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2008-07-01 11:02 513 查看
WebInput.NET CustomEditor V1.2 for WebGrid.NET Enterprise Version 3.5 and 4.0
Copyright (c) 2004 Intersoft Solutions Corp. All rights reserved.
Unauthorized distribution or modification of this script is strictly prohibited.

Last Modified Date: 5/2/2006
Version: 1.2.5000.13

Public Properties:

Set column-level properties for editor in CustomEditorProperties using WebGrid.NET Designer.

Features and behavior:
- Own key handler.
- No base editor.
- Full OOP and implemented advanced interface
- Support WebGrid.NET Enterprise 4.0

-Shared\ISCore.jse (WebUI.NET Client Framework)
-WebInput\*.jse (WebInput Core Scripts)

// Implementation object for WebInput.NET which contains set of required methods for custom editor interface.
// Format: CustomEditorName_Editor()
function WebInputNET_Editor()

// #Start required interface implementation

// Fired on WebGrid's initialization
// Put codes to initialize custom editor's properties and create necessary objects here
this.OnInitialize = function()

// Initialize the WebInput only once
this._Initialize = function()
var textEditor = this.GetTextEditor();
var htmlObj = textEditor.HtmlObj;

if (!textEditor._IsInitialized)
var grid = this.CustomEditor.Grid;
var wi = this.GetTextEditorFrame();
textEditor.HandleTab = true;
Listener.Remove(htmlObj, "onkeydown", WIOnKeyDown_v1);
Listener.Append(0, htmlObj, "onbeforedeactivate", WebInputNET_DeActivate);
if (typeof(wgEditCtlKBHandler) == "function")
Listener.Append(0, htmlObj, "onkeydown", function() {wgEditCtlKBHandler(grid, "WebInputNET"); WIOnKeyDown_v1(); WebInputNET_Keydown();});
Listener.Append(0, htmlObj, "onkeydown", function() {grid.EditKeyboardHandler("WebInputNET"); WIOnKeyDown_v1(); WebInputNET_Keydown();});

Listener.Append(0, htmlObj, "onselectstart", function() {event.cancelBubble = true; event.returnValue = true; return true});
grid.FrameObj.insertAdjacentElement("beforeEnd", wi);

if (textEditor.DisplayFormat)
var _ctl = document.getElementById(textEditor.DisplayFormat.WindowInfo.ControlID);
if (_ctl)
grid.FrameObj.insertAdjacentElement("beforeEnd", _ctl);

if (textEditor.EditFormat)
var _ctl = document.getElementById(textEditor.EditFormat.WindowInfo.ControlID);
if (_ctl)
grid.FrameObj.insertAdjacentElement("beforeEnd", _ctl);


var ev = textEditor.Events;
if (!ev) ev = new Object();
if (!ev.OnDirty) ev.OnDirty = "";
if (ev.OnDirty != "") ev.OnDirty += ";";

ev.OnDirty += "WebInputNET_OnDirty('" + grid.Name + "')";

textEditor.Events = ev;
textEditor._IsInitialized = true;

this.OnUnload = function()
var textEditor = this.GetTextEditor();
Listener.Remove(textEditor.HtmlObj, "onbeforedeactivate", WebInputNET_DeActivate);
Listener.Remove(textEditor.HtmlObj, "onkeydown", WebInputNET_Keydown);

// Fired when the control is entering edit mode
// You can set default editor properties in this event
this.OnEnterEditMode = function(activeCell, columnXml, isDirty)


// use built-in WebGrid function to display the control
var textEditorFrame = this.GetTextEditorFrame();

wgDispObjGeneric(this.Grid, textEditorFrame, activeCell.element, 0, 1, false);

// apply column-based editor properties if any

// you should return the base editor element if any
// otherwise, return the dropdown object

var textEditor = this.GetTextEditor();

if (textEditor.SkipSetValue) return textEditorFrame;

//if (textEditor._WGI==null)
// WGI always recreated because same instance can be used in multiple columns.
var wgi = new Object();
var dt = null;

if (columnXml.attributes)
dt = columnXml.attributes.getNamedItem("dataType").text;
dt = columnXml.DataType;

dt = dt.replace("System.", "").toLowerCase();
case "single" :
case "float" :
case "double" :
case "decimal" :
case "sbyte" :
case "byte" :
case "short" :
case "ushort" :
case "int" :
case "uint" :
case "long" :
case "ulong" :
case "int16" :
case "int32" :
case "int64" :
case "uint16" :
case "uint32" :
case "uint64" : wgi.dataType = "number"; break;
default : wgi.dataType = dt;

if (columnXml.attributes)
wgi.dataFormat = columnXml.attributes.getNamedItem("dataFormat").text;
wgi.dataFormat = columnXml.DataFormatString;

if (wgi.dataType=="datetime")
var dti = textEditor.CultureInfo.DateTimeFormatInfo;
if (wgi.dataFormat==null || wgi.dataFormat=="")
wgi.dataFormat = dti.StandarFormat.GeneralLongTime;
if (wgi.dataFormat.length==1) wgi.dataFormat = GetFullFormatDate(dti, wgi.dataFormat);

textEditor._WGI = wgi;

textEditor.isDirty = false;
textEditor.HtmlObj.isDirty = false;

return textEditorFrame;

// Fired when the control is about to be displayed during enter edit mode.
// The value of the editor need to be set to reflect current cell's text.
this.OnSetValue = function(text, activeCell)
if (!this.ControlCreated) return false;

var textEditor = this.GetTextEditor();
if (textEditor.SkipSetValue) return;

textEditor.isDirty = false;

if (text == " ") text = "";

var wgi = textEditor._WGI;
var df = textEditor.DisplayFormat;
var ef = textEditor.EditFormat;
var dyf = textEditor.DynamicEditFormat;

wgi.OldValue = text;

if (df!=null || ef!=null || dyf!=null)
var ve = IS.GetValidationEngine();

if (wgi.dataType=="datetime")
var cd = df!=null ? df.ClientData : ef.ClientData;
Type = "DateTime";
Format = wgi.dataFormat;
OldValue = NewValue = text;
PromptChar = null;
IsValid = true;
ve.Validate(cd, textEditor.CultureInfo);
var wgf = wgi.dataFormat;
var dd = cd.DateData;
if (wgf.indexOf("h")<0 && wgf.indexOf("H")<0) dd.Hour24 = dd.Hour12 = 1;
if (wgf.indexOf("m")<0) dd.Minute = 0;
if (wgf.indexOf("s")<0) dd.Second = 0;

if ((wgf.indexOf("h")<0 && wgf.indexOf("H")<0) && wgf.indexOf("m")<0 && wgf.indexOf("s")<0)
Format = textEditor.CultureInfo.DateTimeFormatInfo.StandarFormat.ShortDate;
OldValue = NewValue = IS.GetCommonDateFormat(dd.Day, parseFloat(dd.Month)+1, dd.Year);
var d = new Date(dd.Year, dd.Month, parseFloat(dd.Day), dd.Hour24, dd.Minute, dd.Second, dd.Fraction);
var v = d.toDateString() + " " + d.toTimeString();
Format = textEditor.CultureInfo.DateTimeFormatInfo.StandarFormat.GeneralLongTime;
OldValue = NewValue = v.substr(0, v.indexOf("UTC")-1);

cd.IsValid = true;
ve.Validate(cd, textEditor.CultureInfo);
textEditor.Value = cd.FormattedValue;
if (wgi.dataType=="number")
var cd = df!=null ? df.ClientData : (ef!=null ? ef.ClientData : dyf.ClientData);
Type = "Number";
Format = wgi.dataFormat;
OldValue = NewValue = text;
PromptChar = null;
IsValid = true;
textEditor.Value = ve.UnMask(cd, textEditor.CultureInfo);
if (wgi.dataType=="string" && ef!=null)
textEditor.Text = textEditor.EditText = textEditor.Value = textEditor.HtmlObj.value = textEditor.EditFormat.ParseRawText(text);
textEditor.Text = textEditor.Value = text;

if (textEditor.EditFormat==null)
var ef = textEditor.EditFormat;
textEditor.EditText = textEditor.GetEditText();


// Fired when the editor's content is changed.
this.OnDirty = function() {
var textEditor = this.GetTextEditor();
textEditor.isDirty = true;
this._GetLastEditCell().cellModified = true;

// Fired when the editor is about to exit edit mode
this.OnExitEditMode = function(isCancel)
var textEditorFrame = this.GetTextEditorFrame();

if (textEditorFrame && textEditorFrame.style.display != "none")
var te = this.GetTextEditor();
te.HtmlObj.isActive = false;

textEditorFrame.style.display = "none";

if (isCancel)
if (!this.CustomEditor.IsRowDirty())
} else
if (te.HtmlObj.isDirty || te.IsDirty)
var isValid = this.OnValidate();
if (!isValid)
var curGrid = this.Grid;
var activeCellElement = this.Grid.getLastEditObject().cellElement;
var wi = te.EditFormat.WindowInfo;

textEditorFrame.style.display = "";

// reactivate current edit object
te.SkipSetValue = true;


te.SkipSetValue = false;
, 50

// reshow error info
te.IsDirty = true;
return isValid;

return true;

// Fired when the changes in editor is applied/accepted
this.OnApply = function()
// not used in WebInput

// Fired when user cancel the changes in editor
// by pressing Escape in editor or entire row changes cancel.
this.OnCancel = function()
var textEditorFrame = this.GetTextEditorFrame();
textEditorFrame.style.display = "none";


// Fired when the cell is about to exit edit mode
// When the validation result is true, it will process to exit edit mode.
this.OnValidate = function(activeCellElement)
var textEditor = this.GetTextEditor();
var wgi = textEditor._WGI;
var df = textEditor.DisplayFormat;
var ef = textEditor.EditFormat;
var dyf = textEditor.DynamicEditFormat;
var isValid = false;
if (ef)
var omv = document.getElementById(textEditor.Id + IS.MaskValidatorSuffix);
isValid = MaskValidatorEvaluateIsValid(omv);
if (dyf)
var omv = document.getElementById(textEditor.Id + IS.MaskValidatorSuffix);
isValid = DynamicMaskValidatorEvaluateIsValid(omv);
if (df)
var omv = document.getElementById(textEditor.Id + IS.FormatValidatorSuffix);
isValid = FormatValidatorEvaluateIsValid(omv);
return isValid;

// Fired when user type on keyboard (only for customeditor that has baseeditor)
this.OnKeyDown = function(keyCode)

// Fired when dropdown button is clicked
// Not used in WebInput
this.OnDropdown = function()

// Required method to get base editor element
// Put codes to get the base editor element
this.GetBaseEditorElement = function()
return this.GetTextEditorFrame();

// Required method to get dropdown button element
// Put codes here to get the dropdown button element
this.GetDropdownButtonElement = function()
return null;

// Required method to get dropdown list object
this.GetDropdownObject = function()
return null;

// Required method to get the IsDirty status of the editor
this.IsDirty = function()
var textEditor = this.GetTextEditor();
return textEditor.isDirty;

// Required method to get the content of the editor
this.GetText = function()
// always return originalText since we dont want to update to cell content
// unless Update button in WebInput.NET is clicked.
var textEditor = this.GetTextEditor();
var wgi = textEditor._WGI;
var df = textEditor.DisplayFormat;
var ef = textEditor.EditFormat;
var dyf = textEditor.DynamicEditFormat;

if (!textEditor.isDirty)
// not edited at all
return wgi.OldValue;

if (df!=null || ef!=null || dyf!=null)
var ve = IS.GetValidationEngine();

if (wgi.dataType=="datetime")
var cd = df!=null ? df.ClientData : ef.ClientData;
var dd = cd.DateData;
var wgf = wgi.dataFormat;
if (wgf.indexOf("h")<0 && wgf.indexOf("H")<0) dd.Hour24 = dd.Hour12 = 0;
if (wgf.indexOf("m")<0) dd.Minute = 0;
if (wgf.indexOf("s")<0) dd.Second = 0;
var d = new Date(dd.Year, dd.Month, parseFloat(dd.Day), dd.Hour24, dd.Minute, dd.Second, dd.Fraction);
var v = d.toDateString() + " " + d.toTimeString();
v = v.substr(0, v.indexOf("UTC")-1);
Type = "DateTime";
Format = wgi.dataFormat;
OldValue = NewValue = v;
PromptChar = null;
IsValid = true;
if (ve.Validate(cd, textEditor.CultureInfo))
return cd.FormattedValue;
return textEditor.Text;
if (wgi.dataType=="number")
var cd = df!=null ? df.ClientData : (ef!=null ? ef.ClientData : dyf.ClientData);
Type = "Number";
Format = wgi.dataFormat;
OldValue = NewValue = textEditor.Value;
PromptChar = null;
IsValid = true;
if (ve.Validate(cd, textEditor.CultureInfo))
return cd.FormattedValue;
return textEditor.Text;
if (wgi.dataType=="string" && ef!=null)
return textEditor.EditText.replace(new RegExp(ef.MaskInfo.PromptChar, "g"), " ");
return textEditor.Text;

// Required method to get the value of the editor
// Only useful when editor value is differ then content/text such as in Dropdownlist.
this.GetValue = function()
// since this editor has same value and content,
// simply return the text
return this.GetText();

// Required method to apply editor properties defined in Column's CustomEditorProperties
this.SetProperties = function()
var props = this.CustomEditor.GetColumnEditorProperties();
var aProps = props.split(";");
for (var i=0; i<aProps.length; i++)
this.SetProperty(aProps[i].split("=")[0], aProps[i].split("=")[1]);

// Indicates whether default behavior of exit edit mode should be processed
// This method is optional.
this.ShouldProcessExitEditModeDefaultBehavior = function()
return true;

// Indicates the cell's content mode
// This method is optional.
this.GetContentMode = function()
// valid value is "Text" or "HTML"
// if this method is not implemented, the default is Text.
return "Text";

// #End interface implementation

// #Start required properties

this.Grid = null;
this.CustomEditor = null;
this._IsInitialized = false;

// #End properties

// #Start WebInput.NET editor functions
this.DDBtn = null;
this.ControlName = "WebInput.NET";
this.OriginalText = "";
this.ControlCreated = true;

// Required method to apply individual property
this.SetProperty = function(propName, propValue)


// Method to initialize dropdown object (rich textbox server control)
this.InitializeDropdownObject = function()
return true;

this.GetTextEditor = function()
var controlID = this._GetLastEditorClientID();
var editor = IS.GetRuntimeObjectById(controlID);

if (controlID.indexOf("$") > -1 && editor == null)
for (var i=0; i<IS.RuntimeObjects.length; i++)
if (IS.RuntimeObjects[i].ServerUniqueID == controlID)
editor = IS.RuntimeObjects[i];
editor.CustomEditor = this;
return editor;

this.GetTextEditorFrame = function()
var controlID = this._GetLastEditorClientID();
var editorF = document.getElementById(controlID + IS.FrameSuffix);

return editorF;

this.GetContentCell = function()
var rowEl = this.CustomEditor.GetEditRowElement();
if (wgIsRecordRow(rowEl))
// if row type is record
return this.CustomEditor.GetEditCellElement();
// row type is either newrow or filterrow
return this.CustomEditor.GetEditCellElement();

this._GetLastEditCell = function()
if (this.Grid.LastEditObj)
return this.Grid.LastEditObj.cellElement;
return this.CustomEditor.GetEditCellElement();

this._GetColumnXml = function()
var table = this.CustomEditor.GetTable();
var name = wgGetColNameByCell(this._GetLastEditCell());
var col = null;

try { col = table.getColumn(name); }
catch(e) { col = table.GetColumn(name); }
return col;

this._GetLastEditorClientID = function() {
var colXml = this._GetColumnXml();

if (colXml.CustomEditorServerID)
var ServerID = colXml.CustomEditorServerID.replace("$", "_");
return ServerID;

if (colXml.CustomEditorServerId)
return colXml.CustomEditorServerId;
return colXml.getAttribute("ceID");
// #End functions

return this;

function WebInputNET_Keydown()
var c = IS.GetRuntimeObjectById(event.srcElement.id);

if (c.CustomEditor)
var keyCode = event.keyCode;

if (keyCode == 9)
event.cancelBubble = false;
event.returnValue = false;
event.keyCode = 0;
return false;
return true;

function WebInputNET_DeActivate()
var c = IS.GetRuntimeObjectById(window.event.srcElement.id);
if (c.CustomEditor)
if (c.isDirty) c.CustomEditor.OnApply();
event.returnValue = true;
return true;

function WebInputNET_OnDirty(gridName)
var grid = wgGetGridById(gridName);
if (typeof(wgMarkEdit) == "function")
内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息