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ORACLE 9i几个个重要的服务介绍

2008-03-20 13:35 417 查看
在oracle 9i中可以方便的把数据导出为文件,或者从文件导入,即Export和Import。但是需要到OMS下,如果以独立启动模式进入OEM进行Export或Import操作,会提示:
只有在应用程序已连接到Oracle Manager Server(OMS)的情况下才能启动该向导。试图重新启动向导之前,请先启动该应用程序并连接到OMS。

然后重新启动OEM,并选择登陆到Oracle Management Server(L),管理员/口令为sysman/oem_temp,Management Server(M)为服务器IP地址。但是提示:
VTK-1000:无法连接到Management Server。请验证您已输入Oracle Management Server的正确主机名和状态。


下 面介绍一下如何配置和管理OMS,首先介绍一下前文提到的独立启动和登陆到Oracle Management Server。前者可以让我们执行一些普通的管理工作,比如管理帐户、数据库对象等,只有后者才能为我们提供备份的功能。不过在登陆到oms之前,你必须 首先安装oms服务。

Oracle OLAP
Oracle OLAP Agent
其 中最重要的服务有3个,分别是OracleOraHome90ManagementServer、OracleOraHome90TNSListener 与OracleServiceORACLE。而与OMS相关的就是OracleOraHome90ManagementServer,如果没有该产品,可 以使用OUI安装。

安装完成后,你需要配置一个管理资料库,系统将会创建一个名为oemrep的数据库,保存管理信息,其中你需 要指定sys和system帐号的密码。如下是引自ORACLE官方网站的摘录,介绍了如何配置和管理OMS,注意因为需要使用DBCA创建管理资料库, 所以需要准备足够的空间,如空间不足会提示创建失败,我的经验是准备2GB足够了。

1、Starting the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant
To start the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant, perform the following steps:
· On Windows NT:
You can start the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant from the Windows Start Menu.
You can also start the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant from the command line using the command:
· On UNIX:
You can start the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant from the command line using the command:

When you click Finish, the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant starts the Database Configuration Assistant to create the database instance.

When the Database Configuration Assistant allows you to change the passwords for the database, you must change the passwords; otherwise, you will not be allowed to continue.

Once the instance has been created and the Database Configuration Assistant exits, the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant tries to connect to the database using the SYS credentials. Once the connection has been made, the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant then creates the repository user and populates the repository schema.

2、Starting a Local Management Server On UNIX
To start the Management Server on UNIX, at the command line, enter
% oemctl start oms

3、Checking the Status of the Management Server
To quickly check whether a local Management Server is up or down on Windows or UNIX, at the operating system prompt, enter:
% oemctl ping oms
To check the status of a local Management Server on Windows or UNIX, at the operating system prompt, enter:
% oemctl status oms
You will be prompted to enter the username and password of an Oracle Enterprise super administrator.
To check the status of a remote Management Server on Windows or UNIX, at the operating system prompt, enter:
% oemctl status oms sysman/<password>@<hostname of Management Server machine>
For example
% oemctl status oms sysman/sysman@dlsun2305

An example of the output is shown below:
OEMCTL for Windows NT: Version
Copyright (c) 1998, 2002 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
The Oracle Management Server on host [znripley-pc.ovenbird.com] is functioning pr
The server has been up for 0 00:00:25.953
Target database session count: 0 (session sharing is off)
Operations queued for processing: 1
Number of OMS systems in domain: 1 (znripley-pc.ovenbird.com)
Number of administrators logged in: 0
Repository session pool depth: 15
Repository session count: 8 in-use and 1 available, pool efficiency: 18%

4、Stopping a Local Management Server
To stop a local Management Server, perform the following steps:
On Windows:
1. From the Start menu >Settings >Control Panel, double-click the Services icon.
2. Select the Oracle<Oracle_Home_Name>ManagementServer service.
3. Click Stop to stop the Management Server.
You will be prompted to enter the username and password of an Oracle Enterprise super administrator.
At the command line, enter
% oemctl stop oms
You will be prompted to enter the username and password of an Oracle Enterprise super administrator.


%lsnrctl start
Cause: The process of starting up a dedicated server process failed. The executable could not be found or the environment may be set up incorrectly.

Action: Turn on tracing at the ADMIN level and re-execute the operation. Verify that the Oracle Server executable is present and has execute permissions enabled. Ensure that the Oracle environment is specified correctly in LISTENER.ORA. The Oracle Protocol Adapter that is being called may not be installed on the local hard drive. Check that the correct Protocol Adapter are successfully linked. If the error persists, contact Oracle Support Services.
VTK-1000:无法连接到Management Server。
请验证您已输入Oracle Management Server的正确主机名和状态。
该错误引起的原因有两种,一是OracleOraHome90ManagementServer还没启动;二是没有输入主机名。这个在 《Configuring and Controlling the Management Server》 中有详细介绍,这里不再介绍。

小 结:这三个服务的启动或关闭还有先后的顺序。一般来讲,启动时必须先启动OracleOraHome90TNSListener再启动 OracleOraHome90ManagementServer或OracleServiceORACLE,在启动 OracleOraHome90ManagementServer时,同时也启动了OracleServiceORACLE。
而关闭时必须先关闭 OracleOraHome90ManagementServer再关闭 OracleOraHome90TNSListener或OracleServiceORACLE,关闭 OracleOraHome90ManagementServer时,若有提示输入用户名和口令,请输入sysman的用户名和口令,以确保成功的执行。 有些其他提示如:资源已被占用,I/O重复,端口已被使用等等之类的话,那最好与系统管理员联系,再寻求解决办法。
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