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2008-05-15 09:59 274 查看
Custom Tag Library

Simple Tag
setJspContext() Makes the JspContext available for tag processing
setParent() Called by the web container to make the parent tag available
setJspBody() Makes the body content available for tag processing
doTag() Called by the container to begin SimpleTag operation
getParent() Called by the Java class to obtain its parent JspTag

javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.SimpleTagSupport类别implements SimpleTag 所有方法,并提供以下方法:
getJspContext() Returns the JspContext for processing in the tag
getJspBody() Returns the JspFragment object for body processing in the tag
findAncestorWithClass() Returns the ancestor tag with the specified class

void setPageContext(PageContext pc)
void setParent(Tag t)
Tag getParent()
int doStartTag() throws JspException
int doEndTag() throws JspException
void release()
javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.IterationTag接口extends Tag提供以下方法:
int doAfterBody() throws JspException
javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyTag接口extends IterationTag提供以下方法:
void setBodyContent(BodyContent bc)
void doInitBody() throws JspException
javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagSupport类别implements IterationTag提供以下方法:
static Tag findAncestorWithClass(Tag from , java.lang.Class class)
javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyTagSupport类别extends TagSupport implements BodyTag提供以下方法:
JspWriter getPreviousOut()
BodyContent getBodyContent()
标签类库描述文件(Tag Library Descriptor简称TLD)
<tag-class>自订标签所对应的Tag Handler Class</tag-class>
<body-content>标签主体的种类 empty , JSP , tagdependent , scriptless</body-content>
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