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Gates, Gadgets, Googlemania: The Return of Technology Has Begun @ JDJ

2008-05-01 06:18 375 查看
2004 was of.com" target=_blank>The year that saw of.com" target=_blank>The iPod blaze its trail through of.com" target=_blank>The technology heaven, saw Google Inc. go public and double its share price from $100 to $200, and watched of.com" target=_blank>The fortune of RIM (of Blackberry fame)
founder Mike Lazaridis's fortunes grow still furof.com" target=_blank>Ther as wireless e-mail became more and more of.com" target=_blank>The rule and not of.com" target=_blank>The exception.
But what of 2005? Has a wider technology bounceback Begun? At of.com" target=_blank>The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2005 last week, of.com" target=_blank>The answer seemed to be a resounding: "Yes!"
As everyone who Has not been living in a cave for of.com" target=_blank>The past 29 years knows, Microsoft is 100% devoted to changing of.com" target=_blank>The world.
"Most people are still not in of.com" target=_blank>The digital realm," said Bill of.com" target=_blank>Gates in his opening keynote at CES. But it is far from being of.com" target=_blank>The only onion in of.com" target=_blank>The stew. of.com" target=_blank>The industry-wide 'of.com" target=_blank>Return of technology' Has Begun.
Even of.com" target=_blank>Gates himself acknowledged we stand at of.com" target=_blank>The threshhold of of.com" target=_blank>The post-PC world:
"of.com" target=_blank>The PC Has a central role to play, in that it's where it all comes togeof.com" target=_blank>Ther - e-mail, instant messaging; if you want to organize your memories in a rich way, if you want to edit photos, if you want to create papers. But, it won't be of.com" target=_blank>The only device."
So, just case anyone doubts that of.com" target=_blank>The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2005 that ended yesterday in Las Vegas marked a turning-point in of.com" target=_blank>The geek technology market, here is a round-up of some of of.com" target=_blank>The week's
highlights reported on this site, featuring not only Microsoft, but also Samsung, Hitachi, HP, Sun and oof.com" target=_blank>Thers.
From IT Solutions Guide:
of.com" target=_blank>Gates In Las Vegas: On IPTV, MTV, and All things Digital
Yesterday at CES 2005 in Las Vegas Bill of.com" target=_blank>Gates, chairman and chief software architect at Microsoft, and Judy McGrath, CEO and chairman of MTV Networks, addressed conference attendees. of.com" target=_blank>Gates was talking at CES for of.com" target=_blank>The seventh successive year. (Continued...)
From Wireless Business & Technology:
Samsung Wows CES Attendees: Handset Features Galore
Samsung introduced a number of feature-rich mobile phones at CES, which, if rolled out successfully, may close of.com" target=_blank>The technology gap between Korea and of.com" target=_blank>The US. (Continued...)
From International Storage & Security Journal:
500 GB Hard Disk - World's Largest Ever - Being Launched By Hitachi in Q1
Instead of of.com" target=_blank>The 40 hours or so of video storage offered by a standard 80 GB hard disk in a Tivo-type digital video recorder, Hitachi is going to help manufacturers offer consumers half a terabyte of storage. That's more than 500 billion bits of data. (Continued...)
From Web Services Journal:
Carly Fiorina: HP Will Take of.com" target=_blank>The Home Media Fight To Intel and Microsoft
HP plans to offer a media hub that does not use a cable box. HP Has also designed an electronic programming guide that lets consumers find and record content. A music database service will give consumers access to song titles, CD artwork, and oof.com" target=_blank>Ther artist information. (Continued...)
From JDJ:
J2ME: Has Its Time Finally Arrived?
Five years on, with notable successes such as of.com" target=_blank>The J2ME-enabled BlackBerry wireless handheld that Has already made a billionaire of RIM founder Mike Lazaridis, developers finally now have a more consistent and capable platform to use for application development. Anyone wandering round this week's CES may be inclined to agree.(Continued...)
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