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2008-05-03 01:51 633 查看
发信人: eyounx (Y.Yu), 信区: AI
标 题: 近期会议列表
发信站: 水木社区 (Fri May 2 12:32:17 2008), 站内

12th International Workshop on Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition & 7th International Workshop on Statistical Pattern Recognition (S+SSPR'08)
submission deadline: 2008. 5. 4 conference date: 2008. 12. 4 - 12. 6 conference venue: Orlando, FL, USA
7th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (MICAI'08)
submission deadline: 2008. 5. 5 conference date: 2008. 10. 27 - 10. 31 conference venue: Mexico City, Mexico

2nd International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO'08)
submission deadline: 2008. 5. 5 conference date: 2008. 10. 20 - 10. 24 conference venue: Venice, Italy

1st ACM Workshop on AISec (AISec'08)
submission deadline: 2008. 5. 9 conference date: 2008. 10. 27 conference venue: Alexandria, VA, USA

19th International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT'08)
submission deadline: 2008. 5. 18 conference date: 2008. 10. 13 - 10. 16 conference venue: Budapest, Hungary

11th International Conference on Discovery Science (DS'08)
submission deadline: 2008. 5. 18 conference date: 2008. 10. 13 - 10. 16 conference venue: Budapest, Hungary

10th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI'08)
submission deadline: 2008. 5. 26 conference date: 2008. 12. 15 - 12. 19 conference venue: Hanoi, Vietnam

10th SIGKDD Workshop on Web Mining and Web Usage Analysis (WEBKDD'08)
submission deadline: 2008. 5. 26 conference date: 2008. 8. 24 - 8. 27 conference venue: Las Vegas, NV, USA

8th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS'08)
submission deadline: 2008. 5. 31 conference date: 2008. 9. 10 - 9. 18 conference venue: Barcelona, Spain

20th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI'08)
submission deadline: 2008. 6. 2 conference date: 2008. 11. 3 - 11. 5 conference venue: Dayton, OH, USA

24th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP'08)
submission deadline: 2008. 6. 2 conference date: 2008. 12. 9 - 12. 13 conference venue: Udine, Italy

21st Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AJCAI'08)
submission deadline: 2008. 6. 16 conference date: 2008. 12. 1 - 12. 5 conference venue: Auckland, New Zealand

8th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM'08)
submission deadline: 2008. 7. 7 conference date: 2008. 12. 15 - 12. 19 conference venue: Pisa, Italy

IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI'08)
submission deadline: 2008. 7. 10 conference date: 2008. 12. 9 - 12. 12 conference venue: Sydney, Australia

IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT'08)
submission deadline: 2008. 7. 10 conference date: 2008. 12. 9 - 12. 12 conference venue: Sydney, Australia

13th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD'09)
submission deadline: 2008. 9. 8 conference date: 2009. 4. 27 - 4. 30 conference venue: Bangkok, Thailand

9th SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM'09)
submission deadline: 2008. 10. 3 conference date: 2009. 4. 30 - 5. 2 conference venue: Sparks, NV, USA

6th International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining (MLDM'09)
submission deadline: 2009. 1. 6 conference date: 2009. 7. 23 - 7. 25 conference venue: Leipzig, Germany

21st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'09)
submission deadline: 2009. 1. xx conference date: 2009. 7. 11 - 7. 17 conference venue: Pasadena, CA, USA
发信人: tigerNO1 (实事求是), 信区: KDD
标 题: 近期与数据挖掘相关的部分会议信息(最新更新2008.5.3)
发信站: 水木社区 (Fri Oct 26 23:06:35 2007), 站内

Key Dates for WWW'09:
Conference date: April. 20 - April 24, 2009

Key Dates for SIAM SDM'09:
Abstract Due: Oct. 3, 2008
Manuscripts Due: Oct. 10, 2008
Author Notification: December 15, 2008
Camera Ready Paper: January 26, 2009
Conference date: April 30 - May 2, 2009

Key Dates for WSDM'09:
Abstract Due: Aug. 4, 2008
Manuscripts Due: Aug. 11, 2008
Conference date: Feb. 11 - Feb. 12, 2009

Key Dates for ICDE'09:
Abstract deadline: June 20, 2008
Paper submission deadline: June 27, 2008
Notification date: September 26, 2008
Final papers due: October 30, 2008
Conference date: March 29-April 4, 2009

Key Dates for ICDM'08:
Manuscripts due: July 7, 2008
Author Notification due: September 15, 2008
October 7, 2008 Deadline for camera-ready copies
Camera Ready Papers due: December 15–19, 2008

Key Dates for CIKM'08:
Abstract due: May 27, 2008
Manuscripts due: June 3, 2008
Author Notification due: July 15, 2008
Camera Ready Papers due: Aug. 10, 2008

Key Dates for ECML/PKDD'08:
Paper Submission due: April 25th, 2008
Author Notification on: June 13th,2008

Key Dates for VLDB'08的DM track:
Abstracts due: Mar. 7, 2008 (5:00pm GMT)(passed)
Papers and Demonstrations due: Mar. 14, 2008 (5:00pm GMT) (passed)
Author notification: May 24, 2008

Key Dates for SIGKDD'08:
Research Track
Abstracts due: Feb 23(passed)
Papers due: Feb 29 (passed)
Notification of Acceptance: May 25
Industry Track
Abstracts due: Feb 23(passed)
Papers due: Feb 29 (passed)
Notification of Acceptance: May 25
April 1 Web site up. Registration opens
April 3 Training data and evaluation code available after login
June 2 Test data available for download after login
June 20 Registration for KDD Cup closes
July 1 Last date for submission of results on test set
July 15 Notification of KDD Cup competition results
August 8 Winners submit their camera ready papers to the workshop
August 24-27 Winners can present their work at the workshop.

Key Dates for ICML'08:
Paper submission:8 February 2008(passed)
Reviews available:March 17 2008 (passed)
Author responses due:March 19 2008(passed)
Tentative author notification of acceptance:April 7 2008
Final camera-ready version due:April 25

Key Dates for AAAI'08的DM track:
Authors register and Abstracts due: December 1, 2007(passed)
Electronic papers due: January 30, 2008 (passed)
Author feedback about initial reviews: March 18-20, 2008(passed)
Notification of acceptance or rejection due: March 31, 2008(passed)

Key Dates for SIGIR'08:
Paper abstracts due: 21 January, 2008(passed)
Paper submission: 28 January, 2008 (passed)
Notification of Acceptance: 6 April, 2008(passed)

Key Dates for ACL'08:
Full paper due: 10 January, 2008(passed)
Short paper due: 14 March, 2008(passed)
Notification of full paper acceptance: 28 February, 2008 (passed)
Notification of short paper acceptance: 21 April, 2008

Key Dates for CVPR'08(Video and Image mining):
Paper Registration due: November 26, 2007 (passed)
Paper submission: December 3, 2007 (passed)
Notification: March 5, 2008 (passed)

Key Dates for PODS'08的DM track:
Short abstracts due: November 28, 2007 (passed)
Paper submission: December 5, 2007 (passed)
Notification: February 26, 2008 (passed)

Key Dates for SIGMOD'08的DM/MLtrack:
Research paper abstracts due: November 9, 2007 (passed)
Research, industrial papers, demo due: November 16, 2007 (passed)
Notification: February 16, 2008 (passed)

Key Dates for WWW'08的DM track:
Refereed paper due: 11:59pm (Hawaii time) on Nov. 1, 2007.(passed)
Refereed Papers Notification: January 15, 2008 (passed)
Poster submissions due: January 25, 2008 (passed)

Key Dates for SDM'08:
Abstracts due: October 5, 2007 (passed)
Manuscripts due: October 12, 2007 (passed)
Author Notification due: December 21, 2007 (passed)
Camera Ready Papers due: January 25, 2008 (passed)

Key Dates for IPDPS'08 (parallel DM algorithms):
Manuscripts due: October 08, 2007 (passed)
Author Notification due: December 11, 2007 (passed)
Camera Ready Papers due: January 28, 2008 (passed)
※ 修改:·tigerNO1 于 May 3 00:30:59 2008 修改本文·[FROM: 211.136.73.*]
※ 来源:·水木社区 http://newsmth.net·[FROM: 125.34.44.*]
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