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2008-06-08 23:41 197 查看
电影<纳尼亚传奇2:凯斯宾王子>是部很值得一看的电影。故事延续了第一部的跌宕传奇,并加上近乎逼真的特技效果,给人以梦幻童真的效果。据说为了避免第一部的“低幼”,特地找来长相帅气的Ben Barnes扮演凯斯宾,这一点我觉得不够明显吧,毕竟这不是影片重点所在。人与自然共生的简单哲学以一种潇洒的方式呈现出来。好听的片尾曲更给影片来了个漂亮的收尾。我试着翻译了一下歌词,更确切的说,算一首小诗吧。你应该可以从这儿下载到它。
The Call / 号角的呼唤
It started out as a feeling / 始于一份挂念
Which then grew into a hope / 渐变成一份希望
Which then turned into a quiet thought / 一种沉静的思想
Which then turned into a quiet word / 一句静悄的诺言
And then that word grew louder and louder / 诺言愈强愈烈
'Til it was a battle cry / 直至变成一声战斗口号
I'll come back / 我将会再回来
When you call me / 在你呼唤我时
No need to say goodbye / 无需说再见
Just because everything's changing / 因世间在变
Doesn't mean it's never / 但不意味 它从未
Been this way before / 如从前那般
All you can do is try to know / 您要设法分清
Who your friends are / 谁是朋友
As you head off to the war / 在您阻止战争之前
Pick a star on the dark horizon / 于黄昏的地平线 挑选一颗明星
And follow the light / 并追随她的光芒
You'll come back / 您会再回来
When it's over / 当一切亦如从前
No need to say good bye / 无需说再见
You'll come back / 您会再回来
When it's over / 当一切亦如从前
No need to say good bye / 无需说再见
Now we're back to the beginning / 我们回到从前
It's just a feeling and now one knows yet / 仅为一份已为人知的挂念
But just because they can't feel it too / 无人共鸣
Doesn't mean that you have to forget / 但并不意味 您只好将其忘却
Let your memories grow stronger and stronger / 记忆越发浓烈
'Til they're before your eyes / 直至占据您的双眼
You'll come back / 您会再回来
When they call you / 当号角再次响起
No need to say good bye / 无需说再见
You'll come back / 您会再回来
When they call you / 当号角再次响起
No need to say good bye / 无需说再见
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