net projects? Been hit in the groin with a football for even suggesting using something like this at your company? Have some award-winning successes or outlandish failures already with SQLite? Leave a funky-fresh comment!
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