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Understanding the linux kernel-ch2-Memory addressing

2008-06-19 21:06 525 查看
Chapter 2. Memory Addressing
2.1. Memory Addresses
Logical address:consist of a 16-bit Segment Selector and a 32-bit Offset
Linear address (also known as virtual address)
Physical address
Memory Management Unit (MMU)
segmentation unit
transforms a logical address into a linear address
1,Examines the TI field of the Segment Selector to determine which Descriptor Table stores the Segment Descriptor.
2,Computes the address of the Segment Descriptor from the index field of the Segment Selector
3,Adds the offset of the logical address to the Base field of the Segment Descriptor, thus obtaining the linear address
paging unit
transforms the linear address into a physical address
2.2. Segmentation in Hardware
real mode
protected mode
Segment Selectorsbit15bit2bit1bit0
segmentation registers(cs, ss, ds, es, fs, gs)
cs register : includes a 2-bit field that specifies the Current Privilege Level (CPL) of the CPU.
The value 0 denotes the highest privilege level, while the value 3 denotes the lowest one.
Linux uses only levels 0 and 3, which are respectively called Kernel Mode and User Mode.
Segment Descriptors
Segment Descriptors(8-byte) are stored either in the Global Descriptor Table (GDT ) or in the Local Descriptor Table(LDT).
gdtr control register.
ldtr control register.
a Task State Segment (TSS):save the contents of the processor
Local Descriptor Table Descriptor (LDTD)
Data segment descripter
Code segment descripter
System segment descripter
BASE(24-31)G 0 LIMIT(16-19)
2.3. Segmentation in Linux
Linux prefers paging to segmentation for the following reasons:
Memory management is simpler when all processes use the same segment register values that is,
when they share the same set of linear addresses
One of the design objectives of Linux is portability to a wide range of architectures;
RISC architectures in particular have limited support for segmentation.
The Linux GDT
The Linux LDTs
2.4. Paging in Hardware
PG flag of cr0
Page Directory
Page Table
The physical address of the Page Directory in use is stored in a control register named cr3
The Directory field within the linear address determines the entry in the Page Directory that points to the proper Page Table.
The address's Table field, in turn, determines the entry in the Page Table that
contains the physical address of the page frame containing the page.
The Offset field determines the relative position within the page frame
Linear address
The entries of Page Directories and Page Tables have the same structure. Each entry includes the following fields:
Present flag
Field containing the 20 most significant bits of a page frame physical address
Accessed flag
Dirty flag
Read/Write flag0: the corresponding Page Table or page can only be read; 1: can be read and written
User/Supervisor flag0: the page can be addressed only when the CPL is less than 3 (this means, Kernel Mode).
PCD and PWT flags1: the page can always be addressed
Page Size flag
Global flag
extended paging
PSE flag of the cr4
Linear address
Physical Address Extension (PAE)
the number of address pins on its processors from 32 to 36
all Intel processors are now able to address up to 236 = 64 GB
PAE is activated by setting the Physical Address Extension (PAE) flag in the cr4 control register
32 bit liner address to 36 bit physical address
When mapping linear addresses to 4 KB pages
Points to a PDPT
bits 31-30
Point to 1 of 4 possible entries in PDPT
bits 29-21
Point to 1 of 512 possible entries in Page Directory
bits 20-12
Point to 1 of 512 possible entries in Page Table
bits 11-1
Offset of 4-KB page
When mapping linear addresses to 2-MB pages (PS flag set in Page Directory entry),
the 32 bits of a linear address are interpreted in the following way:
Points to a PDPT
bits 31-30
Point to 1 of 4 possible entries in PDPT
bits 29-21
Point to 1 of 512 possible entries in Page Directory
bits 20-0
Offset of 2-MB page
hardware cache
CD flag of the cr0 processor register is used to enable or disable the cache circuitry
The NW flag specifies whether the write-through or the write-back strategy is used for the caches
each Page Directory and each Page Table entry includes two flags: PCD (Page Cache Disable)
PWT (Page Write-Through), which specifies whether the write-back or the write-through
strategy must be applied while writing data into the page frame
caching is enabled for all page frames, and the write-back strategy is always adopted for writing for linux.
Translation Lookaside Buffers (TLB)
speed up linear address translation. When a linear address is used for the first time,
the corresponding physical address is computed through slow accesses to the Page Tables in RAM.
The physical address is then stored in a TLB entry so that further references
to the same linear address can be quickly translated.
2.5. Paging in Linux
a four-level paging model
Page Global Directory
Page Upper Directory
Page Middle Directory
Page Table
The Linear Address Fields
Macros OP The Linear Address Fields
#define PAGE_SHIFT 12
#define PAGE_SIZE ((UL)1 << PAGE_SHIFT)
#define PAGE_MASK (~(PAGE_SIZE -1))
#ifdef PAE
#define PMD_SHIFT 21
#define PMD_SHIFT 22
#define PMD_SIZE ((UL)1 << PMD_SHIFT)
#defnie PMD_MASK (~(PMD_SIZE -1))
Page Table Handling
_ _ pte, _ _ pmd, _ _ pud, _ _ pgd, _ _ pgprot
pte_val, pmd_val, pud_val, pgd_val, pgprot_val
pte_none, pmd_none, pud_none, pgd_none
pte_clear, pmd_clear, pud_clear, pgd_clear
set_pte, set_pmd, set_pud, set_pgd
Page flag reading functions
Page flag setting functions
Macros acting on Page Table entries
Page allocation functions
Physical Memory Layout
Example of BIOS-provided physical addresses map
Process Page Tables
The linear address space of a process is divided into two parts:
from 0x00000000 to 0xbfffffff can be addressed when the process runs in either User or Kernel Mode.
from 0xc0000000 to 0xffffffff can be addressed only when the process runs in Kernel Mode
PAGE_OFFSET 0xc0000000
Kernel Page Tables
Provisional kernel Page Tables
Final kernel Page Table
Fix-Mapped Linear Addresses
Handling the Hardware Cache and the TLB
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