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Perl script for IE automation

2008-04-23 12:41 591 查看

# Here is a little script that I wrote to do some automatic URL browsing using IE
# what it does is to read proxy server and port from a text named "proxylist.txt", under the same dir,
# then test if that port is active, if it is, then set it as IE's proxy, then it fires IE and browse the url picked #randomly from an array @url; then close IE.
# This script runs on Winodws with activestate perl installed. Also you need to install #Win32::IEAutomation module.
# proxylist.txt formate should be like the following:
# 3128
# 8080

    use Win32::IEAutomation::WinClicker;

use Win32::IEAutomation;

use strict;

use Win32::TieRegistry ( Delimiter=>"/", ArrayValues=>1 );

use Net::Ping;

my $path = "proxylist.txt";

my $ie = Win32::IEAutomation->new( visible => 1, maximize => 1);

my @url = (















    ); # end of url array

open(P_SOURCE, "<", $path)

            or die "Couldn't open $path for reading: $! "; #open txt file to read proxy list;

our @proxys = <P_SOURCE>;


my $waitSeconds = 2;

my $proxy_title = "Connect to myproxy.org";

my $wait_time = 1;


# start Site navigation

       my $myurl = @url[int(rand(9))]; #pick a url at random;



       # uncomment the following if your proxy requires username/password and if ALREADY has them cached.

    # my $clicker = Win32::IEAutomation::WinClicker->new( warnings => 1);

    # $clicker->push_confirm_button_ok($proxy_title, $wait_time);


    print " URL is: $myurl  ";



# close(P_SOURCE);

sub set_IE_Proxy() {

        my $proxy_pick = 1 + int(rand(@proxys));

        print " $proxy_pick is $proxy_pick ";

        my @SvrPtCn = split(" ", $proxys[$proxy_pick]); # split line into words;

        print "Proxy server pick is : $SvrPtCn[0]:$SvrPtCn[1] ";    

            my $server = $SvrPtCn[0];

           my $port = $SvrPtCn[1];

           my $enable= 1 ;

            my $override= ";<local>";



        # start TCP PING to see if the proxy is active on specified port

        my $test = Net::Ping->new('tcp', 5);

        $test->{port_num} =$port;

        if (! $test->ping($server)) {

              print "$server:$port isn't serving HTTP! ";


        } else {

        print "TCP Ping test ok! Setting IE proxy to $server:$port...... ";

        my $rkey=$Registry->{"CUser/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Internet Settings"};

            $rkey->SetValue("ProxyServer", "$server:$port", "REG_SZ");

           $rkey->SetValue("ProxyEnable",pack("L",$enable), "REG_DWORD");

           $rkey->SetValue("ProxyOverride", $override, "REG_SZ");

        print "IE proxy set.  ";


    }; # end of sub set_IE_proxy();    


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标签:  ie perl server warnings url path