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Synchronizing Java Threads on a Shared Resource with Multiple Views @ JDJ

2008-05-01 06:18 543 查看
Java thread synchronization primitives are based on object
instances. Multithreaded access to a Shared Resource requires a
unique object instance that all Threads accessing the Resource can
synchronize upon.
This is especially challenging for Resources that may have
Multiple Views. For instance, Multiple Threads can independently open
a given file and will have separate instances of the Java.io.File
object, each corresponding to the same file. The different object
instances that correspond to Multiple Views of the same Resources
don't allow synchronized multithreaded access to these Resources.
This article illustrates the problem and examines approaches
to solving it with an emphasis on their synchronization and
concurrency trade-offs. It presents a few use-case examples where
this problem manifests itself, followed by a simple and elegant
solution with the complete Java source code. Java programmers who
work with remote Resources, including file, URL, LDAP, JNDI, and
relational databases, are likely to find this article helpful in
recognizing areas of code that are vulnerable to suboptimal
How Java Thread Synchronization Works
Each Java object has a "monitor" that can be used as a
semaphore to synchronize multithreaded access to Shared Resources.
Typical Resources that are Shared in a Java program include Shared
memory spaces such as tables, queues, and lists. Various Java classes
such as Java.util.Vector and Java.util.Hashtable have most of their
methods synchronized on the object instance. As you may already know,
any Java object may be used as the semaphore for synchronizing
multithreaded access to itself or other object(s), as long as each
thread uses the same instance of the object to synchronize upon.
The Challenge with Multiview Resources
Shared system and network Resources, such as files, database tables, network connections, URLs,
and LDAP directory entries, are also represented by one or more Java
objects, and often the same underlying Resource is represented by
more than one object. Each object that represents a Resource presents
a view of that Resource. While it's sometimes possible and desirable
to use a unique object instance that corresponds to a given
underlying Resource, in many cases it's either undesirable or
impossible to do so. Figure 1 illustrates the synchronization and
concurrency challenges posed by Multiple Views of a given Resource.
Consider an application that needs to write some data to one
of several hundred files in a given file system. The file is selected
based on the request parameters. Assume that a multithreaded request
dispatcher handles each incoming request, parses the request to map
it to a unique file in the file system, and then edits the file as
per the request parameters. Given the possibility that Multiple
simultaneous requests can map to the same file, the application must
ensure that access to a given file is synchronized across Multiple
The implementation in Listing 1 is clearly incorrect, since
the synchronization is based on a local object instance. Two Threads
processing independent requests that return the same file name will
create two separate Java.io.File objects. Therefore no
synchronization will be achieved. Making the entire method
synchronized introduces more problems than it solves. First, it
significantly reduces concurrency by synchronizing access across
independent files. Second, it doesn't help if the request can be
dispatched to one of many methods, each of which may need to access
the requested file. Synchronizing every method that may need to
access any file is clearly unacceptable, as it severely reduces
First Cut at the Solution
Our first attempt at solving this problem is to make use of a
Shared table that keeps track of the files in use and returns the
same instance of a File object to every request that corresponds to a
given file. As a request is made for a file, the table is checked to
see if a File object corresponding to the requested file already
exists. If so, the existing File object is returned and the use count
for the File object is incremented by one. Otherwise, a new File
object is created for the file and added to the table with the use
count set to one.
once the requester is done with the file, it must explicitly
call a method that decrements the use count by one and removes the
File object from the Shared table if the use count is reduced to
zero. Listing 2 provides the modified code based on this solution.
The method acquireFile(String) is used to request the object instance
for a file and increment the use count; the method releaseFile (File)
is used to decrement the use count and release the File object if
it's no longer in use.
Critical Analysis
Note: The try-finally block becomes necessary to ensure that
the file use count is decremented even if the method throws an
undeclared throwable in the synchronized block. A missed finally
block can cause undesirable side effects such as memory leaks, making
this approach unattractive. This approach is also unacceptable if the
File object is to maintain a state that is specific to each thread
requesting access to the file. The limitation is easy to get around
once we realize that there are two distinct requirements here:
To obtain a reference to a File object corresponding to the
requested filename
To obtain a unique object to synchronize the file access on
In the solution in Listing 2 we returned the same object for
both purposes, whereas we could just as well return a different
object for synchronization.
Second Attempt at the Solution
We modify the solution (see Listing 3) to create a local
instance of the File object and seek a unique object instance for
synchronization purposes only. The method acquireSemaphore(File)
checks if the given File instance is equal to any other File that
exists in its tables. If so, it returns the unique object stored
against the existing File entry and increments the use count.
Otherwise, it stores the current File instance in its tables along
with a new Java.lang.Object instance created to act as the semaphore
and sets the use count to one. The method releaseSemaphore(File)
decrements the use count for the File that's equal to the given File,
and clears the entry if the
use count goes to zero. Using a Java
.util.Hashtable (or Java.util.HashMap) makes the equality comparison easy and efficient as long as the
hashCode returned is also the same for objects that are equal (though
not necessarily the same instance).
A Few Use Cases
Before looking at further improvements to the solution
developed thus far, let's discuss a couple more use cases so that we
can arrive at a clear definition of the problem.
First, consider a directory-based application that uses LDAP
or JNDI APIs to access the directory. For optimal concurrency it may
be desirable to synchronize thread access at the level of a directory
entry. A directory entry can be uniquely identified using a canonical
string representation of its "DN" or distinguished name. Using the
solution developed above, an application fragment may be written as
illustrated in Listing 4 to allow for maximum concurrency while
remaining thread-safe.
Next, we have a server application that caters to
authenticated users and needs to limit access to certain Resources to
one concurrent request per user. The solution outlined in Listing 4
can be applied to all such Resources by using the unique identity of
the authenticated user to obtain a semaphore for synchronization.
Formal Definition of the Problem
As you may notice, for the acquireSemaphore method to work
correctly in these examples, the argument must uniquely represent the
Shared Resource and must also be equal to other argument instances
that represent other Views of the same Resource. The problem can
therefore be described as a requirement to synchronize across n
objects that are not equal by reference, but are equal by value. In
other words, these n objects are different Views of the same Resource.
To avoid confusion, in the following description I'll use the
term equal to imply reference equality, and equivalent to imply
equality by value. Thus equal objects are always equivalent, though
not the other way round. Therefore, these n objects are equivalent
but not equal to each other. Expressed in Java, it implies that the
following is true for any given n objects obj[0] through obj[n-1]
that we need to synchronize across:
obj[i] != obj[j]
// for all i != j, 0 <= i < n, 0 <= j < n
* obj[i].equals(obj[j])
* (obj[i].hashCode() ==
// for all i, j, 0 <= i < n, 0 <= j < n
The solution is simple and elegant and is illustrated in its
entirety in Listing 5. Listing 6 presents Listing 3, rewritten using
the solution.
How Does the Solution Work?
Start with any object that satisfies the synchronization
requirements listed above. Instead of synchronizing on the object
itself, obtain a semaphore for the object using a single instance of
the monitor that's accessible to all concerned packages. The monitor
maintains weak references to all objects with semaphores in a hash
map for faster lookup. The weak reference allows the objects to be
garbage collected if there are no other strong references to the
object, obviating the need for maintaining use counts using
try-finally blocks.
When you request a semaphore for an object, the monitor looks
for an object in its hash table that's equivalent to the given object
(has the same hash code and satisfies the equals method). If an
equivalent object is found, the same is returned. Otherwise, the
given object is added to the hash table, wrapped in a weak reference
so that the garbage collector automatically removes it when it's no
longer in use.
This approach always keeps one element of every equivalence
set in the hash table until no element in that equivalence set is in
use, at which point it's eligible to be removed until the next time
it's required. Therefore, it's best to obtain a semaphore for a
lightweight object that's a simple canonical representation of the
Unlike the example in Listing 2, the semaphore (which is
really the first object in its equivalence set to look for a
semaphore) is used only for synchronization, not for any other
access, thereby allowing context-specific settings to be different
among different objects in the same equivalence set. Wrapping the
semaphore in a weak reference eliminates the need for maintaining use
counts and makes the usage more natural. Figure 2 demonstrates the
The Nuts and Bolts
To conclude, let's take a closer look at the code in the
monitor. The following statement in the monitor may also return a
null in the case when ref is non-null.
Object monitor = ((ref == null) ? null : ((WeakReference)ref).get());
This is possible in the case of an unlikely race condition in
which the object is cleared from the weak reference after the
super.get(key) statement, at which point it may still be in the hash
table. Checking for monitor == null again guards against a rare race
condition. The get and put methods of the underlying HashMap (a
WeakHashMap) are not synchronized; this is good since we don't expose
them directly but through the single synchronized get method in the
monitor. Synchronizing the get method of the monitor is essential, as
it involves modification of a Shared data structure.
While a single instance of the monitor may be functionally
sufficient for the entire application, for higher concurrency a
different instance of monitor should be used for independent modules
or packages that require semaphores for objects of different classes.
The monitor tremendously simplifies the writing of multithreaded code
with just the right amount of synchronization - not more, not less.
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