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2007-12-09 20:47 447 查看

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The prediction of several trends of
Internet in the future


The destiny of


It is so sure that 2008 will
be one significant opportunity for some Web2.0 sites. It can
determine the destiny of Web2.0. Up to now, there are just blog and
video websites can maintain their lives. First, most have been
dead. In capital, most web2.0 websites can’t obtain the subsequent
money. Second, most can’t catch up with the day when the
profitable mode become ripe.


In 2008, many web2.0 websites
will encounter “Life and Death Plunder”. Some will survive. For
example Youku, the website got another 2500 dollars as venture
capital. Comparing with blog, Weiqing Yang, the CEO of Iresearch
expressed his opionion. He consider that in the future, video will
have wide market. But the future of blog is still pale. The CEO of
Youku confessed that Youku will have a large scale of income. Maybe
it will be as large as hundreds of million. So, some video website
will gain great progress. And with the rise of users and the expand
of the market, some leading websites will meet the spring of video.
For others, even if 10 Olympic games can’t save their


Whether Sohu can be successful
in Olympic


2008 will be one year of
Olympic. It is so special for Sohu because of the exclusives
Internet Cooperator. But long ago, Sina, NetEase and Tecent have
made an alliance to withstand the superiority of Sohu. How much
profit the portals can get? We will look forward.


Olympic is one chance which
will be hard to come by. Under any circumstances, the portals will
bite the cake with full energy. The problem is that it is one good
chance for sohu to exceed sina. But it can’t guarantee the
victory. Sohu have failed during the former competition. So whether
Sohu can establish one legend? We will look forward.


Whether the portals can
“stage a comeback”


It is so serious that we call
it “stage a comeback”. The portal doesn’t mean the three
portals, but the mode. In the end of November, Tom withdraw from
the competition of portals. Before that, NetEase, which is consider
one of the three oldest portals, has withdraw
from  the competition. Now, it has realize the
transform from portal to game.


It is controversial to discuss
the mode of portal. After the oldest three portals getted listed in
NASDQ, the mode of portal is so disputable. Then NetEase had one
successful transition. SMS and game become the main business, the
profitable ability exceeded sohu and sina for a long time. Then
Shanda, Baidu and Alibaba grew up quickly. The expression_r of
outdated portal is so violent. However, tecent is arranging the
layout of portal. So I think it should not be the importance of
portal is decreasing, but the mode has changed. It is not so
attractive to gain profit by advertisement.






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