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the Simple Tutorial of Machine Learning

2008-04-17 08:58 363 查看
Linear Methods for Regression
Linear Methods for Classification

Linear Discriminant Analysis
Logistic Regression
Separating Hyperplanes

Basis Expansions and Regularization
Kernel Methods
Model Assessment and Selection
Model Inference and Averaging

EM Algorithm
MCMC for Sampling fromthe Posterior
Model Averaging and Stacking
Stochastic Search: Bumping

Additive Models, Trees, and Related Methods

Generalized Additive Models
Tree-Based Methods
MARS: Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines

Boosting and Additive Trees
Neural Networks
Support Vector Machines and Flexible Discriminants
Prototype Methods and Nearest-Neighbors
Unsupervised Learning

Association Rules
Cluster Analysis
Principal Components, Curves and Surfaces
Independent Component Analysis and Exploratory Projection Pursuit
Multidimensional Scaling
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