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写在David I来华访问前夕

2007-12-17 10:53 309 查看
Borland产品的老用户,只要上BDN(Borland Developer Network)的,都会熟悉这样一副尊容:

这个大胡子,就是Borland负责开发者社区的副总裁David Intersimone。因为Intersimone这个词不好记,社区里面习惯叫他做“David I”。当年在BDN上,该老兄的相片是在首页可以看到的;而且,隔一段时间还有他介绍社区新内容的文字。

BND是了解Borland技术资讯的重要途径,另外一个途径是Borland Newsgroup。从初学Delphi开始,我就一直在Borland Newsgroup上提问、获得回答,也尝试回答别人的问题。混Borland Newsgroup的,都熟悉Team B——这个神秘的组织,不知疲倦地为开发者提供支持,回答大家的各种问题。

现在David I要来中国访问了,迟了许多年。中国的Borland开发者社区正在被有意或无意地放弃,逐渐走向衰落。世事沧桑,令人感慨。《程序员》杂志要对David I做一个专访,孟岩问我想问什么问题,我说特别想知道Team B的一些情况。今天孟岩给我发来了David I的答复,篇幅关系,这些答复不会出现在杂志上。谢谢孟岩的访问和翻译。下面是David I关于Team B的说明:



If you've ever visited Borland's newsgroups at newsgroups.borland.com, or visited the CompuServe forums dedicated to support of Borland products before the newsgroups opened, it's a foregone conclusion that you've seen posts from members of TeamB.

TeamB was created more than 10 years ago as an experiment in encouraging advanced users of Borland products to answer other users' technical support questions. The original plan was deceptively simple: Identify your most knowledgeable users. Find those among them who most enjoy sharing their know-how. Organize them into a team. Offer them free product and benefits in return for their time. Let them loose to answer other users' questions.

Today, the team is composed of a mixed group of people from backgrounds as varied as the industry itself; former university professors, project managers, hotshot developers, and consultants. More than ever, Borland's community of users depends and relies on TeamB to receive timely and accurate answers to their questions. It is not uncommon to read a message in the newsgroups thanking TeamB for solving a problem that was threatening to delay an important project or task.

Because TeamB members are not Borland employees, they tend to be outspoken with their opinions on virtually all aspects of Borland's presence in the market, including but not limited to product development, marketing, and support. Being, for the most part, developers themselves, TeamB shares the concerns of the developer community. If there is an issue of concern to the developer community, it has likely been brought to the attention of Borland by TeamB.

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