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在服务中、一般程序中利用 Inet 相关函数下载数据

2008-07-22 08:10 676 查看
虽然可以使用 URLDownloadFileToXXX() 这个 API,但是,它在使用了代理的时候会遇到麻烦。
这点,Windows 自动更新发生过这样的问题:如果使用了 IE 代理,如果下载代码位于系统帐号
下,代理设置可能会失效。当然,也可以为系统帐号手动设置代理(其实就是 IE 的代理的设置

所以,可以考虑使用下属两个函数进行使用 - 服务程序亦可。^_^
// Download a file from the URL.
bool CHttpDownload::UrlDownloadToFile(TCHAR *ptszURL, TCHAR *ptszFilePath)
        HINTERNET                                hNet;
        HINTERNET                                hFile;
        std::string                                sProxyServer;

        DWORD                                        dwStatusCode;
        TCHAR                                        dwStatusCode1[32] = {0}; 
        DWORD                                        dwSize1 = sizeof(dwStatusCode1),        dwSize = sizeof(DWORD);
        int                                                nfilesize;                        // file size, 2GB limited. ;)

        m_sUrl = ptszURL;
        //OutputDebugString("/nCHttpDownload::UrlDownloadToFile() ++");

        if(m_ConnectionType == UseProxy)
                //OutputDebugString("/n ==> Useproxy");
                hNet = InternetOpen(tszAgent, INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PROXY, m_sProxy.c_str(), NULL, 0);
        else if(m_ConnectionType == DirectToInternet)        
                //OutputDebugString("/n ==> DirectToInternet");
                hNet = InternetOpen(tszAgent, INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT, NULL, NULL, 0);
        else if(m_ConnectionType == UsePreConfig)        
                //OutputDebugString("/n ==> UsePreConfig");
                hNet = InternetOpen(tszAgent, INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, NULL, NULL, 0);

        if(hNet == NULL)
                //OutputDebugString("/nCHttpDownload::UrlDownloadToFile() --.1");
                return false;

        hFile = InternetOpenUrl(hNet, m_sUrl.c_str(), NULL, 0, 0, 0); 
        if(hFile == NULL)
                InternetCloseHandle(hNet) ;
                //OutputDebugString("/nCHttpDownload::UrlDownloadToFile() --.2");

                return false;
        BOOL bRet = HttpQueryInfo(hFile, HTTP_QUERY_STATUS_CODE|HTTP_QUERY_FLAG_NUMBER,&dwStatusCode,&dwSize,NULL);
        if(200 != dwStatusCode)                // if URI is not exist, give up.
                InternetCloseHandle(hNet) ;
                InternetCloseHandle(hFile) ;
                //OutputDebugString("/nCHttpDownload::UrlDownloadToFile() --.3");

                return false;
        if(HttpQueryInfo(hFile,HTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_LENGTH, &dwStatusCode1,&dwSize1,NULL))
                nfilesize = atoi(dwStatusCode1);                // file size.
        HANDLE hDownFile = CreateFile(ptszFilePath,

        if(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hDownFile)
                InternetCloseHandle(hNet) ;
                InternetCloseHandle(hFile) ;
                //OutputDebugString("/nCHttpDownload::UrlDownloadToFile() --.4");

                return false;

        // O.K. save file
        DWORD dwWrite, dwBytesRead = 0;
        char  bufFile[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE] = {0};
        DWORD dwSurplus = nfilesize % sizeof(bufFile);        

                // Read File Data From Net.
                BOOL bRead = InternetReadFile(hFile, bufFile, sizeof(bufFile), &dwBytesRead);
                if(dwBytesRead == 0)                // End of file.

                // Write file data.
                WriteFile(hDownFile, bufFile, dwBytesRead, &dwWrite,NULL);

        InternetCloseHandle(hFile) ;
        InternetCloseHandle(hNet) ;
        CloseHandle(hDownFile) ;

        //OutputDebugString("/nCHttpDownload::UrlDownloadToFile() --.");
        return true;

// Download URL contents to memory buffer.
// if pBuf == NULL, *pdwBufSize will contain the real size of remote size;
// *pdwBufSize alwayls contains the size of remote size.
bool CHttpDownload::UrlDownloadToBuffer(TCHAR *ptszURL, LPVOID pBuf, DWORD *pdwBufSize)
        HINTERNET                                hNet;
        HINTERNET                                hFile;
        std::string                                sProxyServer;
        DWORD                                        dwStatusCode;
        TCHAR                                        dwStatusCode1[32] = {0}; 
        DWORD                                        dwSize1 = sizeof(dwStatusCode1),        dwSize = sizeof(DWORD);
        int                                                nfilesize;                        // file size, 2GB limited. ;)
        m_sUrl                = ptszURL;
        //OutputDebugString("/nCHttpDownload::UrlDownloadToFile() ++");
        if(m_ConnectionType == UseProxy)
                hNet = InternetOpen(tszAgent, INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PROXY, m_sProxy.c_str(), NULL, 0);
        else if(m_ConnectionType == DirectToInternet)        
                hNet = InternetOpen(tszAgent, INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT, NULL, NULL, 0);
        else if(m_ConnectionType == UsePreConfig)        
                hNet = InternetOpen(tszAgent, INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, NULL, NULL, 0);
        if(hNet == NULL)
                //OutputDebugString("/nCHttpDownload::UrlDownloadToFile() --.1");
                return false;
        hFile = InternetOpenUrl(hNet, m_sUrl.c_str(), NULL, 0, 0, 0); 
        if(hFile == NULL)
                InternetCloseHandle(hNet) ;
                //OutputDebugString("/nCHttpDownload::UrlDownloadToFile() --.2");
                return false;
        BOOL bRet = HttpQueryInfo(hFile, HTTP_QUERY_STATUS_CODE|HTTP_QUERY_FLAG_NUMBER,&dwStatusCode,&dwSize,NULL);
        if(200 != dwStatusCode)                // if URI is not exist, give up.
                InternetCloseHandle(hNet) ;
                InternetCloseHandle(hFile) ;
                //OutputDebugString("/nCHttpDownload::UrlDownloadToFile() --.3");
                return false;
        if(HttpQueryInfo(hFile,HTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_LENGTH, &dwStatusCode1,&dwSize1,NULL))
                nfilesize = atoi(dwStatusCode1);                // file size.
        char                                szBuffer[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE+1] = {0};

        if(pBuf != NULL)        // We only copy the 1st MAX_BUFFER_SIZE data to user buffer!!!
                 unsigned long nSize = 0;
                BOOL bRet = InternetReadFile(hFile, szBuffer, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE, &nSize);

                 szBuffer[nSize] = '/0';

                // dump buffer.
                DWORD        dwtSize = (*pdwBufSize > nSize)? nSize: *pdwBufSize;
                memcpy(pBuf, szBuffer, dwtSize);
        *pdwBufSize = nfilesize;

        InternetCloseHandle(hFile) ;
        InternetCloseHandle(hNet) ;

        return true;        

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