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phpMyAdmin-2.9.1-all-languages 整合到Apache,PHP中

2008-03-01 18:15 399 查看

虽然我现在用的是MySQL Control Center管理数据库,但是不用下phpMyAdmin貌似对不住配好的Apache+PHP,于是下载个试试。开始配置phpMyAdmin时在Google,Baidu上查了不少资料,始终不行,偶然发现phpMyAdmin文件夹里面有个Documentation.html,打开看看,结果配好了。下面是这个文档内主要的几个步骤:

Quick Install

Untar or unzip the distribution (be sure to unzip the subdirectories): tar -xzvf phpMyAdmin_x.x.x.tar.gz in your webserver's document root. If you don't have direct access to your document root, put the files in a directory on your local machine, and, after step 3, transfer the directory on your web server using, for example, ftp.

Ensure that all the scripts have the appropriate owner (if PHP is running in safe mode, having some scripts with an owner different from the owner of other scripts will be a problem). See FAQFAQ 4.2 and FAQFAQ 1.26 for suggestions.

Now you must configure your installation. There are two methods that can be used. Traditionally, users have hand-edited a copy of config.inc.php, but now a wizard-style setup script is provided for those who prefer a graphical installation. Creating a config.inc.php is still a quick way to get started and needed for some advanced features.

To manually create the file, simply use your text editor to create the file config.inc.php (you can copy config.sample.inc.php to get minimal configuration file) in the main (top-level) phpMyAdmin directory (the one that contains index.php). phpMyAdmin first loads libraries/config.default.php and then overrides those values with anything found in config.inc.php. If the default value is okay for a particular setting, there is no need to include it in config.inc.php. You'll need a few directives to get going, a simple configuration may look like this:
$cfg['blowfish_secret'] = 'ba17c1ec07d65003';  // use here a value of your choice

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type']     = 'cookie';

Or, if you prefer to not be prompted every time you log in:

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['user']          = 'root';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password']      = 'cbb74bc'; // use here your password

For a full explanation of possible configuration values, see the Configuration Section of this document.

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