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调试Windows Media SDK时出现的异常中断

2008-01-03 20:50 309 查看

调试Windows Media SDK时出现的异常中断

Article last modified on 2002-5-20----------------------------------------------------------------The information in this article applies to:-        Microsoft Windows Media Format SDK 7.0-        Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Editions, version 6.0, SP5----------------------------------------------------------------Table of Contents[/b]调试Windows Media SDK时出现的异常中断... 1现象:... 1原因:... 3使用过Windows Media SDK的兄弟们,几乎都应该遇到过这种问题。我好像没有看到微软对此有所表示,不知道有没有专门针对于此的KB文章。


当调试至下面代码的红色语句时,出现BreakPoint中断:HRESULT AddAudioStream( DWORD dwFormatTag,                             DWORD dwBitrate,                             DWORD dwSampleRate,                             DWORD dwChannels,                             DWORD dwFlags,                             IWMProfile *pIWMProfile,                             IWMProfileManager *pIWMProfileManager ){    HRESULT hr = S_OK;  IWMStreamConfig *pIWMStreamConfig = NULL;  IWMMediaProps   *pIMP  = NULL;  IWMCodecInfo *pIWMInfo = NULL;  WAVEFORMATEX *pSaveWFX = NULL;  WM_MEDIA_TYPE   *pType = NULL;   try  {     do     {        hr = pIWMProfileManager->QueryInterface( IID_IWMCodecInfo,                                     (void **) &pIWMInfo );        if( FAILED( hr ) )        {           return hr;        }         DWORD i, j;        DWORD cCodecs;        hr = pIWMInfo->GetCodecInfoCount( WMMEDIATYPE_Audio,                                &cCodecs );对话框内容为:
[dialog Microsoft Visual C++]
User Breakpoint called from code at 0x77fa018c
77FA018C   int         3
HEAP[elcc.exe]: Invalid Address specified to RtlFreeHeap( 2d70000, 2d751f8 ) 当时的堆栈调用信息为:NTDLL! DbgBreakPoint address 0x77fa018cNTDLL! RtlpNtEnumerateSubKey + 19613 bytesNTDLL! RtlpNtEnumerateSubKey + 16147 bytesNTDLL! RtlDestroyHandleTable + 1918 bytesNTDLL! 77fcba9e()MSMS001! VoodooUnQuery + 28632 bytesMSMS001! VoodooUnQuery + 27049 bytesMSMS001! VoodooUnQuery + -3737 bytesVCT3216! Dcmp  
其实很久以来,在新闻组中大约有6、7个人说过这个问题,但是一直没有人回答为什么和怎么解决。比如,Ed Eichman说:
I had quite a few problems getting the genprofile sample [from
the Windows Media Format SDK] to do ANYTHING on my machine besides
giving user breaks with HEAP[genprofile.exe]: Invalid Address
specified to RtlFreeHeap( 4d70000,4d73f30 ) until I got tired of
hitting OK. Stack crawl was something "helpful" like:
NTDLL! 77f7629c()
NTDLL! 77f8c4de()
NTDLL! 77f7e587()
NTDLL! 77f64f43()
MSMS001! 04d17b68()
MSMS001! 04d17539()
MSMS001! 04d0fcf7()
VCT3216! 044a4326() 比如,Malcolm Nixon说:Whenever I try executing the pIWMAudioWriter->SetOutputFormat(...) line the program prints the following message then faults:HEAP[WMATest.exe]: Invalid Address specified to RtlFreeHeap( 2460000, 2d00000 )I've tried different arguments to SetOutputFormat but to no avail.


看着下面的output报告,这些加载的DLL都是在执行初始化Windows Media Format SDK的IWMWriter接口时加载的:LOAD_DLL  base:04600000  msdmo.dllLOAD_DLL  base:53600000  DEFFILE.dllLOAD_DLL  base:74F10000  IMAADP32.dllLOAD_DLL  base:75CE0000  MSADP32.dllLOAD_DLL  base:74EF0000  MSG711.dllLOAD_DLL  base:74EC0000  MSGSM32.dllLOAD_DLL  base:74EB0000  TSSOFT32.dllLOAD_DLL  base:661D0000  tsd32.dllLOAD_DLL  base:74F00000  lhacm.dllLOAD_DLL  base:74ED0000  msg723.dllLOAD_DLL  base:63F40000  IAC25_32.axLOAD_DLL  base:1C200000  MSAUD32.ACMLOAD_DLL  base:04F40000  sl_anet.acmLOAD_DLL  base:04F60000  VCT3216.acmLOAD_DLL  base:04F80000  vct3216.dllLOAD_DLL  base:057F0000  MSMS001.vwpLOAD_DLL  base:05C70000  mvoice.vwpOutDbStr: HEAP[CallDesigner.exe]: OutDbStr: Invalid Address specified to RtlFreeHeap( 5860000, 5864228 )红色的DLL就是根源!
VCT3216.acm就在你的%System32%目录下。它是一个audio codec driver。但是它的调试版本中由于某种原因有异常行为。
你可以删除它。但是据Ed Eichman说并不解决问题。
你可以看到这最后一次的output之后,是加载另一个DLL,说明异常确实发生在这几个acm和vwp中:OutDbStr: HEAP[CallDesigner.exe]: OutDbStr: Invalid Address specified to RtlFreeHeap( 5860000, 6144140 )LOAD_DLL  base:063F0000  l3codeca.acmOutDbStr: Enter InitWriter 做VirtualDub video免费程序的作者,在MSMS001.vwp中也步入了同样的怪圈。MSMS001.vwp和VCT3216.acm一样,都是Voxware family of codecs的一部分。不过看样子,人家并不打算修正这个问题。所以,你可以买一个自动击键器预备着。
 Written by zhengyun@tomosoft.com

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