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2007-12-20 11:48 423 查看
if you are like most people, the whole issue of Floats is rather intimidating. The theory is difficult to grasp, and on top of that, the bugs are rumored to be numerous and nasty. Well fear not, because we will walk through the concepts, some of the bugs, and the practical uses of floats, in nice easy stages. Be assured that you will suffer no ill effects. Rather, a vast new world of positioning will open up before you. Onward!


  Any element may be floated. Paragraphs, div's, lists, tables, and images can all be floated, and in fact even inline elements like "span" and "strong" can float just fine.
  任何元素 element 都可以被浮动。段落、div、list、tables,以及图像都可以被浮动,事实上即使是像 span 和 strong 这样的行内置元素也可以很好地进行浮动。

  Any element that is declared to be a "float" is automatically made a "block level element," meaning it can have both a declared "width" and "height." In fact, floats are currently required to have a declared width, but this is not what modern browser makers think, and the W3C has come to agree. The consensus now is that a float with no assigned "width" should "shrink-wrap" to the width of the float content. So a float with an image inside will be as wide as the image, and a float with text will be as wide as the longest text line in the float.
  任何申明为 float 的元素自动被设置为一个"块级元素", 这表示它可以具有申明的"width"和"height"属性。事实上,floats当前被要求具有一个申明的宽度,但这不是现代浏览器制造者的思路,W3C以及开始同意这样的作法。现在大多数人的意见是没有指定宽度的float应当伸缩包装到浮动内容的宽度。因此,内部带有图片的一个float将和图片一样宽,带有文本的一个浮动将与该浮动内的最长文本行一样宽。

  The CSS2.1 rules for floats now say: "If 'width' is computed as 'auto', the used value is the 'shrink-to-fit' width". All modern browsers already do this, except for IE5/Mac. That browser will be buggy unless the float has some kind of specified width. These days most savvy coders will let browsers shrink-wrap their widthless floats and use a hiding hack to "feed" IE5/Mac a width for the float. It might not be as pretty, but that is a very minority browser now and Mac users have several quality alternatives too. Microsoft has ceased to support IE5/Mac, so perhaps it's too much to ask that a highly useful feature like float shrink-wrapping be avoided, just so that IE5/Mac users won't see misshapen floats.
  CSS2.1的浮动规则中这样讲: "如果 width 是以 auto 方式计算得到,使用的值是 shrink-tofit 伸缩到适合的宽度。" 所有现代的浏览器已经这样做,除了IE5/Mac。除非浮动具有某种指定的宽度,否则该浏览器会变得错误百出。现在大多数聪明的编码人员会让浏览器伸缩其没有宽度属性的floats, 并使用一个隐藏的专门给IE5/Mac的宽度知识。这可能不算很巧妙,但是它是现在不能满足该规范的极少数的浏览器,同时Mac用户有几种更好的选择。MS停止了对IE5/Mac的支持,因此寻求像伸缩包装式浮动这样有用特性被避免的代价太高了,这样只有IE5/Mac用户不会看到错误的浮动。


  Floats are "removed from the flow," but unlike absolutely positioned elements (layers), floats do get displayed directly after the last block element that precedes them (just like block boxes do). If the float is inside a "line box," the float's upper edge is placed level with the top of the line box. But other than that, floats are similar to absolute elements, in that ordinary block boxes totally ignore both floats and AP elements. Those static block boxes just keep "flowing" one after another as though the float were not there.
  浮动"从流程中被移除出来", 但是与绝对位置的元素(层次)不同,浮动是在他们前面的最后一个块元素之后直接被显示出来(就像块盒一样)。如果该浮动是在一个“行块”中,该浮动的上边界被放置在行块顶部的水平上。当除此以外,浮动与绝对元素相似,原先的块盒会完全忽略浮动和AP元素。那些静态的块盒知识保持一个接一个地”跟随“,就好像没有浮动不在那里一样。

  The following is minimal code for the example graphic:

Example Source Code [www.52css.com]
<div style="float:left; width:40%;"><p>Float text</p></div>
Paragraph text outside the float

  Shows how line boxes are shortened in the presence of a float. You can get inline elements like text and images to go along the side of a float and continue below it, just like using the good old (but deprecated) "align=left" on an image. Floats, however, are much more versatile than that.

  It is a common misconception that block elements following a float are made to run down the side of the float, but that is not correct. Actually, it is only the "line boxes" within those block elements that behave so. (Please see the first screen shot image.)

  Remember that I mentioned that floats are removed from the document flow? The specs require that line boxes that would pass behind a float be shortened enough to keep the line box out in the open. That means text and inline images cannot ever be covered by a float, unless one or both are in separately positioned containers. That is, if a float were nested in an absolutely positioned element, and that AP element were made to overlap a paragraph, the line boxes in the paragraph would not be shortened by the float, due to their different contexts. Rather, that text would indeed be covered by the float.

  A common problem people have with floats is keeping text outside the float from touching the sides of the float. Putting left padding or margin on the paragraph following the float won't work, because those properties are applied over on the left side of the paragraph, behind the float! The proper way is to place margins on the float itself, thus convincing the line boxes that the float is "bigger" than it appears, and shortening them accordingly. Most floats typically get such margins just on the side nearest the text and the bottom. The float in the screenshot above has a small right margin.

  Meanwhile, the block boxes following the float just get covered by the float (even though their content may have been moved aside). If the float is made very tall, it can drape over a large stack of block boxes, as shown in the second screen shot image.

Example Source Code [www.52css.com]
<div style="float:left; width:30%;">
<p>Left float text</p></div>
<div> <!-- first block box -->
<div style="float:right; width:150px;">
<p>Right float text</p>
<p>Text following the right nested float</p>
<p>Paragraph</p> <!-- second block box -->
<p>Paragraph</p> <!-- third block box -->

  Shows how floats can cover multiple block boxes.

  As seen above, another behavior of floats is their "direction". When a float is defined, it is always given a directional value of either "left" or "right," for example: div {float: left;} . These values simply move the float to the indicated side of the containing box.
  如上所示,浮动的另一个行为是他们的”方向”。当一个浮动被定义的时候,总是被给予一个方向值。(“left”或“right”),例如:div{ float:left;}. 这些值简单地将浮动移到到容器盒的指定边界。

  Occasionally, float newbies will try to use float values such as {float: up;} or {float: bottom;} , but these values are not valid, and there are no plans to include them in the float specification. One can always hope...
  偶尔,float的新手会试图使用浮动值,例如{float:up;} or {float:botton;}, 但是这些值是无效的,在浮动的标准中并没有计划要添加这些值。人们总是可以期待...


  If a float comes between two block boxes, it has its upper edge placed against the lower edge of the preceding block box, and then it is moved over to the left (or right), until it strikes the side of the outer container element, often the <body> element.

  If the float is nested inside the second block box, and that container box has no borders or padding, it appears just the same as when the float is between the block boxes. However, if those block boxes are held apart by margins, the float's top edge starts at the point where the margin of one box meets the other box. In the following screen shot image, the block boxes have top margins, but the left float's left margin has been removed to show its default (non-margined) behavior.

Example Source Code [www.52css.com]
<p>Paragraph</p> <!-- first block box (complete) -->
<div style="float:left; width:30%;">
<p>Left float text</p></div>
<div> <!-- second block box -->
<div style="float:right; width:150px;">
<p>Right float text</p>
<p>Text following the right nested float</p>

  Shows the different places that floats may be placed.


  If a left float is placed in the upper left corner of its container, and a similar float directly follows it, that float is placed at the upper right of the container, and then moved to the left, stopping against the right side of the first float.

  That last behavior lets us create a whole row of floats, each being placed to the right of the one before (or to the left of the one before if {float: right;} is used). Also, when there is not enough room for all the floats to fit in one row, the extra floats "wrap" down to another line, almost like inline elements do. This is very handy for making an array of clickable image "thumbnails," because the array will adjust to whatever screen size happens to be used, simply rewrapping as necessary.
  最后的一种行为让我们创建整行的floats,每个都被放置在前一个的右侧(或者左侧,如果使用{float:right;}). 同样,当一行中没有足够的空间时,多出来的floats绕到下一行,非常像行内元素那样。这对于***可点击的图像“简略图”非常方便,因为矩阵会自动调整到屏幕的尺寸,只是简单地在需要时进行回绕。

  Below is a line of colored left floats. The upper left float comes first in the source, and the lower right is last. They all have small margins just to look pretty. Try narrowing the window of your browser, and watch as the float line gets "wrapped" down to accommodate the window size.

  Float 1 Float 2 Float 3 Float 4 Float 5 Float 6 Float 7 Float 8 Float 9 Float 10 Float 11 Float 12 Float 13 Float 14 Float 15
  The floats above will wrap to fit any screen size. Notice how the text in this following (invisible) paragraph also adjusts to any changes in the float arrangement. The paragraph actually starts right where the first float does, but since only the text in the paragraph is visible, that fact is not obvious. The paragraphs in the screen shots have borders and backgrounds in order to show the actual situation.

  If the float is given a "right" value instead of "left," the behaviors are exactly the same, but the float moves right rather than left, and subsequent floats are added to the left end of the row, not the right. In either case, wrapping is similar, unless float bugs cause differences.

  Think of it this way. A float in a container is first moved up to the topmost space it can fit into (on the side away from its "direction"), then is moved in the designated float direction until it bumps into the side of the container, or another float. Each succeeding float does the same thing, until one of the floats can't find a space wide enough on the level of the others. Instead it is forced to stop against the bottom of the other floats, and then slide to the side just like before.

  Float 1 Float 2 Float 3 Float 4 Float 5 Float 6 Float 7 Float 8 Float 9 Float 10 Float 11 Float 12 Float 13 Float 14 Float 15 Float 16 Float 17 Float 18 Float 19 Float 20
  Caution! Watch out for floats that are not all the same height. When a float being placed in the second row comes up against the first row (over to the right), and it tries to slide sideways (to the left), it gets "stuck" on the first taller float it encounters. With a large number of irregular floats this can get really ugly. The above batch of floats contains a couple of "joker" floats that are slightly taller than the others.

  Test this behavior by narrowing your browser to different screen widths (browser abuse).

  Whenever this technique is used to make a large thumbnail array, care must be taken to insure all the floats are the same height, or the page might easily resemble a train wreck.

  All the live demos in this article have been hacked to account for the faulty IE5.x/win box model. This was necessary due to the borders and padding applied to the boxes in those demos.


Example Source Code [www.52css.com]
There's no reason why two successive floats can't have different directions. If a container starts its content with two floats, one left and the other right, and there is room for both to fit side by side, then they will indeed display that way. Any extra space will form a gap between the floats.
But what if there is not enough room for both? Then the float that comes last will be forced below the first float, although the floats will still remain on opposite sides of the container. Again, narrow the browser to see opposing float wrapping, or the lack of it in the case of percentage sized floats.
First, the left float precedes the right float:
This float has width: 250px; and is floated to the left. It precedes the following right float.
This float has width: 250px; and is floated to the right. It follows the preceding left float.
Then the reverse:
This float has width: 250px; and is floated to the right. It precedes the following left float.
This float has width: 250px; and is floated to the left. It follows the preceding right float.
Now percentage sized widths:
This float has width: 44%; and is floated to the left.
This float has width: 44%; and is floated to the right.
This simple arrangement mostly works well, but some browsers don't handle more complex (multiple) oppositions very well yet. Anything of the sort must be rigorously tested in all target browsers.
There is one major flaw in the above demo, in that Internet Explorer 5.x/win fails to make a following left float wrap below a preceding right float, under any circumstances, unless the floats are contained in a width defined block element. The above demo has such an element enclosing it. It's just one of many IE float bugs that are "fixed" by putting a dimension on the float container.
Clearing Floats

  Here we come to the trickiest and most misunderstood part of floating.

  Think back to what was said about static boxes following floats. Those boxes just ignore the float, and display up against the previous static boxes. But let's say you give that following box the clear property, {clear: both;} . What this does is extend the margin on the top of the cleared box, pushing it down until it "clears" the bottom of the float. In other words, the top margin on the cleared box (no matter what it may have been set to), is increased by the browser, to whatever length is necessary to keep the cleared box below the float.

  So in effect, such a cleared box cannot be at the same horizontal level as a preceding float. It must appear just below that level. The image shows how this might look.

  Shows how a box may clear below a float.

  Remember, floats are not actually contained within a block box, even though they may be nested there in the source code. Sure, the float's screen starting point is determined by its nested location, but after that it just drapes over the containing box, as do absolute elements. Only line boxes containing inline elements (like text) will care where the float is displayed.

  The standard method of making an outer container appear to "enclose" a nested float is to place a complete "cleared" element last in the container.

Example Source Code [www.52css.com]
<div> <!-- float container -->
<div style="float:left; width:30%;"><p>Some content</p></div>
<p>Text not inside the float</p>
<div style="clear:both;"></div>

  Since that div is not floated, the container must recognize it and enclose it, and because of that top margin (added by the browser because of the "clear" property), the div "pulls" the bottom edge of the container down below the bottom edge of the float.

  Sure, that is a weird way to do it, but that's what the specs say. However, there is talk at the W3C about adding a rule that would make a container "auto- enclose" a float. It sure would be simpler.

  In fact, both Explorer and Opera 7 already do "auto-enclose" nested floats, in violation of the specs. Opera 6 did not do this, so it seems Opera is following Microsoft's non-standard lead.

  It is also possible to use {clear: left;} or {clear: right;} . This allows an element to clear a left float but not a right, or the opposite. You will have to get pretty fancy to need this kind of control, however.
  还可以使用 {clear:left;} 或 {clear:right;}. 这可以让一个元素清除左侧浮动当不影响右侧浮动,或者相反。要使用这种控制你需要有相当的想像力。

  In general, clearing works well, but can sometimes induce minor and not so minor bugs, which are almost entirely confined to Internet Explorer.
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