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5 Secrets of the Truly Popular

2008-05-21 20:46 519 查看
to have a grateful heart . Find ways to thank throughout the day .Focus on the good instead of the bad . Say “thank you” . Offer compliments to others , and give sincere praise . Look for the good in others , and they’ll find the good in you !


What does it take to be popular? Good looks? Money? Athleticism? To be popular, does a girl have to turn into a shallow snob? Believe it or not, the answer is no.
[2] Never voted “Miss Popularity” myself, I became somewhat of an expert on the subject from observation . How’s that? Because my parents were missionaries, I moved and moved and moved. My life was an endless series of new cities, new homes and new schools .
[3] By my senior year of high school, I had lived in 21 homes, three states and two foreign countries. I had attended four elementary schools and two junior highs , I had been home-schooled and gone to three high schools, which ranged from an Amazon jungle MK (missionary kid) school of 30 students to two public schools with almost 2’000 students each . Clearly, I had plenty of opportunities to observe students who were truly popular and those who just thought they were .
[4] In all of my tours of duty as the “new kid”, more than anything else, I was continuously surprised at who the popular crowd was at each school I attended . The truly popular kids weren’t always the stereotype I imagined—good looks, nice cars, cool parents . In fact, a majority of the truly popular students were the ones with good grades and fewer social events on the calendar ; they didn’t look like models and their parents weren’t exactly the coolest . So what made them stand out? What does it take to be a truly popular person?
[5] I’ve noticed the truly popular people have five secrets to make them the object of attention. These five secrets can teach you how to be a truly popular, too!
1. Get Involved[/b]
[6] At every high school I attended , the most popular people weren’t the beauties , jocks or rich kids ; they were those who were simply involved in school life . The truly popular were friendly with everyone from janitors to administrators , the rich and the poor !
[7] They were involved in the Student Body Association ( they weren’t always the president !) , on a sports team , even in the band . One girl was the school mascot .
[8] Getting involved widens your scope of connections within the student body . It gives you opportunities to meet people you might never have met in class or on a social basis .
[9] You can do almost anything to get involved . Run for student council , join a team or club , be a part of the athletic boosters , help plan a school party , organize a schoolwide charity drive , or write for the school newspaper . There are plenty of opportunities to get involved , so take one !
2. Get Positive[/b]
[10] People are attracted to people with positive attitudes . Truly popular people make others feel happy and good about themselves . They have happy , sunny personalities .
[11] So do you have to be a stand-up comic or a Pollyanna to be positive ? No ! An easy way to be positive is to have a grateful heart . Find ways to thank throughout the day .Focus on the good instead of the bad . Say “thank you” . Offer compliments to others , and give sincere praise . Look for the good in others , and they’ll find the good in you !
3 . Get Political[/b]
[12] You don’t have to run for a class office… just act like you are ! Gandidates running for any office spend the majority of their time meeting and greeting the public. Popular people seem to be so popular because they appear to know every one ! They don’t allow themselves to be labeled , get stuck in a clique or be identified with only one group .
[13] Get outside your comfort zone of friends , and meet and greet new people . Be friendly to people you don’t know .Smile and say “hi” to others when you walk to calss . Who cares if you don’t know them ? Turn around and talk to the kid you usually ignore in English . Hang out with a different group before school or at lanch .
[14] Don’t let yourself be caught in the trap of knowing only students like you . Extend yourself to those who don’t seem to have anything in common with you—you might be surprised at how much you do have to talk about !

4. Get Real[/b]
[15] Truly popular people are sincere . Most truly popular people , if asked , wouldn’t even consider themselves to be popular . They genuinely care about and are interested in other people .They remember names , listen to others and share the limelight . They’re not afraid to get up in front of the entire student body and risk embarrassment in a class game at the pep rally . They’ll readily defend their beliefs in civics class . They’re not fake or out to win friends with assumed sincerity . The truly popular are those who take the time to get to know other people because they want to , not because they’re driven by a desire to be known or be somebody .
5. Get Rooted[/b]
[16] The truly popular people all have their own identity . They know who they are and what they stand for , regardless of what anyone else thinks , says or does .

[2] 个地方安家,住过3所初中,曾在家上学,先后进过3名学生的公立学校。很明显,我有很多机会观察那些在校园里真正人缘好和那些只是自以为人缘好的学生。
[4] 个秘诀使他们成为众人瞩目的对象。这5在我上过的每所中学里,真正人缘好的人不是美女或帅哥,也不是运动员或富家子弟 他们是学生联合会成员(并不一定总是学生会主席哦!)、运动队的队员、甚至乐队的成员。有一个女孩还成了学校的吉祥代表。
[8] .乐观向上
[10] 、学做政治家
[12] 不要落入怪圈——只认识与自己同一类型的同学。扩展交友范围,结识那些似乎没有任何共同点的人——你也许会惊讶于你们之间真的有很多话题可谈!
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