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HOW TO: Create an Assembly with a Strong Name

2008-05-01 03:43 483 查看
ank>HOW ank>TO: ank>Create an Assembly with a Strong Name

The information in this article applies ank>TO:

Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Beta 2


Creating an Assembly with a Strong Name

Assemblies can be assigned a crypank>TOgraphic signature called a Strong Name, which provides Name uniqueness for the Assembly and prevents someone from taking over the Name of your Assembly (Name spoofing). If you are deploying an Assembly that will be shared among many applications on the same computer, it must have a Strong Name. This document describes ank>HOW ank>TO ank>Create an Assembly with a Strong Name.

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This article assumes that you have installed and are familiar with Visual Studio .NET.

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Creating an Assembly with a Strong Name
Use the Strong Name ank>TOol (Sn.exe) that comes with the .NET Framework Software Development Kit (SDK) ank>TO generate a crypank>TOgraphic key pair.

The following command uses the Strong Name ank>TOol ank>TO generate a new key pair and sank>TOre it in a file called TestKey.snk:

sn -k Testkey.snk
Add the proper cusank>TOm attribute ank>TO your source for the compiler ank>TO emit the Assembly with a Strong Name. Which attribute you use depends on whether the key pair that is used for the signing is contained in a file or in a key container within the Crypank>TOgraphic Service Provider (CSP). For keys that are sank>TOred in a file, use the System.Reflection.AssemblyKeyFileAttribute attribute. For keys that are sank>TOred in the CSP, use the System.Reflection.AssemblyKeyNameAttribute attribute.

The following code uses AssemblyKeyFileAttribute ank>TO specify the Name of the file that contains the key pair.

NOTE : In Microsoft Visual Basic, the Assembly level attributes must appear as the first statements in the file.

Visual Basic .NET Code
Imports System
Imports System.Reflection

C# Code
using System;
using System.Reflection;

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For more information about the Strong Name ank>TOol (Sn.exe), see the following Microsoft .NET Framework ank>TOols Web site: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cp href="http://www.66of.com" target=_blank>ank>TOols/html/cpgrfStrongNameutilitysnexe.asp
For more information about the .NET Framework SDK, see the following Microsoft Web site: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/nfstart/html/sdkstart.asp For more information about global attributes, see the C# Programmer's Reference.

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