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2008-04-27 20:03 441 查看


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" creationComplete="initApplication()">




* This example describes how to dock an AIR application to the system tray

* and then undock it again.

* The minimize and close actions of the WindowedApplication are caught, so

* that we can introduce our own actions.


* A simple systray menu is presented, to show the usage of that.


* @Author: S.Radovanovic

* @Url: http://www.saskovic.com/blog/?p=5
* @Date: 24-11-2007

* @Author: Jeffry Houser

* @Date: 09-01-2007

* Updated for AIR Beta 3


import mx.controls.Alert;

import mx.events.CloseEvent;

private var dockImage:BitmapData;


* Initialize the application to the default values.

* This method is called upon creationComplete from the Windowed Application


* @Author: S.Radovanovic


public function initApplication():void {

//Use the loader object to load an image, which will be used for the systray //After the image has been loaded into the object, we can prepare the application //for docking to the system tray

var loader:Loader = new Loader();

loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, prepareForSystray);

loader.load(new URLRequest("http://www.saskovic.com/images/systray_icon_16.png"));

//Catch the closing event so that the user can decide if it wants to dock or really //close the application

this.addEventListener(Event.CLOSING, closingApplication);



* Check if the user wants to close the application or dock it


* @Author: S.Radovanovic


private function closingApplication(evt:Event):void {

//Don't close, so prevent the event from happening


//Check what the user really want's to do //Alert.buttonWidth = 110;

Alert.yesLabel = "Close";

Alert.noLabel = "Minimize";

Alert.show("Close or minimize?", "Close?", 3, this, alertCloseHandler);


// Event handler function for displaying the selected Alert button.

private function alertCloseHandler(event:CloseEvent):void {

if (event.detail==Alert.YES) {


} else {





* Check to see if the application may be docked and set basic properties


* @Author: S.Radovanovic


public function prepareForSystray(event:Event):void {

//Retrieve the image being used as the systray icon

dockImage = event.target.content.bitmapData;

//For windows systems we can set the systray props //(there's also an implementation for mac's, it's similar and you can find it on the net )

if (NativeApplication.supportsSystemTrayIcon){


//Set some systray menu options, so that the user can right-click and access functionality //without needing to open the application

SystemTrayIcon(NativeApplication.nativeApplication .icon).menu = createSystrayRootMenu();




* Create a menu that can be accessed from the systray


* @Author: S.Radovanovic


private function createSystrayRootMenu():NativeMenu{

//Add the menuitems with the corresponding actions

var menu:NativeMenu = new NativeMenu();

var openNativeMenuItem:NativeMenuItem = new NativeMenuItem("Open");

var exitNativeMenuItem:NativeMenuItem = new NativeMenuItem("Exit");

//What should happen when the user clicks on something

openNativeMenuItem.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, undock);

exitNativeMenuItem.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, closeApp);

//Add the menuitems to the menu


menu.addItem(new NativeMenuItem("",true));



return menu;



* To be able to dock and undock we need to set some eventlisteners


* @Author: S.Radovanovic


private function setSystemTrayProperties():void{

//Text to show when hovering of the docked application icon

SystemTrayIcon(NativeApplication.nativeApplication .icon).tooltip = "Systray test application";

//We want to be able to open the application after it has been docked

SystemTrayIcon(NativeApplication.nativeApplication .icon).addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, undock);

//Listen to the display state changing of the window, so that we can catch the minimize

stage.nativeWindow.addEventListener(NativeWindowDisplayStateEvent.DISPLAY_STATE_CHANGING, nwMinimized); //Catch the minimize event



* Do the appropriate actions after the windows display state has changed.

* E.g. dock when the user clicks on minize


* @Author: S.Radovanovic


private function nwMinimized(displayStateEvent:NativeWindowDisplayStateEvent):void {

//Do we have an minimize action? //The afterDisplayState hasn't happened yet, but only describes the state the window will go to, //so we can prevent it!

if(displayStateEvent.afterDisplayState == NativeWindowDisplayState.MINIMIZED) {

//Prevent the windowedapplication minimize action from happening and implement our own minimize //The reason the windowedapplication minimize action is caught, is that if active we're not able to //undock the application back neatly. The application doesn't become visible directly, but only after clicking //on the taskbars application link. (Not sure yet what happens exactly with standard minimize)


//Dock (our own minimize)





* Do our own 'minimize' by docking the application to the systray (showing the application icon in the systray)


* @Author: S.Radovanovic


public function dock():void {

//Hide the applcation

stage.nativeWindow.visible = false;

//Setting the bitmaps array will show the application icon in the systray

NativeApplication.nativeApplication .icon.bitmaps = [dockImage];



* Show the application again and remove the application icon from the systray


* @Author: S.Radovanovic


public function undock(evt:Event):void {

//After setting the window to visible, make sure that the application is ordered to the front, //else we'll still need to click on the application on the taskbar to make it visible

stage.nativeWindow.visible = true;


//Clearing the bitmaps array also clears the applcation icon from the systray

NativeApplication.nativeApplication .icon.bitmaps = [];



* Close the application


* @Author: S.Radovanovic


private function closeApp(evt:Event):void {






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