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InnoDB 中文参考手册 --- 犬犬(心帆)翻译

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InnoDB 中文参考手册 --- 犬犬(心帆)翻译 code {color:purple} tt {color:green} samp {color:navy} pre {color:maroon} InnoDB.com/">InnoDB home

InnoDB Engine in MySQL-Max-3.23.56/MySQL-4.0.12

The Up-to-Date Reference Manual of InnoDB
Updated April 21, 2003: Added notes to section 4.3 that a self-referential ON UPDATE CASCADE and SET NULL convert the rule to RESTRICT if the update cycles to update the SAME TABLE
Updated March 27, 2003: Updated section 4.3: starting from MySQL-4.0.13, InnoDB supports DROP FOREIGN KEY
Updated March 18, 2003: MySQL-4.0.12 is released
Updated March 17, 2003: MySQL-3.23.56 is released
Updated February 25, 2003: MySQL-4.0.11 is released; see the changelog from section 16
Updated January 23, 2003: Added a new section 4.5 about InnoDB and MySQL replication
Updated January 7, 2003: MySQL-4.0.8 is released; support for ON UPDATE CASCADE added

InnoDB_overview">1 InnoDB tables 概述 InnoDB_distros">1.1 MySQL/InnoDB 发布版本间的区别
InnoDB_start">2 InnoDB 启动选项 InnoDB_database">3 建立一个 InnoDB 数据库 3.1 在建立数据库时可能发生的几个错误
3.2 关闭 MySQL 服务器
InnoDB_tables">4 建立 InnoDB4.1 如何在 InnoDB 中使用事务
InnoDB_tables">4.2 将 MyISAM 表转换到 InnoDB 类型
InnoDB_foreign_keys">4.3 外键约束
InnoDB_auto_inc">4.4 自增列(auto-increment)是如何在 InnoDB 中工作的
InnoDB_replication">4.5 InnoDB 和 MySQL 复制(replication)
5 添加与移除 InnoDB 数据和日志文件 6 备份和恢复一个 InnoDB 数据库 6.1 强制(Forcing)恢复
6.2 检查点(Checkpoints)
7 将 InnoDB 数据库移动到另一台机器中 InnoDB_transaction_model">8 InnoDB 事务模式与锁定 8.1 Consistent read
8.2 Locking reads
8.3 Next-key locking: avoiding the 'phantom problem'
8.4 InnoDB 中各 SQL 语句的锁定设置
8.5 MySQL 什么时候隐含地提交(commit)或回滚(rollback)事务
8.6 死锁检测与回滚
8.7 consistent read 在 InnoDB 中运作示例
8.8 如何应付死锁
InnoDB_tuning">9 性能调整技巧 InnoDB_Monitor">9.1InnoDB 监视器(Monitors)
10 multiversioning 的实现 11 表和索引结构 11.1 索引的物理结构
11.2 插入缓冲
11.3 适应性的散列索引
11.4 记录的物理结构
12 文件空间管理和磁盘 I/O 12.1 磁盘 I/O 和 raw devices
12.2 文件空间管理
12.3 碎片整理一个表
13 出错处理 13.1 MySQL 返回的某些错误代码
13.2 某些操作系统的错误编码
InnoDB_restrictions">14 InnoDB 表的限制 InnoDB_troubleshooting">15 故障检测与修复 InnoDB_troubleshooting_dict">15.1 发现并修复数据字典错误的操作
InnoDB_history">16 InnoDB version history InnoDB_contact_information">17 Contact information 18 The GNU GPL License Version 2 19 Known bugs and their fixes in old versions of InnoDB 20 The TODO list of new features to InnoDB 21 Some books and articles on MySQL/InnoDB
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