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Vowel Pronunciation(元音的全面总结)

2008-02-02 16:57 344 查看
1.Please have a seat. (请坐。)
2.A:What do you want to do in Hainan? (你想在海南做什么?)
B:I want to see the beach. (我想去看看海滩。)
3.keep it a secret! (保密!)
4.She's my teacher. (她是我的老师。)
5.A:What's wrong with your father? (你爸爸是怎么回事?)
B:He hates the heat. (他怕热。)

6.Pretty busy.(相当忙)
7.A:What do you think of Haikou?(你认为海口怎么样?)
B:Haikou is a pretty city.(海口是个漂亮的城市.)
8.Give me a minute!(给我点时间!)
9.A:What do you think of my idea?(你认为我这个主意如何?)
B:It's silly.(很蠢.)

10.Take it easy.(放松/再见/不要拼命工作.)
11.I speak a little English.(我讲一点英语.)
12.A:Is tourism popular here?(这里的旅游业盛行吗?)
B:Sure, it's a great business.(当然,这里的旅游业很火爆.)

13.Never better.(非常棒.)
14.A:Why are you so late?(你怎么这么晚?)
B:Wet weather.(天气太潮湿了.)
15.A:Why do you study English?(你为什么要学英语?)
B:I want to get ahead.(我想走在世界的前面.)
16.She is my best friend.(她是我最好的朋友.)

17.Bad habit.(坏习惯.)
18.Handsome man.(帅哥.)
19.That's too bad.(糟透了!)
20.I have to practice.(我得操练.)

21.Far from it.(远不是那么回事.)
22.It takes a lot of hard work.(这需要很多的辛勤劳动.)
23.You're so smart.(你真聪明.)

24.I'm sorry.(很抱歉.)
25.Nothing impossible.(绝对可行.)
26.I got a great job.(我得到一份很好的工作.)
27.I have lots of problems.(我有很多问题.)
28.Have confidence.(要有信心.)

29.Say good-bye before you go.(你走之前,要说再见.)
30.Force yourself to do more.(逼自己多做一些.)

31.You talk too much.(你说得太多了.)
32.I want to be a lawyer.(我想成为律师.)

33.Just for fun.(只是为了好玩.)
34.I'm just lucky.(我只是运气好.)

35.Please come again.(请再次光临.)
36.Forget about it.(算了吧.)

37.Nobody is perfect.(人无完人)
38.It's getting worse.(情况越来越糟.)
39.I want to be the first.(我想成为第一.)

40.Our teacher is great!(我们老师很不错.)
41.Don't bother me.(别打扰我.)
42.Great weather today.(今天天气很棒.)

43.Don't be shy, just try.(丢掉羞怯,勇往直前.)
44.I'd like to invite you to dinner.(我想请你吃饭.)
45.Time flies!(时光飞逝.)
46.I don't mind.(我不介意.)
47.Have you ever tried Chinese food?(你吃过中国菜吗?)

48.A:How about going out tonight?(今晚出去玩,好吗?)
B:That sounds great.(听起来不错.)
49.I'm very proud of you.(我为你骄傲.)
50.From now on I will try to do better.(从现在起,我要尽量做得更好些.)

51.I got fired.(我被开除了.)
52.I'm tired of going to work everyday.(我讨厌每天上班..)
53.I want to retire.(我想退休.)

54.English is a powerful language.(英语是一门非常有用的语言.)
55.The flowers in Hainan are so beautiful!(海南的花太漂亮了!)

56.Enjoy your stay here.(希望你在这过得愉快.)
57.Let's get to the point.(我们谈正事吧.)
58.How many people does your company employ?(你们公司有多少员工?)

59.Where do you work?(你在哪里上班?)
60.I swear.(我发誓.)
61.I don't care what you do.(你做什么,我不在乎.)

62.I made a mistake.(我犯了一个错误.)
63.Take a break.(休息一会儿.)
64.Maybe later.(或许迟一些.)
65.I want to talk to you face to face.(我想和你面谈.)

66.I don't know.(我不知道.)
67.I hope so.(但愿如此.)
68.Please speak slowly.(请说慢一些.)
69.You're my only hope to learn English.(你是我学习英语的唯一希望.)
70.Go home! Leave me alone.(回家去!不要烦我!)

71.Never fear.(永远都不要怕.)
72.Do you live near here?(你住在附近吗?)
73.I will conquer English this year.(今年我要攻克英语.)

74.I'm going to America soon.(我不久要到美国去.)
75.I want to improve my poor English.(我想改进我的破烂英文.)

76.You look sad today.(你今天看起来很难过.)
77.She has a good look.(她很漂亮.)

78.That's for sure.(那是确定无疑的.)
79.He's from a very poor family.(他来自一个非常贫穷的家庭.)
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