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2008-05-23 11:09 701 查看
How are you?
--fine, thank you.
--not so good.
--nothing much.
--not bad.
--Could be better.
--Nothing special.

how is everything
how is business
how did it go today
--So-so. (还凑合吧。)
--not bad
--oh, same as usual
--Another day, another dollar.

what's the hurry
where are you headed

what are you doing?
what's on you mind
--I was just thinking
--I was just daydreaming
--I am just killing time
--another day, another dollar

Have you seen Scott
--I ran into hime

Long time no see
It's been so long
--it sure has

you've become so beautiful

What have you been doing? *用来询问没见面的这段时间里的情况。
What have you been doing? (忙什么呢?)
What have you been doing? (忙什么呢?)
--Just working. (上班呗。)
--Nothing much. (没忙什么。)

You haven't changed much.
You haven't changed much. (你没怎么变。)
--Neither have you. (你也没变。)?

Good luck! (祝你好运!)
--Thanks. I need it. (谢谢,借你吉言。)

Have a nice day! (祝你愉快!)
--Same to you. (也祝你愉快!)?

Keep it up! (就这样,坚持下去。)
--Thanks for the encouragement. (谢谢你的鼓励!)?

Come again. (再来啊!)
--I will. (我会来的。)

Call me later. (给我打电话。)
--Okay, I will. (嗯,好吧。)

I wish I could go with you. (我真希望能和你在一起。)
--So do I. (我也是。)

Let's keep in touch. (让我们保持联系。)
--Will do. (好的。)

Don't forget to write. (别忘了写信。)
I won't. (忘不了。)

Hello! Anyone home? (喂,有人吗?)
Hello! Is anyone there?
Excuse me! (对不起。)
--Yes? (谁呀?)
--Yoo hoo! *进入别人家时一种口语的说法。
--Hey, you! (嘿,你呀!) *比较粗鲁的说法。?

Would you care for something to drink?
-- Yes, I'll have a beer, please. (好的,我要啤酒。)
-- No, thank you. (谢谢,我不喝。)
-- Maybe later. (过一会儿再说)。

Sorry, I'm too busy to talk to you now.
--Don't mind me. I just came to see John.

May I use your bathroom? (我可以用洗手间吗?)
--Sure, go ahead. (当然可以,请吧!)

Good-bye, John. Drop by sometime. (再见,约翰,有时间再来。)
--Thanks. I will. (谢谢。好的。)

Do you mind if I smoke? (您介意我抽烟吗?)
--No, not at all. (不介意,你抽吧。)

I like your house. (您的房子真好。)
--I'm glad to hear that. (听你这么说,我很高兴。)

I'm really happy that I could meet you. (能认识您我觉得非常高兴。)
--Same here. (我也很高兴。)

How do you like Japan?
What do you think about Japan??
--I like it.

Are you used to life in Japan? (你习惯日本的生活了吗?)
--No, not yet. (没有,还不习惯。)

How long will you be in Japan? (你在日本呆到什么时候?)
--Until next month. (呆到下个月。)

Do you know his background? (你了解他的背景吗?)
--I know very little about him. (我一点儿也不了解。)

How long does it take (you) to commute? *commute “上班,上学”。
--About one hour.

I went to Meiji University.我毕业于明治大学。-

Where did you go to college? (你上的哪所大学?)
--I went to Harvard University. (我上的是哈佛大学。)?

What school do you go to?你上什么学校?
Which school do you go to?
--I go to...university. *elementary school “小学”,junior high school “中学”,high school “高中”。?

Any brothers or sisters? (你有兄弟姐妹吗?)
--No, none. (没有,一个也没有。)

Are you married? (你结婚了吗?)
--Yes, I'm married. (是的,我结婚了。)?
--No, not yet.

Do you have any children? (你有孩子吗?)
--No, not yet. (不,还没有。)
--Nope. (没,没有。)
--Neah. (哪有啊。)

Have you ever done aerobics? (你练过健美操吗?)
--No way. (怎么可能!)
--I've never done that.
--I've never done that before.
--That was the first time for me. (我可是头一次。)

Where do you want to go next? (下次你想去哪儿?)
--No place particular. (没有什么特别的地方。)

what year are you in ?
-- I am freshman/sophomore/junior/senior

what grade are you in?(问小学生)
--I am in first/second grade.
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