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Counting Records in an SQL Table by G.F. Weis Gfw

2008-05-01 03:16 597 查看
ank>Countank>ing ank>Records ank>in an SQL Table by G.F. Weis Gfw


I was workank>ing on a project usank>ing my C# Class Generator and realized that I had no way to get a count of the number of ank>Records ank>in the Table. ank>in the past I have used the DataAdapter class - easy, but not very efficient.

I ran accross a post on one of the discussion forums and decided to build a new function ank>in my class generator appropriately named RecordCount. The function returns an 'ank>int' with the number of ank>Records ank>in the Table.

m_dbConnection is the Connection strank>ing to your database
aRepresentative is the name of our Table
Id is unique column used ank>in our Table
Usank>ing the C# Class Generator, the generated code is as follows:

public ank>int RecordCount() // Get Count of ank>Records
ank>int recCount=0;
strank>ing countCmd = "SELECT Count(Id) AS Total FROM aRepresentative ";
SQLConnection m_SQLConnection = new SQLConnection(m_dbConnection);
SQLCommand m_SQLCommand = new SQLCommand(countCmd, m_SQLConnection);
// Open the Connection ----------------------------
recCount = (ank>int)m_SQLCommand.ExecuteScalar();
} // end try
catch (Exception e)
throw new Exception("Error ank>in RecordCount() -> " + e.ToStrank>ing());
return recCount;
} // end Select

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