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Linq To Xml改变App.config中的ConnectionString的Value

2008-04-05 23:21 417 查看



"Data Source=wghosh2k3"sqlexpress;Initial Catalog=Northwind;Integrated Security=True"

providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

Dim sNewConnStr As String = ""

'Get the file info

Dim config As System.Configuration.Configuration = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None)

'Load the file info

Dim xml = XElement.Load(config.FilePath)

'Get the first config section (first connection string info)

Dim connStrXML = xml.Descendants("connectionStrings").Elements().First()

'Get the connection string value

Dim connStr = connStrXML.Attribute("connectionString").Value

'Create an array with ';'

Dim arrConn() As String = connStr.Split(";")

For i As Int16 = 0 To arrConn.Length - 1

'Get the attribute and value splitted by "="

Dim arrSubConn() As String = arrConn(i).Split("=")

If (arrSubConn.Length = 2) Then

Dim sConnAttr As String = ""

Dim sConnValue As String = ""

sConnAttr = arrSubConn(0)

sConnValue = arrSubConn(1)

'Change Database name

If (sConnAttr = "Initial Catalog") Then

'This is the place where you will be changing the database name

sConnValue = "NewDBName"

End If

'Generate newly altered connection string

sNewConnStr += sConnAttr + "=" + sConnValue + ";"

End If


After doing everything you need to save it back to the same file,

'Modify the existing connection string information

connStrXML.SetAttributeValue("connectionString", sNewConnStr)

'Saving config at the same place

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