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2008-04-16 08:43 253 查看

package tool;

import java.io.BufferedReader;

import java.io.File;

import java.io.FileReader;

import java.io.FileWriter;

import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;

import java.sql.Connection;

import java.sql.DriverManager;

import java.sql.SQLException;

import java.util.List;

import java.util.Map;

import jp.co.mftbc.cbp.com.QueryBuffer;

import org.apache.commons.dbutils.DbUtils;

import org.apache.commons.dbutils.QueryRunner;

import org.apache.commons.dbutils.handlers.MapListHandler;

/** *//**

* DBアクセス部品を生成するクラス


public class creator ...{

private String root_path = "tool";

private String src_path = &qu

private Connection conn = null;

private String tableName = null;

private String tableType = null;

private String tableComm = null;

private List columns = null;

private List keys = null;

private String colName = null;

private String colComm = null;

private String colType = null;

private String colKey = null;

private String colDef = null;

public void execute(String str) ...{

try ...{


conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:db2://", "db2admin", "db2admin");

// テーブル情報

if(!getTableInfo(str)) return;

} catch(Exception e)...{





}catch(Exception e)...{}




* テーブル情報取得

* @return

* @throws Exception


private boolean getTableInfo(String str) throws Exception ...{

QueryBuffer buf = new QueryBuffer();

buf.append("SELECT TABNAME, ");

buf.append(" TYPE, ");

buf.append(" REMARKS ");

buf.append(" FROM SYSCAT.TABLES ");

buf.append(" WHERE TABSCHEMA = 'DB2ADMIN' ");

buf.append(" AND TABNAME like ? ", str);

List rec = (List) new QueryRunner().query(conn, buf.getQuery(), buf.getObject(), new MapListHandler());



return false;


for(int i = 0; i < rec.size(); i++)...{

Map map = (Map)rec.get(i);

tableName = String.valueOf(map.get("TABNAME"));

tableType = String.valueOf(map.get("TYPE"));

tableComm = String.valueOf(map.get("REMARKS"));











return true;


/** *//**

* カラム情報取得

* @throws SQLException


private void getColumnInfo() throws SQLException...{

QueryBuffer buf = new QueryBuffer();

buf.append("SELECT COLNAME, ");

buf.append(" KEYSEQ, ");

buf.append(" TYPENAME, ");

buf.append(" REMARKS, ");

buf.append(" DEFAULT ");

buf.append(" FROM SYSCAT.COLUMNS ");

buf.append(" WHERE TABNAME = ? ", tableName);

buf.append(" ORDER BY colno ");

columns = (List) new QueryRunner().query(conn, buf.getQuery(), buf.getObject(), new MapListHandler());


/** *//**

* KEY情報取得

* @throws SQLException


private void getKeyInfo() throws SQLException...{

QueryBuffer buf = new QueryBuffer();

buf.append("SELECT COLNAME, ");

buf.append(" KEYSEQ, ");

buf.append(" TYPENAME, ");

buf.append(" REMARKS ");

buf.append(" FROM SYSCAT.COLUMNS ");

buf.append(" WHERE TABNAME = ? ", tableName);

buf.append(" AND KEYSEQ is not null ");

buf.append(" ORDER BY KEYSEQ, colno ");

keys = (List) new QueryRunner().query(conn, buf.getQuery(), buf.getObject(), new MapListHandler());


/** *//**

* 構造体を出力する。

* @throws Exception


private void createStruct() throws Exception...{

String strPath = src_path + "/" + tableName + "Struct.java";

if(new File(strPath).exists())...{

new File(strPath).delete();


FileReader inFile = new FileReader(root_path + "/template/templateStruct.java");

BufferedReader inBuffer = new BufferedReader(inFile);

String line, temp, str;

while ((line = inBuffer.readLine()) != null) ...{

temp = "";


while ((line = inBuffer.readLine()) != null) ...{

if("//@END LOOP".equals(line))...{




temp = line;


temp = temp + " " + line;



for(int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++)...{


str = temp;

str = str.replaceAll("/[TABLE_NAME/]" , tableName);

str = str.replaceAll("/[TABLE_COMMENT/]" , tableComm);

str = str.replaceAll("/[OBJECT_NAME/]" , colName.toLowerCase());

str = str.replaceAll("/[OBJECT_CLASS/]" , getClassName(colType));

str = str.replaceAll("/[DEFAULT/]" , colDef.replaceAll("'", """));

str = str.replaceAll("/[METHOD_NAME/]" , getMethodName(colName));

str = str.replaceAll("/[METHOD_COMMENT/]" , colComm);

output(strPath, str);



str = line;

str = str.replaceAll("/[TABLE_NAME/]" , tableName);

str = str.replaceAll("/[TABLE_COMMENT/]" , tableComm);

output(strPath, str);





/** *//**

* アクセス部品を出力する。

* @throws Exception


private void createAccess() throws Exception...{

String strPath = src_path + "/" + tableName + ".java";

if(new File(strPath).exists())...{

new File(strPath).delete();


FileReader inFile = new FileReader(root_path + "/template/template.java");

BufferedReader inBuffer = new BufferedReader(inFile);

String line, temp, str;

while ((line = inBuffer.readLine()) != null) ...{

temp = "";


while ((line = inBuffer.readLine()) != null) ...{

if("//@COLUMN_END LOOP".equals(line))...{




temp = line;


temp = temp + " " + line;



for(int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++)...{


str = temp;

str = str.replaceAll("/[TABLE_NAME/]" , tableName);

str = str.replaceAll("/[TABLE_COMMENT/]" , tableComm);

str = str.replaceAll("/[COL_NAME/]" , colName);

str = str.replaceAll("/[COL_COMMENT/]" , colComm);

str = str.replaceAll("/[METHOD_NAME/]" , getMethodName(colName));

str = str.replaceAll("/[OBJECT_CLASS/]" , getClassName(colType));

output(strPath, str);



//* SELECTメソッド(KEY)


}else if("//@SELECT_METHOD".equals(line))...{

if(keys.size() == 0) continue;

output(strPath, " /**");

output(strPath, " * " + tableComm + "の検索を行うメソッド");

output(strPath, " * @param conn 接続情報");

str = "";

for(int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++)...{


output(strPath, " * @param " + colName.toLowerCase() + " " + colComm);


output(strPath, " * @return 検索結果");

output(strPath, " * @throws SQLException");

output(strPath, " */");

output(strPath, " public " + tableName + "Struct select(");

output(strPath, " Connection conn, ");

for(int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++)...{


output(strPath, " " + getClassName(colType) + " " + colName.toLowerCase() + ((i == keys.size() - 1)?" ":", "));


output(strPath, " ) throws SQLException {");

output(strPath, " " + "");

output(strPath, " " + "QueryBuffer buf = new QueryBuffer();");

for(int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++)...{


output(strPath, " " + "buf.append("" + ((i == 0)? " WHERE ":" AND ") + colName + " = ? ", " + colName.toLowerCase() + ");");


output(strPath, " " + "");

output(strPath, " " + "List list = select(conn, buf.getQuery(), buf.getObject());");

output(strPath, " " + "if(list.isEmpty()) return null;");

output(strPath, " " + "return (" + tableName + "Struct)list.get(0);");

output(strPath, " }");

output(strPath, " ");


//* LOCKメソッド


}else if("//@LOCK_METHOD".equals(line))...{

if(keys.size() == 0) continue;

output(strPath, " /**");

output(strPath, " * " + tableComm + "のロックを行うメソッド");

output(strPath, " * @param conn 接続情報");

str = "";

for(int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++)...{


output(strPath, " * @param " + colName.toLowerCase() + " " + colComm);


output(strPath, " * @return 検索結果");

output(strPath, " * @throws SQLException");

output(strPath, " */");

output(strPath, " public " + tableName + "Struct lock(");

output(strPath, " Connection conn, ");

for(int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++)...{


output(strPath, " " + getClassName(colType) + " " + colName.toLowerCase() + ", ");


output(strPath, " java.sql.Timestamp modified_dt ");

output(strPath, " ) throws SQLException {");

output(strPath, " " + "");

output(strPath, " " + "QueryBuffer buf = new QueryBuffer();");

for(int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++)...{


output(strPath, " " + "buf.append("" + ((i == 0)? " WHERE ":" AND ") + colName + " = ? ", " + colName.toLowerCase() + ");");


output(strPath, " " + "buf.append(" AND MODIFIED_DT = ? ", modified_dt);");

// output(strPath, " " + "buf.append(" AND (MODIFIED_ID = ? ", user_id);");

// output(strPath, " " + "buf.append(" OR MODIFIED_DT = ? )", modified_dt);");

output(strPath, " " + "buf.append(" FOR UPDATE WITH RS ");");

output(strPath, " " + "");

output(strPath, " " + "List list = select(conn, buf.getQuery(), buf.getObject());");

output(strPath, " " + "if(list.isEmpty()) return null;");

output(strPath, " " + "return (" + tableName + "Struct)list.get(0);");

output(strPath, " }");

output(strPath, " ");


//* INSERTメソッド


}else if("//@INSERT_METHOD".equals(line))...{

if("V".equals(tableType)) continue;

output(strPath, " /**");

output(strPath, " * " + tableComm + "の登録を行うメソッド");

output(strPath, " * @param conn 接続情報");

output(strPath, " * @param data 登録データ");

output(strPath, " * @return 処理結果");

output(strPath, " * @throws SQLException");

output(strPath, " */");

output(strPath, " public int insert(");

output(strPath, " Connection conn, ");

output(strPath, " " + tableName + "Struct data");

output(strPath, " ) throws SQLException {");

output(strPath, " " + "");

output(strPath, " " + "QueryBuffer buf = new QueryBuffer();");

output(strPath, " " + "buf.append("INSERT INTO " + tableName + "( ");");

for(int i = 0 ; i < columns.size(); i++)...{


output(strPath, " " + "buf.append(" " + colName + ((i == columns.size() - 1)?"":",") + " ");");


output(strPath, " " + "buf.append(")VALUES( ");");

for(int i = 0 ; i < columns.size(); i++)...{




|| colName.equals("MODIFIED_ID"))...{

output(strPath, " " + "buf.append(" ?" + ((i == columns.size() - 1)?" ":",") + " ", user_id);");





|| colName.equals("MODIFIED_DT"))...{

output(strPath, " " + "buf.append(" current timestamp" + ((i == columns.size() - 1)?" ":",") + " ");");




output(strPath, " " + "buf.append(" ?" + ((i == columns.size() - 1)?" ":",") + " ", Util.dateToStr(data.get" + getMethodName(colName) + "(), Util.DB2_DATE));");

}else if(colType.equals("TIMESTAMP"))...{

output(strPath, " " + "buf.append(" ?" + ((i == columns.size() - 1)?" ":",") + " ", Util.dateToStr(data.get" + getMethodName(colName) + "(), Util.DB2_TIMESTAMP));");


output(strPath, " " + "buf.append(" ?" + ((i == columns.size() - 1)?" ":",") + " ", data.get" + getMethodName(colName) + "());");



output(strPath, " " + "buf.append(") ");");

output(strPath, " " + "");

output(strPath, " " + "return new QueryRunner().update(conn, buf.getQuery(), buf.getObject());");

output(strPath, " }");

output(strPath, " ");


//* UPDATEメソッド


}else if("//@UPDATE_METHOD".equals(line))...{

if(keys.size() == 0) continue;

output(strPath, " /**");

output(strPath, " * " + tableComm + "の更新を行うメソッド");

output(strPath, " * @param conn 接続情報");

output(strPath, " * @param data 登録データ");

output(strPath, " * @return 処理結果");

output(strPath, " * @throws SQLException");

output(strPath, " */");

output(strPath, " public int update(");

output(strPath, " Connection conn, ");

output(strPath, " " + tableName + "Struct data");

output(strPath, " ) throws SQLException {");

output(strPath, " " + "");

output(strPath, " " + "QueryBuffer buf = new QueryBuffer();");

output(strPath, " " + "buf.append("UPDATE " + tableName + " ");");

boolean initflag = true;

for(int i = 0 ; i < columns.size(); i++)...{



if(!colKey.equals("null")) continue;



|| colName.equals("REGISTED_DT"))...{





output(strPath, " " + "buf.append("" + ((initflag)? " SET ":" ") + colName + " = ?" + ((i == columns.size() - 1)?"":",") + " ", user_id);");




output(strPath, " " + "buf.append("" + ((initflag)? " SET ":" ") + colName + " = current timestamp" + ((i == columns.size() - 1)?"":",") + " ");");




output(strPath, " " + "buf.append("" + ((initflag)? " SET ":" ") + colName + " = ?" + ((i == columns.size() - 1)?"":",") + " ", Util.dateToStr(data.get" + getMethodName(colName) + "(), Util.DB2_DATE));");

}else if(colType.equals("TIMESTAMP"))...{

output(strPath, " " + "buf.append("" + ((initflag)? " SET ":" ") + colName + " = ?" + ((i == columns.size() - 1)?"":",") + " ", Util.dateToStr(data.get" + getMethodName(colName) + "(), Util.DB2_TIMESTAMP));");


output(strPath, " " + "buf.append("" + ((initflag)? " SET ":" ") + colName + " = ?" + ((i == columns.size() - 1)?"":",") + " ", data.get" + getMethodName(colName) + "());");



initflag = false;


for(int i = 0 ; i < keys.size(); i++)...{


output(strPath, " " + "buf.append("" + ((i == 0)? " WHERE ":" AND ") + colName + " = ? ", data.get" + getMethodName(colName) + "());");


output(strPath, " " + "");

output(strPath, " " + "return new QueryRunner().update(conn, buf.getQuery(), buf.getObject());");

output(strPath, " }");

output(strPath, " ");


//* DELETEメソッド(任意)


}else if("//@DELETE_METHOD".equals(line))...{

if("V".equals(tableType)) continue;

output(strPath, " /**");

output(strPath, " * " + tableComm + "の削除を行うメソッド");

output(strPath, " * @param conn 接続情報");

output(strPath, " * @param where 条件");

output(strPath, " * @param obj バインド変数");

output(strPath, " * @return 処理結果");

output(strPath, " * @throws SQLException");

output(strPath, " */");

output(strPath, " public int delete(");

output(strPath, " Connection conn, ");

output(strPath, " String where, ");

output(strPath, " Object[] obj ");

output(strPath, " ) throws SQLException {");

output(strPath, " " + "");

output(strPath, " " + "QueryBuffer buf = new QueryBuffer();");

output(strPath, " " + "buf.append("DELETE FROM " + tableName + " ");");

output(strPath, " " + "");

output(strPath, " " + "return new QueryRunner().update(conn, buf.getQuery() + where, obj);");

output(strPath, " }");

output(strPath, " ");


//* DELETEメソッド(キー)


}else if("//@DELETE_METHOD-KEY".equals(line))...{

if(keys.size() == 0) continue;

output(strPath, " /**");

output(strPath, " * " + tableComm + "の削除を行うメソッド");

output(strPath, " * @param conn 接続情報");

str = "";

for(int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++)...{


output(strPath, " * @param " + colName.toLowerCase() + " " + colComm);


output(strPath, " * @return 処理結果");

output(strPath, " * @throws SQLException");

output(strPath, " */");

output(strPath, " public int delete(");

output(strPath, " Connection conn, ");

for(int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++)...{


output(strPath, " " + getClassName(colType) + " " + colName.toLowerCase() + ((i == keys.size() - 1)?" ":", "));


output(strPath, " ) throws SQLException {");

output(strPath, " " + "");

output(strPath, " " + "QueryBuffer buf = new QueryBuffer();");

for(int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++)...{


output(strPath, " " + "buf.append("" + ((i == 0)? " WHERE ":" AND ") + colName + " = ? ", " + colName.toLowerCase() + ");");


output(strPath, " " + "");

output(strPath, " " + "return delete(conn, buf.getQuery(), buf.getObject());");

output(strPath, " }");

output(strPath, " ");


str = line;

str = str.replaceAll("/[TABLE_NAME/]" , tableName);

str = str.replaceAll("/[TABLE_COMMENT/]" , tableComm);

output(strPath, str);





private void setColumn(Map map)...{

colName = String.valueOf(map.get("COLNAME"));

colComm = String.valueOf(map.get("REMARKS"));

colType = String.valueOf(map.get("TYPENAME"));

colKey = String.valueOf(map.get("KEYSEQ"));

colDef = String.valueOf(map.get("DEFAULT"));


/** *//**

* 機能名

* @param str

* @return


private String getMethodName(String str)...{

return str.substring(0, 1) + str.substring(1).toLowerCase();


/** *//**

* DB2の型をJavaクラスに変換する。

* @param str

* @return


private String getClassName(String str)...{


return "String";

}else if(str.equals("CHARACTER"))...{

return "String";

}else if(str.equals("SMALLINT"))...{

return "Integer";

}else if(str.equals("INTEGER"))...{

return "Integer";

}else if(str.equals("DOUBLE"))...{

return "Double";

}else if(str.equals("DATE"))...{

return "java.util.Date";

}else if(str.equals("TIMESTAMP"))...{

return "java.sql.Timestamp";


return "Object";



/** *//**

* ファイル出力

* @param path パス

* @param str 文字列

* @throws Exception


private void output(String path, String str) throws Exception...{

OutputStreamWriter out = new FileWriter(new File(path), true);

out.write(str + " ");




内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息