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2008-02-02 23:21 344 查看
namespace fear {
namespace ai {
namespace rbs {
using RuleBasedSystemBase::Rule;
using RuleBasedSystemBase::Rule;
class RuleBasedSystemInterface{};
把using 写到类内就可以了...
class RuleBasedSystemInterface
Visual C++ 概念: 建置 C/C++ 程式
編譯器錯誤 C2885


'class::identifier': 在非類別範圍不是有效的 using 宣告

using 宣告的使用不正確。


對 Visual C++ 2005 完成一致性處理後可能會產生這項錯誤:讓 using 宣告至巢狀型別已不再有效;您必須明確限定至巢狀型別的各個參考,將型別置於命名空間中,或是建立 typedef。如需詳細資訊,請參閱 Breaking Changes in the Visual C++ 2005 Compiler

下列範例會產生 C2885。

// C2885.cpp
namespace MyNamespace {
class X1 {};

struct MyStruct {
struct X1 {
int i;

int main () {
using MyStruct::X1;   // C2885

// OK
using MyNamespace::X1;
X1 myX1;

MyStruct::X1 X12;

typedef MyStruct::X1 abc;
abc X13;
X13.i = 9;

如果您將 using 關鍵字和類別成員一起使用,則 C++ 會要求您在另一個類別 (衍生類別) 之中定義該成員。

下列範例會產生 C2885。

// C2885_b.cpp
// compile with: /c
class A {
int i;

void z() {
using A::i;   // C2885 not in a class

class B : public A {
using A::i;


5. A using declaration of nested type is now illegal

Affected User Scenario:

Customers that have a using declaration with a nested type will now get C2885.


Before users where allowed to bring in a nested type's declaration to global scope by a using declaration. This is not allowed in Standard C++.

Customer Workaround:

Customer workaround is to fully qualify his nested type whenever he wants to use it. A typedef can also be used to bypass using the scope resolution operator everywhere.


The using declaration cannot be used with nested classes, the C++ Standard specifies that it can be used to bring a class into the scope that is contained in a namespace, not a class.
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