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2008-04-27 16:40 507 查看



VPC不同于microsoft的Virtual PC,是一个很小的小程序,只有几十KB大小.大家可以使用VPC和dynamsip来配合做一些综合实验.


大家可以在这里下载: vpcs-0.13a

Virtual PC Simulator

The VPCS can simulate up to 9 PCs. You can ping/traceroute them, or ping/traceroute the other hosts/routers from the virtual PCs when you study the Cisco routers in the Dynamips. VPCS is not the traditional PC, it is just a program running on the Linux or Windows, and only few network commands can be used in it. But VPCS can give you a big hand when you study the Cisco devices in the Dynamips. VPCS can replace the routers or VMware boxes which are used as PCs in the Dynamips network.

Try VPCS, it can save your CPU/Memory. It is very small.

Now, VPCS can be run in udp or ether mode. In the udp mode, VPCS sends or receives the packets via udp. In the ether mode, via /dev/tap, not support on the Windows.


Latest version is 0.13a, download and unpack it.

vpcs.exe is windows program. vpcs is linux program, maybe you need chmod +x vpcs


vpcs [options]

-u udp mode, default

-e tap mode, using /dev/tapx

-s port local udp port, default from 20000

-c port remote udp port(dynamips udp ports), default from 30000

-r file run startup file VPCS 1 >?

show Print the net configuration of PCs.

d Switch to the PC[d], d is digit, range 1 to 9.

hist List the history command, use arrow keys to get

recently-executed commands.

ip address gateway [CIDR] Set the host’s ip, gateway’s ip and network mask.

In the ether mode, the ip of the tapx is the maximum

host ID of the subnet. Default CIDR is 24.

ip 26

set the host ip to,

the gateway ip to,

the tapx ip is,

the netmask is

ping address Ping the network host.

tracert address [maxhops] Print the route packets take to network host.

default maxhops is 64.

conf [lport|rport] port Set local or remote port in the udp mode. ‘conf lport’

will close the previous port and reopen the local port.

? Print help.

quit Quit and close all the port(udp mode) or the tapx(ether mode). Do you remember Mr. Mike Muuss?If in the ether mode, please run it before the dynamips loads/starts the ios.

When VPCS started, it listens the ports from 20000 to 20008 and wait the dymamips to connet, and send the packets to the ports from 30000 to 30008 which should be listened by the Dynamips.

VPCS looks for the file named ‘startup.vpc’ in the current directory, and execute the commands in it if you are not set the startup file from the command line. All the commands in the startup file are the internal command of the VPCS. The line started with ‘#’ or ‘!’ will be discarded.

# The startup file of VPCS



ip 24


ip 24


ip 24

# switch to PC1

1.net file (ether mode), please refer to dynagen for details.

# VLAN lab

ghostios = True

sparsemem = True


[[ROUTER sw]]

model = 2621

image = /ios.run/c2600-ipbase-mz.123-8.T.bin

ram = 128

slot1 = NM-16ESW

f1/0 = r1 f0/1

f1/1 = NIO_linux_eth:tap0

f1/2 = NIO_linux_eth:tap1

[[router r1]]

model = 2621

image = /ios.run/c2600-i-mz.123-6c.bin

ram = 32

slot1 = NM-1FE-TX

f0/0 = NIO_linux_eth:tap2.bat (udp mode)

dynamips-wxp.exe -i R1 -T 2000 -P 2600 -r 64 -c 0×2142 -p 1:NM-16ESW

-s 1:0:udp:30000:

-s 1:1:udp:30001:

-s 1:2:udp:30002: ..\ios.run\c2600-te.bin.net file (udp mode)

# VLAN lab

ghostios = True

sparsemem = True


[[ROUTER sw]]

model = 2621

image = /ios.run/c2600-ipbase-mz.123-8.T.bin

ram = 128

slot1 = NM-16ESW

f1/0 = r1 f0/1

f1/1 = NIO_udp:30000:

f1/2 = NIO_udp:30001:

idlepc = 0×805785a0

[[router r1]]

model = 2621

image = /ios.run/c2600-i-mz.123-6c.bin

ram = 32

slot1 = NM-1FE-TX

f0/0 = NIO_udp:30002:

idlepc = 0×804f4044 NOte

To make compatible with dynamips, VPCS does NOT use the cygwin1.dll released by cygwin.com. The two files conflicted.

You should run VPCS before starting the dynamips while using ether mode. VPCS opens the tap interfaces. And you should know, VPCS will CLOSE the tap interfaces before quit.


version 0.13a

1. add ping/tracert local host

2. fix a ping bug, can get echo reply from a non-exist host ipversion 0.12

1. fix the ‘tracert’ argument bugversion 0.11

1. replace a static arrayversion 0.10

1. add udp mode

2. can be run on the windows platform

3. support CIDRversion 0.02

1. Fixed a bug about the history commands

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