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VB WMI 对象的示例代码

2008-03-29 16:23 295 查看

Attribute VB_Name = "ModuleWMI"
'Powered by barenx

Option Explicit

Private Declare Function ExpandEnvironmentStrings()Function ExpandEnvironmentStrings Lib "kernel32" Alias "ExpandEnvironmentStringsA" (ByVal lpSrc As String, ByVal lpDst As String, ByVal nSize As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function lstrlen()Function lstrlen Lib "kernel32" Alias "lstrlenW" (ByVal lpString As Long) As Long

Private Const MAX_PATH = 260



Public Function wmiBiosInfo()Function wmiBiosInfo() As String

Dim BiosSet As SWbemObjectSet

Dim bios As SWbemObject

Dim Cnt As Long

Dim Msg As String

Set BiosSet = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}").InstancesOf("Win32_BIOS")

On Local Error Resume Next

For Each bios In BiosSet

wmiBiosInfo = wmiBiosInfo & "PrimaryBIOS" & vbTab & bios.PrimaryBIOS & vbCrLf

wmiBiosInfo = wmiBiosInfo & "Status" & vbTab & bios.Status & vbCrLf

For Cnt = LBound(bios.BIOSVersion) To UBound(bios.BIOSVersion)

wmiBiosInfo = wmiBiosInfo & "BIOSVersion strings" & vbTab & bios.BIOSVersion(Cnt) & vbCrLf

Next Cnt

wmiBiosInfo = wmiBiosInfo & "Caption" & vbTab & bios.Caption & vbCrLf

wmiBiosInfo = wmiBiosInfo & "Description" & vbTab & bios.Description & vbCrLf

wmiBiosInfo = wmiBiosInfo & "Name" & vbTab & bios.Name & vbCrLf

wmiBiosInfo = wmiBiosInfo & "Manufacturer" & vbTab & bios.Manufacturer & vbCrLf

wmiBiosInfo = wmiBiosInfo & "ReleaseDate" & vbTab & bios.ReleaseDate & vbCrLf

wmiBiosInfo = wmiBiosInfo & "SerialNumber" & vbTab & bios.SerialNumber & vbCrLf

wmiBiosInfo = wmiBiosInfo & "SMBIOSBIOSVersion" & vbTab & bios.SMBIOSBIOSVersion & vbCrLf

wmiBiosInfo = wmiBiosInfo & "SMBIOSMajorVersion" & vbTab & bios.SMBIOSMajorVersion & vbCrLf

wmiBiosInfo = wmiBiosInfo & "SMBIOSMinorVersion" & vbTab & bios.SMBIOSMinorVersion & vbCrLf

wmiBiosInfo = wmiBiosInfo & "SMBIOSPresent" & vbTab & bios.SMBIOSPresent & vbCrLf

wmiBiosInfo = wmiBiosInfo & "SoftwareElementID" & vbTab & bios.SoftwareElementID & vbCrLf

Select Case bios.SoftwareElementState

Case 0: Msg = "deployable"

Case 1: Msg = "installable"

Case 2: Msg = "executable"

Case 3: Msg = "running"

End Select

wmiBiosInfo = wmiBiosInfo & "SoftwareElementState" & vbTab & Msg & vbCrLf

wmiBiosInfo = wmiBiosInfo & "Version" & vbTab & bios.Version & vbCrLf

wmiBiosInfo = wmiBiosInfo & "InstallableLanguages" & vbTab & bios.InstallableLanguages & vbCrLf

wmiBiosInfo = wmiBiosInfo & "CurrentLanguage" & vbTab & bios.CurrentLanguage & vbCrLf

For Cnt = LBound(bios.ListOfLanguages) To UBound(bios.ListOfLanguages)

wmiBiosInfo = wmiBiosInfo & "ListOfLanguages" & vbTab & bios.ListOfLanguages(Cnt) & vbCrLf

Next Cnt

For Cnt = LBound(bios.BiosCharacteristics) To UBound(bios.BiosCharacteristics)

Select Case bios.BiosCharacteristics(Cnt)

Case 0: Msg = "reserved"

Case 1: Msg = "reserved"

Case 2: Msg = "unknown"

Case 3: Msg = "BIOS characteristics not supported"

Case 4: Msg = "ISA supported"

Case 5: Msg = "MCA supported"

Case 6: Msg = "EISA supported"

Case 7: Msg = "PCI supported"

Case 8: Msg = "PC Card (PCMCIA) supported"

Case 9: Msg = "Plug and Play supported"

Case 10: Msg = "APM is supported"

Case 11: Msg = "BIOS upgradable (Flash)"

Case 12: Msg = "BIOS shadowing allowed"

Case 13: Msg = "VL-VESA supported"

Case 14: Msg = "ESCD support available"

Case 15: Msg = "Boot from CD supported"

Case 16: Msg = "Selectable boot supported"

Case 17: Msg = "BIOS ROM socketed"

Case 18: Msg = "Boot from PC card (PCMCIA) supported"

Case 19: Msg = "EDD (Enhanced Disk Drive) specification supported"

Case 20: Msg = "Int 13h, Japanese Floppy for NEC 9800 1.2mb (3.5, 1k b/s, 360 RPM) supported"

Case 21: Msg = "Int 13h, Japanese Floppy for Toshiba 1.2mb (3.5, 360 RPM) supported"

Case 22: Msg = "Int 13h, 5.25 / 360 KB floppy services supported"

Case 23: Msg = "Int 13h, 5.25 /1.2MB floppy services supported"

Case 24: Msg = "Int 13h 3.5 / 720 KB floppy services supported"

Case 25: Msg = "Int 13h, 3.5 / 2.88 MB floppy services supported"

Case 26: Msg = "Int 5h, print screen service supported"

Case 27: Msg = "Int 9h, 8042 keyboard services supported"

Case 28: Msg = "Int 14h, serial services supported"

Case 29: Msg = "Int 17h, printer services supported"

Case 30: Msg = "Int 10h, CGA/Mono video aervices supported"

Case 31: Msg = "NEC PC-98"

Case 32: Msg = "ACPI supported"

Case 33: Msg = "USB Legacy supported"

Case 34: Msg = "AGP supported"

Case 35: Msg = "I2O boot supported"

Case 36: Msg = "LS-120 boot supported"

Case 37: Msg = "ATAPI ZIP drive boot supported"

Case 38: Msg = "1394 boot supported"

Case 39: Msg = "Smart battery supported"

End Select

wmiBiosInfo = wmiBiosInfo & "BIOS Characteristics" & vbTab & Msg & vbCrLf

Next Cnt 'For cnt

wmiBiosInfo = wmiBiosInfo & vbCrLf

Next bios 'For Each bios

End Function

'--end block--'



Public Function wmiDesktopInfo()Function wmiDesktopInfo() As String

Dim DesktopSet As SWbemObjectSet

Dim desktop As SWbemObject

Dim Thiscol As Long

wmiDesktopInfo = wmiDesktopInfo & "WMI Property" & vbTab

wmiDesktopInfo = wmiDesktopInfo & "BorderWidth" & vbTab

wmiDesktopInfo = wmiDesktopInfo & "CoolSwitch" & vbTab

wmiDesktopInfo = wmiDesktopInfo & "CursorBlinkRate" & vbTab

wmiDesktopInfo = wmiDesktopInfo & "DragFullWindows" & vbTab

wmiDesktopInfo = wmiDesktopInfo & "GridGranularity" & vbTab

wmiDesktopInfo = wmiDesktopInfo & "IconSpacing" & vbTab

wmiDesktopInfo = wmiDesktopInfo & "IconTitleFaceName" & vbTab

wmiDesktopInfo = wmiDesktopInfo & "IconTitleSize" & vbTab

wmiDesktopInfo = wmiDesktopInfo & "IconTitleWrap" & vbTab

wmiDesktopInfo = wmiDesktopInfo & "Pattern" & vbTab

wmiDesktopInfo = wmiDesktopInfo & "ScrSaveActive" & vbTab

wmiDesktopInfo = wmiDesktopInfo & "ScrSaveExecutable" & vbTab

wmiDesktopInfo = wmiDesktopInfo & "ScrSaveSecure" & vbTab

wmiDesktopInfo = wmiDesktopInfo & "ScrSaveTimeout" & vbTab

wmiDesktopInfo = wmiDesktopInfo & "Wallpaper" & vbTab

wmiDesktopInfo = wmiDesktopInfo & "WallpaperStretched" & vbTab

wmiDesktopInfo = wmiDesktopInfo & "WallpaperTiled" & vbTab

wmiDesktopInfo = wmiDesktopInfo & vbCrLf

Set DesktopSet = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}").InstancesOf("Win32_Desktop")

For Each desktop In DesktopSet

wmiDesktopInfo = wmiDesktopInfo & desktop.Name & vbTab

wmiDesktopInfo = wmiDesktopInfo & desktop.BorderWidth & vbTab

wmiDesktopInfo = wmiDesktopInfo & desktop.CoolSwitch & vbTab

wmiDesktopInfo = wmiDesktopInfo & desktop.CursorBlinkRate & vbTab

wmiDesktopInfo = wmiDesktopInfo & desktop.DragFullWindows & vbTab

wmiDesktopInfo = wmiDesktopInfo & desktop.GridGranularity & vbTab

wmiDesktopInfo = wmiDesktopInfo & desktop.IconSpacing & vbTab

wmiDesktopInfo = wmiDesktopInfo & desktop.IconTitleFaceName & vbTab

wmiDesktopInfo = wmiDesktopInfo & desktop.IconTitleSize & vbTab

wmiDesktopInfo = wmiDesktopInfo & desktop.IconTitleWrap & vbTab

wmiDesktopInfo = wmiDesktopInfo & desktop.Pattern & vbTab

wmiDesktopInfo = wmiDesktopInfo & desktop.ScreenSaverActive & vbTab

wmiDesktopInfo = wmiDesktopInfo & desktop.ScreenSaverExecutable & vbTab

wmiDesktopInfo = wmiDesktopInfo & desktop.ScreenSaverSecure & vbTab

wmiDesktopInfo = wmiDesktopInfo & desktop.ScreenSaverTimeout & vbTab

wmiDesktopInfo = wmiDesktopInfo & desktop.Wallpaper & vbTab

wmiDesktopInfo = wmiDesktopInfo & desktop.WallpaperStretched & vbTab

wmiDesktopInfo = wmiDesktopInfo & desktop.WallpaperTiled

wmiDesktopInfo = wmiDesktopInfo & vbCrLf

Next desktop

End Function

'--end block--'



Public Function wmiDiskDriveInfo()Function wmiDiskDriveInfo() As String

Dim DiskDriveSet As SWbemObjectSet

Dim dd As SWbemObject

Dim Thiscol As Long

Dim capcount As Long

Dim Msg As String

Dim sflag As String 'used in err trap

On Local Error Resume Next

wmiDiskDriveInfo = wmiDiskDriveInfo & "WMI Property" & vbTab

wmiDiskDriveInfo = wmiDiskDriveInfo & "ID: Description" & vbTab

wmiDiskDriveInfo = wmiDiskDriveInfo & "ID: Index" & vbTab

wmiDiskDriveInfo = wmiDiskDriveInfo & "ID: DeviceID" & vbTab

wmiDiskDriveInfo = wmiDiskDriveInfo & "ID: Caption" & vbTab

wmiDiskDriveInfo = wmiDiskDriveInfo & "ID: Manufacturer" & vbTab

wmiDiskDriveInfo = wmiDiskDriveInfo & "ID: Model" & vbTab

wmiDiskDriveInfo = wmiDiskDriveInfo & "ID: InterfaceType" & vbTab

wmiDiskDriveInfo = wmiDiskDriveInfo & "ID: MediaLoaded" & vbTab

wmiDiskDriveInfo = wmiDiskDriveInfo & "ID: MediaType" & vbTab

wmiDiskDriveInfo = wmiDiskDriveInfo & "Phyical: Status" & vbTab

wmiDiskDriveInfo = wmiDiskDriveInfo & "Phyical: Size" & vbTab

wmiDiskDriveInfo = wmiDiskDriveInfo & "Phyical: Partitions" & vbTab

wmiDiskDriveInfo = wmiDiskDriveInfo & "Phyical: BytesPerSector" & vbTab

wmiDiskDriveInfo = wmiDiskDriveInfo & "Phyical: SectorsPerTrack" & vbTab

wmiDiskDriveInfo = wmiDiskDriveInfo & "Phyical: TotalCylinders" & vbTab

wmiDiskDriveInfo = wmiDiskDriveInfo & "Phyical: TotalHeads" & vbTab

wmiDiskDriveInfo = wmiDiskDriveInfo & "Phyical: TotalTracks" & vbTab

wmiDiskDriveInfo = wmiDiskDriveInfo & "Phyical: TracksPerCylinder"

wmiDiskDriveInfo = wmiDiskDriveInfo & "Disk Capabilities:" & vbTab

wmiDiskDriveInfo = wmiDiskDriveInfo & vbCrLf

Set DiskDriveSet = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}").InstancesOf("Win32_DiskDrive")

For Each dd In DiskDriveSet

wmiDiskDriveInfo = wmiDiskDriveInfo & dd.Description & " " & dd.Index & vbTab

wmiDiskDriveInfo = wmiDiskDriveInfo & dd.Description & vbTab

wmiDiskDriveInfo = wmiDiskDriveInfo & dd.Index & vbTab

wmiDiskDriveInfo = wmiDiskDriveInfo & dd.DeviceID & vbTab

wmiDiskDriveInfo = wmiDiskDriveInfo & dd.Caption & vbTab

wmiDiskDriveInfo = wmiDiskDriveInfo & dd.Manufacturer & vbTab

wmiDiskDriveInfo = wmiDiskDriveInfo & dd.Model & vbTab

wmiDiskDriveInfo = wmiDiskDriveInfo & dd.InterfaceType & vbTab

wmiDiskDriveInfo = wmiDiskDriveInfo & dd.MediaLoaded & vbTab

wmiDiskDriveInfo = wmiDiskDriveInfo & dd.MediaType & vbTab

wmiDiskDriveInfo = wmiDiskDriveInfo & dd.Status & vbTab

wmiDiskDriveInfo = wmiDiskDriveInfo & FormatNumber(dd.Size, 0) & vbTab

wmiDiskDriveInfo = wmiDiskDriveInfo & dd.Partitions & vbTab

wmiDiskDriveInfo = wmiDiskDriveInfo & FormatNumber(dd.BytesPerSector, 0) & vbTab

wmiDiskDriveInfo = wmiDiskDriveInfo & FormatNumber(dd.SectorsPerTrack, 0) & vbTab

wmiDiskDriveInfo = wmiDiskDriveInfo & FormatNumber(dd.TotalCylinders, 0) & vbTab

wmiDiskDriveInfo = wmiDiskDriveInfo & dd.TotalHeads & vbTab

wmiDiskDriveInfo = wmiDiskDriveInfo & dd.TotalTracks & vbTab

wmiDiskDriveInfo = wmiDiskDriveInfo & dd.TracksPerCylinder & vbTab

For capcount = LBound(dd.capabilities) To UBound(dd.capabilities)

Select Case dd.capabilities(capcount)

Case 0: Msg = "Unknown "

Case 1: Msg = "Other "

Case 2: Msg = "Sequential Access "

Case 3: Msg = "Random Access "

Case 4: Msg = "Supports Writing "

Case 5: Msg = "Encryption "

Case 6: Msg = "Compression "

Case 7: Msg = "Supports Removable Media "

Case 8: Msg = "Manual Cleaning "

Case 9: Msg = "Automatic Cleaning "

Case 10: Msg = "SMART Notification "

Case 11: Msg = "Supports Dual Sided Media "

Case 12: Msg = "Ejection Prior to Drive Dismount Not Required"

End Select

wmiDiskDriveInfo = wmiDiskDriveInfo & Msg & vbTab

Next capcount

wmiDiskDriveInfo = wmiDiskDriveInfo & vbCrLf

Next dd

'--end block--'

End Function



Public Function wmiVideoControllerInfo()Function wmiVideoControllerInfo() As String

Dim wmiObjSet As SWbemObjectSet

Dim obj As SWbemObject

Dim Msg As String

wmiVideoControllerInfo = wmiVideoControllerInfo & "Processor" & vbTab

wmiVideoControllerInfo = wmiVideoControllerInfo & "BPS" & vbTab

wmiVideoControllerInfo = wmiVideoControllerInfo & "Hres" & vbTab

wmiVideoControllerInfo = wmiVideoControllerInfo & "Vres" & vbTab

wmiVideoControllerInfo = wmiVideoControllerInfo & "Freq" & vbTab

wmiVideoControllerInfo = wmiVideoControllerInfo & "Colours" & vbTab

wmiVideoControllerInfo = wmiVideoControllerInfo & "rf min" & vbTab

wmiVideoControllerInfo = wmiVideoControllerInfo & "rf max" & vbTab

wmiVideoControllerInfo = wmiVideoControllerInfo & "Vmode" & vbTab

wmiVideoControllerInfo = wmiVideoControllerInfo & "Mem" & vbTab

wmiVideoControllerInfo = wmiVideoControllerInfo & "AdapterDACType" & vbTab

wmiVideoControllerInfo = wmiVideoControllerInfo & vbCrLf

Set wmiObjSet = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}").InstancesOf("Win32_VideoController")

On Local Error Resume Next

For Each obj In wmiObjSet

wmiVideoControllerInfo = wmiVideoControllerInfo & obj.VideoProcessor & vbTab

wmiVideoControllerInfo = wmiVideoControllerInfo & obj.CurrentBitsPerPixel & vbTab

wmiVideoControllerInfo = wmiVideoControllerInfo & obj.CurrentHorizontalResolution & vbTab

wmiVideoControllerInfo = wmiVideoControllerInfo & obj.CurrentVerticalResolution & vbTab

wmiVideoControllerInfo = wmiVideoControllerInfo & obj.CurrentRefreshRate & vbTab

wmiVideoControllerInfo = wmiVideoControllerInfo & obj.CurrentNumberOfColors & vbTab

wmiVideoControllerInfo = wmiVideoControllerInfo & obj.MinRefreshRate & vbTab

wmiVideoControllerInfo = wmiVideoControllerInfo & obj.MaxRefreshRate & vbTab

Select Case obj.CurrentScanMode

Case 1: Msg = "other"

Case 2: Msg = "unknwn"

Case 3: Msg = "intrlcd"

Case 4: Msg = "nintrlcd"

End Select

wmiVideoControllerInfo = wmiVideoControllerInfo & Msg & vbTab

Select Case obj.VideoMemoryType

Case 1: Msg = "other"

Case 2: Msg = "unknown"

Case 3: Msg = "VRAM"

Case 4: Msg = "DRAM"

Case 5: Msg = "SRAM"

Case 6: Msg = "WRAM"

Case 7: Msg = "EDO RAM"

Case 8: Msg = "Burst Synchronous DRAM"

Case 9: Msg = "Pipelined Burst SRAM"

Case 10: Msg = "CDRAM"

Case 11: Msg = "3DRAM"

Case 12: Msg = "SDRAM"

Case 13: Msg = "SGRAM"

End Select

wmiVideoControllerInfo = wmiVideoControllerInfo & Msg & vbTab

wmiVideoControllerInfo = wmiVideoControllerInfo & obj.AdapterDACType & vbTab

wmiVideoControllerInfo = wmiVideoControllerInfo & vbCrLf

Next obj

End Function

'--end block--'



Public Function wmiDisplayConfiguration()Function wmiDisplayConfiguration() As String

Dim dcSet As SWbemObjectSet

Dim dc As SWbemObject

Dim Msg As String

wmiDisplayConfiguration = wmiDisplayConfiguration & "Caption" & vbTab

wmiDisplayConfiguration = wmiDisplayConfiguration & "Driver ver" & vbTab

wmiDisplayConfiguration = wmiDisplayConfiguration & "LogPixels" & vbTab

wmiDisplayConfiguration = wmiDisplayConfiguration & "PelsH" & vbTab

wmiDisplayConfiguration = wmiDisplayConfiguration & "PelsV" & vbTab

wmiDisplayConfiguration = wmiDisplayConfiguration & "Spec ver" & vbTab

wmiDisplayConfiguration = wmiDisplayConfiguration & vbCrLf

Set dcSet = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}").InstancesOf("Win32_DisplayConfiguration")

On Local Error Resume Next

For Each dc In dcSet

wmiDisplayConfiguration = wmiDisplayConfiguration & dc.Caption & vbTab

wmiDisplayConfiguration = wmiDisplayConfiguration & dc.DriverVersion & vbTab

wmiDisplayConfiguration = wmiDisplayConfiguration & dc.LogPixels & vbTab

wmiDisplayConfiguration = wmiDisplayConfiguration & dc.PelsHeight & vbTab

wmiDisplayConfiguration = wmiDisplayConfiguration & dc.PelsWidth & vbTab

wmiDisplayConfiguration = wmiDisplayConfiguration & dc.SpecificationVersion & vbTab

wmiDisplayConfiguration = wmiDisplayConfiguration & vbCrLf

Next dc

End Function

'--end block--'



Private Function ChangeEnvironmentToPath()Function ChangeEnvironmentToPath(ByVal sEnvironPath As String) As String

Dim buff As String

buff = Space$(MAX_PATH)

Call ExpandEnvironmentStrings(sEnvironPath, buff, Len(buff))

ChangeEnvironmentToPath = Left$(buff, lstrlen(StrPtr(buff)))

End Function

Public Function wmiEnvironmentInfo()Function wmiEnvironmentInfo() As String

wmiEnvironmentInfo = wmiEnvironmentInfo & "Variable Name" & vbTab

wmiEnvironmentInfo = wmiEnvironmentInfo & "Environment Value" & vbTab

wmiEnvironmentInfo = wmiEnvironmentInfo & "Expanded String" & vbTab

wmiEnvironmentInfo = wmiEnvironmentInfo & vbCrLf

Dim EnvSet As SWbemObjectSet

Dim env As SWbemObject

Set EnvSet = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}").InstancesOf("Win32_Environment")

On Local Error Resume Next

For Each env In EnvSet

wmiEnvironmentInfo = wmiEnvironmentInfo & env.Name & vbTab

wmiEnvironmentInfo = wmiEnvironmentInfo & env.VariableValue & vbTab

wmiEnvironmentInfo = wmiEnvironmentInfo & ChangeEnvironmentToPath(env.VariableValue) & vbTab

wmiEnvironmentInfo = wmiEnvironmentInfo & vbCrLf

Next env

End Function

'--end block--'



Public Function wmiKeyboardInfo()Function wmiKeyboardInfo() As String

Dim wmiObjSet As SWbemObjectSet

Dim obj As SWbemObject

Dim Thiscol As Long

On Local Error Resume Next

wmiKeyboardInfo = wmiKeyboardInfo & "WMI Property" & vbTab

wmiKeyboardInfo = wmiKeyboardInfo & "Value" & vbTab

wmiKeyboardInfo = wmiKeyboardInfo & vbCrLf

Set wmiObjSet = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}").InstancesOf("Win32_Keyboard")

For Each obj In wmiObjSet

wmiKeyboardInfo = wmiKeyboardInfo & "Description" & vbTab & obj.Description & vbCrLf

wmiKeyboardInfo = wmiKeyboardInfo & "Name" & vbTab & obj.Name & vbCrLf

wmiKeyboardInfo = wmiKeyboardInfo & "Caption" & vbTab & obj.Caption & vbCrLf

wmiKeyboardInfo = wmiKeyboardInfo & "Status" & vbTab & obj.Status & vbCrLf

wmiKeyboardInfo = wmiKeyboardInfo & "Availability" & vbTab & IIf(obj.Availability, obj.Availability, "null") & vbCrLf

wmiKeyboardInfo = wmiKeyboardInfo & "Layout" & vbTab & obj.Layout & vbCrLf

wmiKeyboardInfo = wmiKeyboardInfo & "NumberOfFunctionKeys" & vbTab & obj.NumberOfFunctionKeys & vbCrLf

wmiKeyboardInfo = wmiKeyboardInfo & "DeviceID" & vbTab & obj.DeviceID & vbCrLf

wmiKeyboardInfo = wmiKeyboardInfo & "PNPDeviceID" & vbTab & obj.PNPDeviceID & vbCrLf

wmiKeyboardInfo = wmiKeyboardInfo & vbCrLf

Next obj

End Function

'--end block--'



Public Function wmiBaseBoardInfo()Function wmiBaseBoardInfo() As String

wmiBaseBoardInfo = wmiBaseBoardInfo & "Product" & vbTab

wmiBaseBoardInfo = wmiBaseBoardInfo & "Manufacturer" & vbTab

Dim BaseBoardSet As SWbemObjectSet

Dim bb As SWbemObject

Set BaseBoardSet = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}").InstancesOf("Win32_BaseBoard")

On Local Error Resume Next

For Each bb In BaseBoardSet

wmiBaseBoardInfo = wmiBaseBoardInfo & "Manufacturer" & vbTab & bb.Manufacturer & vbCrLf

wmiBaseBoardInfo = wmiBaseBoardInfo & "Caption" & vbTab & bb.Caption & vbCrLf

wmiBaseBoardInfo = wmiBaseBoardInfo & "ConfigOptions" & vbTab & bb.ConfigOptions & vbCrLf

wmiBaseBoardInfo = wmiBaseBoardInfo & "CreationClassName" & vbTab & bb.CreationClassName & vbCrLf

wmiBaseBoardInfo = wmiBaseBoardInfo & "Depth" & vbTab & bb.Depth & vbCrLf

wmiBaseBoardInfo = wmiBaseBoardInfo & "Description" & vbTab & bb.Description & vbCrLf

wmiBaseBoardInfo = wmiBaseBoardInfo & "Height" & vbTab & bb.Height & vbCrLf

wmiBaseBoardInfo = wmiBaseBoardInfo & "HostingBoard" & vbTab & bb.HostingBoard & vbCrLf

wmiBaseBoardInfo = wmiBaseBoardInfo & "HotSwappable" & vbTab & bb.HotSwappable & vbCrLf

wmiBaseBoardInfo = wmiBaseBoardInfo & "InstallDate" & vbTab & bb.InstallDate & vbCrLf

wmiBaseBoardInfo = wmiBaseBoardInfo & "Model" & vbTab & bb.Model & vbCrLf

wmiBaseBoardInfo = wmiBaseBoardInfo & "Name" & vbTab & bb.Name & vbCrLf

wmiBaseBoardInfo = wmiBaseBoardInfo & "OtherIdentifyingInfo" & vbTab & bb.OtherIdentifyingInfo & vbCrLf

wmiBaseBoardInfo = wmiBaseBoardInfo & "PartNumber" & vbTab & bb.PartNumber & vbCrLf

wmiBaseBoardInfo = wmiBaseBoardInfo & "PoweredOn" & vbTab & bb.PoweredOn & vbCrLf

wmiBaseBoardInfo = wmiBaseBoardInfo & "Product" & vbTab & bb.Product & vbCrLf

wmiBaseBoardInfo = wmiBaseBoardInfo & "Removable" & vbTab & bb.Removable & vbCrLf

wmiBaseBoardInfo = wmiBaseBoardInfo & "Replaceable" & vbTab & bb.Replaceable & vbCrLf

wmiBaseBoardInfo = wmiBaseBoardInfo & "RequirementsDescription" & vbTab & bb.RequirementsDescription & vbCrLf

wmiBaseBoardInfo = wmiBaseBoardInfo & "RequiresDaughterBoard" & vbTab & bb.RequiresDaughterBoard & vbCrLf

wmiBaseBoardInfo = wmiBaseBoardInfo & "SerialNumber" & vbTab & bb.SerialNumber & vbCrLf

wmiBaseBoardInfo = wmiBaseBoardInfo & "SKU" & vbTab & bb.SKU & vbCrLf

wmiBaseBoardInfo = wmiBaseBoardInfo & "SlotLayout" & vbTab & bb.SlotLayout & vbCrLf

wmiBaseBoardInfo = wmiBaseBoardInfo & "SpecialRequirements" & vbTab & bb.SpecialRequirements & vbCrLf

wmiBaseBoardInfo = wmiBaseBoardInfo & "Status" & vbTab & bb.Status & vbCrLf

wmiBaseBoardInfo = wmiBaseBoardInfo & "Tag" & vbTab & bb.Tag & vbCrLf

wmiBaseBoardInfo = wmiBaseBoardInfo & "Version" & vbTab & bb.Version & vbCrLf

wmiBaseBoardInfo = wmiBaseBoardInfo & "Weight" & vbTab & bb.Weight & vbCrLf

wmiBaseBoardInfo = wmiBaseBoardInfo & "Width" & vbTab & bb.Width & vbCrLf

wmiBaseBoardInfo = wmiBaseBoardInfo & vbCrLf

Next bb

End Function

'--end block--'



Public Function wmiDesktopMonitorInfo()Function wmiDesktopMonitorInfo() As String

Dim dtmSet As SWbemObjectSet

Dim dtm As SWbemObject

Dim Msg As String

wmiDesktopMonitorInfo = wmiDesktopMonitorInfo & "Device ID" & vbTab

wmiDesktopMonitorInfo = wmiDesktopMonitorInfo & "Caption" & vbTab

wmiDesktopMonitorInfo = wmiDesktopMonitorInfo & "Manu" & vbTab

wmiDesktopMonitorInfo = wmiDesktopMonitorInfo & "Stat" & vbTab

wmiDesktopMonitorInfo = wmiDesktopMonitorInfo & "Availability" & vbTab

wmiDesktopMonitorInfo = wmiDesktopMonitorInfo & vbCrLf

Set dtmSet = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}").InstancesOf("Win32_DesktopMonitor")

On Local Error Resume Next

For Each dtm In dtmSet

wmiDesktopMonitorInfo = wmiDesktopMonitorInfo & dtm.DeviceID & vbTab

wmiDesktopMonitorInfo = wmiDesktopMonitorInfo & dtm.Caption & vbTab

wmiDesktopMonitorInfo = wmiDesktopMonitorInfo & dtm.MonitorManufacturer & vbTab

wmiDesktopMonitorInfo = wmiDesktopMonitorInfo & dtm.Status & vbTab

Select Case dtm.Availability

Case 1: Msg = "other"

Case 2: Msg = "unknown "

Case 3: Msg = "running/full power"

Case 4: Msg = "warning "

Case 5: Msg = "in test "

Case 6: Msg = "not applicable "

Case 7: Msg = "power off "

Case 8: Msg = "off line "

Case 9: Msg = "off duty "

Case 10: Msg = "degraded "

Case 11: Msg = "not installed "

Case 12: Msg = "install error "

Case 13: Msg = "power save - unknown "

Case 14: Msg = "power save - low power mode "

Case 15: Msg = "power save - standby "

Case 16: Msg = "power cycle "

Case 17: Msg = "power save - warning "

Case 18: Msg = "paused "

Case 19: Msg = "not ready "

Case 20: Msg = "not configured "

Case 21: Msg = "quiesced"

End Select

wmiDesktopMonitorInfo = wmiDesktopMonitorInfo & Msg & vbTab

wmiDesktopMonitorInfo = wmiDesktopMonitorInfo & vbCrLf

Next dtm

End Function

'--end block--'



Private Function SplitDateTimeBias()Function SplitDateTimeBias(ByVal leasedate As String, leasedatepart As String, leasetimepart As String) As Long

Dim pos As Long, bias As Long

pos = InStr(leasedate, ".")

If pos > 0 Then

bias = StripTimeZoneBias(leasedate)

leasedatepart = Left$(leasedate, 8)

leasetimepart = Mid$(leasedate, 9, pos - Len(leasedatepart) - 1)

leasedatepart = InsertInString(leasedatepart, "-", 5, "")

leasedatepart = InsertInString(leasedatepart, "-", 8, "")

leasetimepart = InsertInString(leasetimepart, ":", 3, "")

leasetimepart = InsertInString(leasetimepart, ":", 6, "")

SplitDateTimeBias = bias

End If

End Function

Private Function InsertInString()Function InsertInString(ByVal sOriginal As String, sReplace As String, nField As Long, sDelimeter As String) As String

Dim nCount As Long, nStart As Long, nLast As Long

Do While InStr(nStart + 1, sOriginal, sDelimeter) > 0

nStart = InStr(nStart + 1, sOriginal, sDelimeter)

nCount = nCount + 1

If nCount >= nField Then

Exit Do

End If

nLast = nStart


Select Case nCount

Case 1

InsertInString = sReplace & Mid$(sOriginal, nStart)

Case Is >= nField

InsertInString = Mid$(sOriginal, 1, nLast) & sReplace & Mid$(sOriginal, nStart)

Case Else

InsertInString = sOriginal & String$((nField - 1) - nCount, sDelimeter) & sReplace

End Select

End Function

Private Function StripTimeZoneBias()Function StripTimeZoneBias(leasedate As String) As Long

Dim pos As Long, tmp As String

pos = InStr(leasedate, "-")

If pos = 0 Then

pos = InStr(leasedate, "+")

If pos = 0 Then

StripTimeZoneBias = 0

End If


tmp = Mid$(leasedate, pos, Len(leasedate))

leasedate = Mid$(leasedate, 1, pos - 1)

StripTimeZoneBias = CLng(tmp)

End If

End Function

Public Function wmiOperatingSystemInfo()Function wmiOperatingSystemInfo() As String

Dim wmiObjSet As SWbemObjectSet

Dim obj As SWbemObject

Dim Msg As String

Dim dtb As String

Dim d As String

Dim t As String

Dim bias As Long

wmiOperatingSystemInfo = wmiOperatingSystemInfo & "WMI Property" & vbTab

wmiOperatingSystemInfo = wmiOperatingSystemInfo & "Value(s)" & vbTab

wmiOperatingSystemInfo = wmiOperatingSystemInfo & vbCrLf

On Local Error Resume Next

Set wmiObjSet = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}").InstancesOf("Win32_OperatingSystem")

For Each obj In wmiObjSet

wmiOperatingSystemInfo = wmiOperatingSystemInfo & "Operating System" & vbTab & obj.Caption & vbCrLf

wmiOperatingSystemInfo = wmiOperatingSystemInfo & "Version" & vbTab & obj.Version & vbCrLf

wmiOperatingSystemInfo = wmiOperatingSystemInfo & "BuildNumber" & vbTab & obj.BuildNumber & vbCrLf

wmiOperatingSystemInfo = wmiOperatingSystemInfo & "BuildType" & vbTab & obj.BuildType & vbCrLf

wmiOperatingSystemInfo = wmiOperatingSystemInfo & "Latest Service Pack" & vbTab & obj.CSDVersion & vbCrLf

wmiOperatingSystemInfo = wmiOperatingSystemInfo & "EncryptionLevel" & vbTab & obj.EncryptionLevel & "-bit" & vbCrLf

Select Case obj.OSType

Case 15: Msg = "WIN3x"

Case 16: Msg = "WIN95"

Case 17: Msg = "WIN98"

Case 18: Msg = "WINNT"

Case 19: Msg = "WINCE"

Case Else: Msg = "non-windows - see MSDN for complete list"

End Select

wmiOperatingSystemInfo = wmiOperatingSystemInfo & "OSType" & vbTab & Msg & vbCrLf

wmiOperatingSystemInfo = wmiOperatingSystemInfo & "BootDevice" & vbTab & obj.BootDevice & vbCrLf

wmiOperatingSystemInfo = wmiOperatingSystemInfo & "RegisteredUser" & vbTab & obj.RegisteredUser & vbCrLf

wmiOperatingSystemInfo = wmiOperatingSystemInfo & "SerialNumber" & vbTab & obj.SerialNumber & vbCrLf

wmiOperatingSystemInfo = wmiOperatingSystemInfo & "Status" & vbTab & obj.Status & vbCrLf

wmiOperatingSystemInfo = wmiOperatingSystemInfo & "SystemDevice" & vbTab & obj.SystemDevice & vbCrLf

wmiOperatingSystemInfo = wmiOperatingSystemInfo & "SystemDrive" & vbTab & obj.SystemDrive & vbCrLf

wmiOperatingSystemInfo = wmiOperatingSystemInfo & "WindowsDirectory" & vbTab & obj.WindowsDirectory & vbCrLf

wmiOperatingSystemInfo = wmiOperatingSystemInfo & "SystemDirectory" & vbTab & obj.SystemDirectory & vbCrLf

dtb = obj.LocalDateTime

bias = SplitDateTimeBias(dtb, d, t)

wmiOperatingSystemInfo = wmiOperatingSystemInfo & "LocalDateTime" & vbTab & Format$(d, "dddd mmm d, yyyy") & " " & Format$(t, "hh:mm") & " (includes " & bias & " bias)" & vbCrLf

dtb = obj.InstallDate

bias = SplitDateTimeBias(dtb, d, t)

wmiOperatingSystemInfo = wmiOperatingSystemInfo & "InstallDate" & vbTab & Format$(d, "dddd mmm d, yyyy") & " at " & Format$(t, "hh:mm") & " (includes " & bias & " bias)" & vbCrLf

dtb = obj.LastBootUpTime

bias = SplitDateTimeBias(dtb, d, t)

wmiOperatingSystemInfo = wmiOperatingSystemInfo & "LastBootUpTime" & vbTab & Format$(d, "dddd mmm d, yyyy") & " at " & Format$(t, "hh:mm") & " (includes " & bias & " bias)" & vbCrLf

wmiOperatingSystemInfo = wmiOperatingSystemInfo & "OSLanguage" & vbTab & obj.OSLanguage & vbCrLf

wmiOperatingSystemInfo = wmiOperatingSystemInfo & "CodeSet" & vbTab & obj.CodeSet & vbCrLf

wmiOperatingSystemInfo = wmiOperatingSystemInfo & "Locale" & vbTab & obj.Locale & vbCrLf

wmiOperatingSystemInfo = wmiOperatingSystemInfo & "CountryCode" & vbTab & obj.CountryCode & vbCrLf

wmiOperatingSystemInfo = wmiOperatingSystemInfo & "CurrentTimeZone" & vbTab & obj.CurrentTimeZone & vbCrLf

Select Case obj.ForegroundApplicationBoost

Case 0: Msg = "none"

Case 1: Msg = "minimum"

Case 2: Msg = "maximum (default)"

End Select

wmiOperatingSystemInfo = wmiOperatingSystemInfo & "ForegroundApplicationBoost" & vbTab & Msg & vbCrLf

wmiOperatingSystemInfo = wmiOperatingSystemInfo & "TotalVisibleMemorySize" & vbTab & FormatNumber(obj.TotalVisibleMemorySize, 0) & vbCrLf

wmiOperatingSystemInfo = wmiOperatingSystemInfo & "FreePhysicalMemory" & vbTab & FormatNumber(obj.FreePhysicalMemory, 0) & vbCrLf

wmiOperatingSystemInfo = wmiOperatingSystemInfo & "TotalVirtualMemorySize" & vbTab & FormatNumber(obj.TotalVirtualMemorySize, 0) & vbCrLf

wmiOperatingSystemInfo = wmiOperatingSystemInfo & "FreeVirtualMemory" & vbTab & FormatNumber(obj.FreeVirtualMemory, 0) & vbCrLf

wmiOperatingSystemInfo = wmiOperatingSystemInfo & "FreeSpaceInPagingFiles" & vbTab & FormatNumber(obj.FreeSpaceInPagingFiles, 0) & vbCrLf

wmiOperatingSystemInfo = wmiOperatingSystemInfo & "SizeStoredInPagingFiles" & FormatNumber(obj.SizeStoredInPagingFiles, 0) & vbCrLf

wmiOperatingSystemInfo = wmiOperatingSystemInfo & vbCrLf

Next obj

End Function

'--end block--'



Public Function wmiPointingDeviceInfo()Function wmiPointingDeviceInfo() As String

Dim wmiObjSet As SWbemObjectSet

Dim obj As SWbemObject

Dim Msg As String

Dim Thiscol As Long

On Local Error Resume Next

'add first column and set initial parameters

wmiPointingDeviceInfo = wmiPointingDeviceInfo & "WMI Property" & vbTab

wmiPointingDeviceInfo = wmiPointingDeviceInfo & "Description" & vbTab

wmiPointingDeviceInfo = wmiPointingDeviceInfo & "Status" & vbTab

wmiPointingDeviceInfo = wmiPointingDeviceInfo & "ConfigManagerErrorCode" & vbTab

wmiPointingDeviceInfo = wmiPointingDeviceInfo & "Manufacturer" & vbTab

wmiPointingDeviceInfo = wmiPointingDeviceInfo & "Name" & vbTab

wmiPointingDeviceInfo = wmiPointingDeviceInfo & "HardwareType" & vbTab

wmiPointingDeviceInfo = wmiPointingDeviceInfo & "DeviceInterface" & vbTab

wmiPointingDeviceInfo = wmiPointingDeviceInfo & "DoubleSpeedThreshold" & vbTab

wmiPointingDeviceInfo = wmiPointingDeviceInfo & "Handedness" & vbTab

wmiPointingDeviceInfo = wmiPointingDeviceInfo & "NumberOfButtons" & vbTab

wmiPointingDeviceInfo = wmiPointingDeviceInfo & "PointingType" & vbTab

wmiPointingDeviceInfo = wmiPointingDeviceInfo & "QuadSpeedThreshold" & vbTab

wmiPointingDeviceInfo = wmiPointingDeviceInfo & "DeviceID" & vbTab

wmiPointingDeviceInfo = wmiPointingDeviceInfo & "PNPDeviceID" & vbTab

wmiPointingDeviceInfo = wmiPointingDeviceInfo & vbCrLf

Set wmiObjSet = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}").InstancesOf("Win32_PointingDevice")

For Each obj In wmiObjSet

wmiPointingDeviceInfo = wmiPointingDeviceInfo & obj.Description & vbTab

wmiPointingDeviceInfo = wmiPointingDeviceInfo & obj.Description & vbTab

wmiPointingDeviceInfo = wmiPointingDeviceInfo & obj.Status & vbTab

Select Case obj.ConfigManagerErrorCode

Case 0: Msg = "This device is working properly."

Case 1: Msg = "This device is not configured correctly."

Case 2: Msg = "Windows cannot load the driver for this device."

Case 3: Msg = "The driver might be corrupted, or your system " & "may be running low on memory or other resources."

Case 4: Msg = "This device is not working properly. One of its " & "drivers or your registry might be corrupted."

Case 5: Msg = "The driver for this device needs a resource " & "that Windows cannot manage."

Case 6: Msg = "The boot configuration for this device " & "conflicts with other devices."

Case 7: Msg = "Cannot filter."

Case 8: Msg = "The driver loader for the device is missing."

Case 9: Msg = "This device is not working properly because" & "the controlling firmware is reporting the " & "resources for the device incorrectly."

Case 10: Msg = "This device cannot start."

Case 11: Msg = "This device failed."

Case 12: Msg = "This device cannot find enough free " & "resources that it can use."

Case 13: Msg = "Windows cannot verify this device's resources."

Case 14: Msg = "This device cannot work properly until " & "you restart your computer."

Case 15: Msg = "This device is not working properly because " & "there is probably a re-enumeration problem."

Case 16: Msg = "Windows cannot identify all the resources this device uses."

Case 17: Msg = "This device is asking for an unknown resource type."

Case 18: Msg = "Reinstall the drivers for this device."

Case 19: Msg = "Failure using the VXD loader."

Case 20: Msg = "Your registry might be corrupted."

Case 21: Msg = "System failure: Try changing the driver for this device. " & "If that does not work, see your hardware " & "documentation. Windows is removing this device."

Case 22: Msg = "This device is disabled."

Case 23: Msg = "System failure: Try changing the driver for " & "this device. If that doesn't work, see your " & "hardware documentation."

Case 24: Msg = "This device is not present, is not working " & "properly, or does not have all its drivers installed."

Case 25: Msg = "Windows is still setting up this device."

Case 26: Msg = "Windows is still setting up this device."

Case 27: Msg = "This device does not have valid log configuration."

Case 28: Msg = "The drivers for this device are not installed."

Case 29: Msg = "This device is disabled because the firmware of " & "the device did not give it the required resources."

Case 30: Msg = "This device is using an Interrupt Request (IRQ) " & "resource that another device is using."

Case 31: Msg = "This device is not working properly because Windows " & "cannot load the drivers required for this device."

End Select

wmiPointingDeviceInfo = wmiPointingDeviceInfo & Msg & vbTab

wmiPointingDeviceInfo = wmiPointingDeviceInfo & obj.Manufacturer & vbTab

wmiPointingDeviceInfo = wmiPointingDeviceInfo & obj.Name & vbTab

wmiPointingDeviceInfo = wmiPointingDeviceInfo & obj.HardwareType & vbTab

Select Case obj.DeviceInterface

Case 1: Msg = "Other"

Case 2: Msg = "Unknown"

Case 3: Msg = "Serial"

Case 4: Msg = "PS/2"

Case 5: Msg = "Infrared"

Case 6: Msg = "HP-HIL"

Case 7: Msg = "Bus mouse"

Case 8: Msg = "ADB (Apple Desktop Bus)"

Case 160: Msg = "Bus mouse DB-9"

Case 161: Msg = "Bus mouse micro-DIN"

Case 162: Msg = "USB"

End Select

wmiPointingDeviceInfo = wmiPointingDeviceInfo & Msg & vbTab

wmiPointingDeviceInfo = wmiPointingDeviceInfo & obj.DoubleSpeedThreshold & vbTab

wmiPointingDeviceInfo = wmiPointingDeviceInfo & obj.Handedness & vbTab

wmiPointingDeviceInfo = wmiPointingDeviceInfo & obj.NumberOfButtons & vbTab

wmiPointingDeviceInfo = wmiPointingDeviceInfo & obj.PointingType & vbTab

wmiPointingDeviceInfo = wmiPointingDeviceInfo & obj.QuadSpeedThreshold & vbTab

wmiPointingDeviceInfo = wmiPointingDeviceInfo & obj.DeviceID & vbTab

wmiPointingDeviceInfo = wmiPointingDeviceInfo & obj.PNPDeviceID & vbTab

wmiPointingDeviceInfo = wmiPointingDeviceInfo & vbCrLf

Next obj

End Function

'--end block--'



Public Function wmiSystemSlotInfo()Function wmiSystemSlotInfo() As String

Dim wmiObjSet As SWbemObjectSet

Dim obj As SWbemObject

Dim Thiscol As Long

Dim capcount As Long

Dim Msg As String

Dim Cnt As Long

On Local Error Resume Next

wmiSystemSlotInfo = wmiSystemSlotInfo & "WMI Property" & vbTab

wmiSystemSlotInfo = wmiSystemSlotInfo & "Number" & vbTab

wmiSystemSlotInfo = wmiSystemSlotInfo & "Description" & vbTab

wmiSystemSlotInfo = wmiSystemSlotInfo & "Tag" & vbTab

wmiSystemSlotInfo = wmiSystemSlotInfo & "Status" & vbTab

wmiSystemSlotInfo = wmiSystemSlotInfo & "ConnectorPinout" & vbTab

wmiSystemSlotInfo = wmiSystemSlotInfo & "CurrentUsage" & vbTab

wmiSystemSlotInfo = wmiSystemSlotInfo & "MaxDataWidth" & vbTab

wmiSystemSlotInfo = wmiSystemSlotInfo & "PMESignal" & vbTab

wmiSystemSlotInfo = wmiSystemSlotInfo & "Shared" & vbTab

wmiSystemSlotInfo = wmiSystemSlotInfo & "SupportsHotPlug" & vbTab

wmiSystemSlotInfo = wmiSystemSlotInfo & "VccMixedVoltageSupport" & vbTab

wmiSystemSlotInfo = wmiSystemSlotInfo & "ConnectorType" & vbTab

wmiSystemSlotInfo = wmiSystemSlotInfo & vbCrLf

Set wmiObjSet = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}").InstancesOf("Win32_SystemSlot")

For Each obj In wmiObjSet

wmiSystemSlotInfo = wmiSystemSlotInfo & obj.SlotDesignation & vbTab

wmiSystemSlotInfo = wmiSystemSlotInfo & IIf(obj.Number, obj.Number, "null") & vbTab

wmiSystemSlotInfo = wmiSystemSlotInfo & obj.Description & vbTab

wmiSystemSlotInfo = wmiSystemSlotInfo & obj.Tag & vbTab

wmiSystemSlotInfo = wmiSystemSlotInfo & obj.Status & vbTab

wmiSystemSlotInfo = wmiSystemSlotInfo & IIf(obj.ConnectorPinout, obj.ConnectorPinout, "null") & vbTab

Select Case obj.CurrentUsage

Case 0: Msg = "Reserved"

Case 1: Msg = "Other"

Case 2: Msg = "Unknown"

Case 3: Msg = "Available"

Case 4: Msg = "In use"

End Select

wmiSystemSlotInfo = wmiSystemSlotInfo & Msg & vbTab

Select Case obj.MaxDataWidth

Case 0: Msg = "8"

Case 1: Msg = "16"

Case 2: Msg = "32"

Case 3: Msg = "64"

Case 4: Msg = "128"

End Select

wmiSystemSlotInfo = wmiSystemSlotInfo & Msg & vbTab

wmiSystemSlotInfo = wmiSystemSlotInfo & obj.PMESignal & vbTab

wmiSystemSlotInfo = wmiSystemSlotInfo & obj.Shared & vbTab

wmiSystemSlotInfo = wmiSystemSlotInfo & obj.SupportsHotPlug & vbTab

For Cnt = LBound(obj.VccMixedVoltageSupport) To UBound(obj.VccMixedVoltageSupport)

Select Case obj.VccMixedVoltageSupport(Cnt)

Case 0: Msg = Msg & "Unknown "

Case 1: Msg = Msg & "Other "

Case 2: Msg = Msg & "3.3v "

Case 3: Msg = Msg & "5v "

Case Else: Msg = ""

End Select

Next Cnt

wmiSystemSlotInfo = wmiSystemSlotInfo & Msg & vbTab

For capcount = LBound(obj.ConnectorType) To UBound(obj.ConnectorType)

Select Case obj.ConnectorType(capcount)

Case 0: Msg = " Unknown"

Case 1: Msg = " Other"

Case 2: Msg = " Male"

Case 3: Msg = " Female"

Case 4: Msg = " Shielded"

Case 5: Msg = " Unshielded"

Case 6: Msg = " SCSI (A) High-Density (50 pins)"

Case 7: Msg = " SCSI (A) Low-Density (50 pins)"

Case 8: Msg = " SCSI (P) High-Density (68 pins)"

Case 9: Msg = " SCSI SCA-I (80 pins)"

Case 10: Msg = "SCSI SCA-II (80 pins)"

Case 11: Msg = "SCSI Fibre Channel (DB-9, Copper)"

Case 12: Msg = "SCSI Fibre Channel (Fibre)"

Case 13: Msg = "SCSI Fibre Channel SCA-II (40 pins)"

Case 14: Msg = "SCSI Fibre Channel SCA-II (20 pins)"

Case 15: Msg = "SCSI Fibre Channel BNC"

Case 16: Msg = "ATA 3-1/2 Inch (40 pins)"

Case 17: Msg = "ATA 2-1/2 Inch (44 pins)"

Case 18: Msg = "ATA-2"

Case 19: Msg = "ATA-3"

Case 20: Msg = "ATA/66"

Case 21: Msg = "DB-9"

Case 22: Msg = "DB-15"

Case 23: Msg = "DB-25"

Case 24: Msg = "DB-36"

Case 25: Msg = "RS-232C"

Case 26: Msg = "RS-422"

Case 27: Msg = "RS-423"

Case 28: Msg = "RS-485"

Case 29: Msg = "RS-449"

Case 30: Msg = "V.35"

Case 31: Msg = "X.21"

Case 32: Msg = "IEEE-488"

Case 33: Msg = "AUI"

Case 34: Msg = "UTP Category 3"

Case 35: Msg = "UTP Category 4"

Case 36: Msg = "UTP Category 5"

Case 37: Msg = "BNC"

Case 38: Msg = "RJ11"

Case 39: Msg = "RJ45"

Case 40: Msg = "Fiber MIC"

Case 41: Msg = "Apple AUI"

Case 42: Msg = "Apple GeoPort"

Case 43: Msg = "PCI"

Case 44: Msg = "ISA"

Case 45: Msg = "EISA"

Case 46: Msg = "VESA"

Case 47: Msg = "PCMCIA"

Case 48: Msg = "PCMCIA Type I"

Case 49: Msg = "PCMCIA Type II"

Case 50: Msg = "PCMCIA Type III"

Case 51: Msg = "ZV Port"

Case 52: Msg = "CardBus"

Case 53: Msg = "USB"

Case 54: Msg = "IEEE 1394"

Case 55: Msg = "HIPPI"

Case 56: Msg = "HSSDC (6 pins)"

Case 57: Msg = "GBIC"

Case 58: Msg = "DIN"

Case 59: Msg = "Mini-DIN"

Case 60: Msg = "Micro-DIN"

Case 61: Msg = "PS/2"

Case 62: Msg = "Infrared"

Case 63: Msg = "HP-HIL"

Case 64: Msg = "Access.bus"

Case 65: Msg = "NuBus"

Case 66: Msg = "Centronics"

Case 67: Msg = "Mini-Centronics"

Case 68: Msg = "Mini-Centronics Type-14"

Case 69: Msg = "Mini-Centronics Type-20"

Case 70: Msg = "Mini-Centronics Type-26"

Case 71: Msg = "Bus Mouse"

Case 72: Msg = "ADB"

Case 73: Msg = "AGP"

Case 74: Msg = "VME Bus"

Case 75: Msg = "VME64"

Case 76: Msg = "Proprietary"

Case 77: Msg = "Proprietary Processor Card Slot"

Case 78: Msg = "Proprietary Memory Card Slot"

Case 79: Msg = "Proprietary I/O Riser Slot"

Case 80: Msg = "PCI-66MHZ"

Case 81: Msg = "AGP2X"

Case 82: Msg = "AGP4X"

End Select

Next capcount

wmiSystemSlotInfo = wmiSystemSlotInfo & Msg & vbTab

wmiSystemSlotInfo = wmiSystemSlotInfo & vbCrLf

Next obj

End Function

'--end block--'



Public Function wmiComputerSystemInfo()Function wmiComputerSystemInfo() As String

Dim ComputerSystemSet As SWbemObjectSet

Dim Css As SWbemObject

Dim Thiscol As Long

Dim Msg As String

Dim Cnt As Long

On Error Resume Next

Set ComputerSystemSet = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}").InstancesOf("Win32_ComputerSystem")

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & "WMI ComputerSystem Property" & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & "AdminPasswordStatus" & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & "AutomaticResetBootOption" & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & "AutomaticResetCapability" & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & "BootROMSupported" & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & "BootupState" & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & "Caption" & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & "ChassisBootupState" & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & "CurrentTimeZone" & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & "DaylightInEffect" & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & "Description" & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & "Domain" & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & "DomainRole" & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & "EnableDaylightSavingsTime" & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & "FrontPanelResetStatus" & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & "InfraredSupported" & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & "KeyboardPasswordStatus" & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & "Manufacturer" & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & "Model" & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & "Name" & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & "NetworkServerModeEnabled" & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & "NumberOfProcessors" & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & "PartOfDomain" & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & "PauseAfterReset" & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & "PowerOnPasswordStatus" & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & "PowerState" & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & "PowerSupplyState" & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & "PrimaryOwnerName" & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & "ResetCapability" & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & "ResetCount" & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & "ResetLimit" & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & "Status" & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & "SystemStartupDelay" & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & "SystemStartupSetting" & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & "SystemType" & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & "ThermalState" & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & "TotalPhysicalMemory" & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & "UserName" & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & "WakeUpType" & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & "SystemStartupOptions" & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & "Roles" & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & vbCrLf

For Each Css In ComputerSystemSet

Select Case Css.AdminPasswordStatus

Case 0: Msg = "Disabled"

Case 1: Msg = "Enabled"

Case 2: Msg = "Not Implemented"

Case 3: Msg = "Unknown"

Case Else: Msg = ""

End Select

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & Css.Name & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & Msg & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & Css.AutomaticResetBootOption & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & Css.AutomaticResetCapability & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & Css.BootROMSupported & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & Css.BootupState & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & Css.Caption & vbTab

Select Case Css.ChassisBootupState

Case 1: Msg = "Other"

Case 2: Msg = "Unknown"

Case 3: Msg = "Safe"

Case 4: Msg = "Warning"

Case 5: Msg = "Critical"

Case 6: Msg = "Non-recoverable"

Case Else: Msg = ""

End Select

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & Msg & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & Css.CurrentTimeZone & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & Css.DaylightInEffect & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & Css.Description & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & Css.Domain & vbTab

Select Case Css.DomainRole

Case 0: Msg = "Standalone Workstation"

Case 1: Msg = "Member Workstation"

Case 2: Msg = "Standalone Server"

Case 3: Msg = "Member Server"

Case 4: Msg = "Backup Domain Controller"

Case 5: Msg = "Primary Domain Controller"

Case Else: Msg = ""

End Select

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & Msg & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & Css.EnableDaylightSavingsTime & vbTab

Select Case Css.FrontPanelResetStatus

Case 0: Msg = "Disabled"

Case 1: Msg = "Enabled"

Case 2: Msg = "Not Implemented"

Case 3: Msg = "Unknown"

Case Else: Msg = ""

End Select

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & Msg & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & Css.InfraredSupported & vbTab

Select Case Css.KeyboardPasswordStatus

Case 0: Msg = "Disabled"

Case 1: Msg = "Enabled"

Case 2: Msg = "Not Implemented"

Case 3: Msg = "Unknown"

Case Else: Msg = ""

End Select

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & Msg & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & Css.Manufacturer & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & Css.Model & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & Css.Name & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & Css.NetworkServerModeEnabled & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & Css.NumberOfProcessors & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & Css.PartOfDomain & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & Css.PauseAfterReset & vbTab

Select Case Css.PowerOnPasswordStatus

Case 0: Msg = "Disabled"

Case 1: Msg = "Enabled"

Case 2: Msg = "Not Implemented"

Case 3: Msg = "Unknown"

Case Else: Msg = ""

End Select

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & Msg & vbTab

Select Case Css.PowerState

Case 0: Msg = "Unknown"

Case 1: Msg = "Full Power"

Case 2: Msg = "Power Save - Low Power Mode"

Case 3: Msg = "Power Save - Standby"

Case 4: Msg = "Power Save - Unknown"

Case 5: Msg = "Power Cycle"

Case 6: Msg = "Power Off"

Case 7: Msg = "Power Save - Warning"

Case Else: Msg = ""

End Select

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & Msg & vbTab

Select Case Css.PowerSupplyState

Case 1: Msg = "Other"

Case 2: Msg = "Unknown"

Case 3: Msg = "Save"

Case 4: Msg = "Warning"

Case 5: Msg = "Critical"

Case 6: Msg = "Non-recoverable"

Case Else: Msg = ""

End Select

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & Msg & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & Css.PrimaryOwnerName & vbTab

Select Case Css.ResetCapability

Case 1: Msg = "Other"

Case 2: Msg = "Unknown"

Case 3: Msg = "Disabled"

Case 4: Msg = "Enabled"

Case 5: Msg = "Non-recoverable"

Case Else: Msg = ""

End Select

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & Msg & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & Css.ResetCount & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & Css.ResetLimit & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & Css.Status & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & Css.SystemStartupDelay & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & Css.SystemStartupSetting & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & Css.SystemType & vbTab

Select Case Css.ThermalState

Case 1: Msg = "Other"

Case 2: Msg = "Unknown"

Case 3: Msg = "Safe"

Case 4: Msg = "Warning"

Case 5: Msg = "Critical"

Case 6: Msg = "Non-recoverable"

Case Else: Msg = ""

End Select

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & Msg & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & FormatNumber(Css.TotalPhysicalMemory, 0) & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & Css.UserName & vbTab

Select Case Css.WakeUpType

Case 0: Msg = "Reserved"

Case 1: Msg = "Other"

Case 2: Msg = "Unknown"

Case 3: Msg = "APM Timer"

Case 4: Msg = "Modem Ring"

Case 5: Msg = "LAN Remote"

Case 6: Msg = "Power Switch"

Case 7: Msg = "PCI PME#"

Case 8: Msg = "AC Power Restored"

Case Else: Msg = ""

End Select

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & Msg & vbTab

Msg = ""

For Cnt = LBound(Css.SystemStartupOptions) To UBound(Css.SystemStartupOptions)

Msg = Msg & Css.SystemStartupOptions(Cnt) & "-And-"

Next Cnt

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & Msg & vbTab

Msg = ""

For Cnt = LBound(Css.Roles) To UBound(Css.Roles)

Msg = Msg & Css.Roles(Cnt) & "-And-"

Next Cnt

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & Msg & vbTab

wmiComputerSystemInfo = wmiComputerSystemInfo & vbCrLf

Next Css

End Function

'--end block--'



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