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VB.NET(VS2005) 使用API的尴尬 (垃圾回收器 FUCK API)

2008-05-09 16:52 537 查看
我们知道微软不提倡在VS2005里使用API,甚至取消了以前 VB里的 API文本工具,,
最近由于一个项目的需要,,需要用到一个API : GetLastInputInfo (聪明的你肯定已经知道我要做什么了:)或许还有其他方法,但做人总要追求完美吧~)
正常的代码是: Private Declare Function GetLastInputInfo Lib "user32" (ByVal plii As LASTINPUTINFO) As Long ‘声明
Public Structure LASTINPUTINFO
Dim cbSize As Int32
Dim dwTime As Int32
End Structure
Dim lastInputInfo As LASTINPUTINFO
lastInputInfo.cbSize = Len(lastInputInfo)
Dim lostTime As String = ""
If GetLastInputInfo(lastInputInfo) <> 0 Then
lostTime &= thObject2.Target.dwTime
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
很不幸VS给了我一个内存写权限的错误。(Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt) 分析,,VS垃圾回收机制惹得祸。。用VC6.0重写了一遍代码,,一切OK。。再一次 FUCK VB.NET2005
换代码如下: Private Declare Function GetLastInputInfo Lib "user32" (ByVal plii As IntPtr) As Long ’重新定义为 IntPtr
<Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayout(Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)> _ ‘加了这句心里安心点 Public Structure LASTINPUTINFO
Dim cbSize As Int32
Dim dwTime As Int32
End Structure
Private Sub aa()
Dim lastInputInfo As LASTINPUTINFO
lastInputInfo.cbSize = Len(lastInputInfo)
Dim thObject2 As Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle = Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle.Alloc(lastInputInfo, Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandleType.Pinned) Dim tpObject2 As IntPtr = thObject2.AddrOfPinnedObject() '取得指向结构的指针 Try
Dim lostTime As String = ""
Dim ret As Long = GetLastInputInfo(tpObject2)
If ret <> 0 Then
lostTime &= thObject2.Target.dwTime
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
'在使用完毕后一定要释放指针指向的内存块,让垃圾回收器可对这个内存块回收处理 If thObject2.IsAllocated Then
End If
end sub
添加一个按钮,点击一下,OK ,,收工~
小记: 微软为什么不推荐我们在.NET中使用API呢?
内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息