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Build OS Menu of Platform Builder 5.0

2008-06-18 16:06 162 查看
Sysgen/Build and sysgen/Build and sysgen current BSP区别:

Sysgen: 更新Catalog后,生成NK.bin之前。不会更新之前Build完成的文件。(编译workspece中的Project)

Build and sysgen: 更新Public目录下代码后,打patch之后。编译Pubilc代码,Private代码。

Build and sysgen current BSP: 更新BSP部分代码后,编译后Sysgen当前BSP包。

下面的说明来自PB Help文档。

The Build OS menu provides a variety of options for your OS design, such as building run-time images. For information about the build process, see Build Phases.

This menu contains build commands and flags the modify these commands, resulting in more flexibility when determining the settings for a build.

This functionality is similar to the functionality available in a command-line prompt build window. The results of a build depend on the settings that you choose, and can vary widely.

You can customize the settings for a build according to your needs by selecting the build flags you want to set, then choosing a build command to begin the build.

The following build options are available on the Build OS menu.

SysgenRuns the Sysgen tool on files related to the OS design. This assumes that the files have not changed from a previous build process.
Note If you have added or removed files or Catalog items after a previous Sysgen, it is recommended that you select Clean Before Building before running a new build. This reduces the chances of a build error appearing.

Projects in the workspace are included in the build process.

No files are copied to the release directory.

Build and SysgenBuilds, and then runs the Sysgen tool on files in the OS design.
Select this command when you modify files in the OS design.

Projects in the workspace are included in the build process.

No files are copied to the release directory.

Build Current BSPBuilds and then runs the Sysgen tool on files in the directory for the current BSP.
No files are copied to the release directory.

The following flags are available on the Build OS menu.

Clean Before BuildingSelect to remove intermediate and output files built during a previous Sysgen phase before running a build.
Copy Files to Release Directory After BuildSelect to use the Buildrel tool to copy output files to the release directory after the build completes.
By default, this menu option is selected when you create a new workspace.

Make Run-Time Image After BuildSelect to use the Makeimg tool to use files in the release directory to create the run-time image after the build completes.
By default, this menu option is selected when you create a new workspace.

The following other menu options are available on the Build OS menu.

Copy Files to Release DirectoryUse to copy output files to the release directory after the build completes, using the Buildrel tool.
Make Run-Time ImageUse files in the release directory to create the run-time image, using the Makeimg tool.
Stop BuildUse to stop the build when the build system reaches the end of the current executing command or the next phase.
If you select Clean Before Building, it is recommended that you allow the build to complete.

Batch BuildUse to select multiple configurations to build run-time images from.
Open Release DirectoryUse to open a command prompt build window in the release directory for your OS design.
Set Active ConfigurationUse to select an active configuration for your OS design.
ConfigurationsUse to add or remove configurations for your OS design.
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