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Family Album CD9 对白

2007-12-06 13:19 302 查看
Rebecca Casey is flying from San Francisco, home to Boston. She is very worried and upset. She has just learned that her father is in a hospital.
What is it?
It's your father. He's in the hospital.
I have to call home. My father's in the hospital. May I use your phone?
Of course. There's a phone in the kitchen. It'll be quieter there.
When she telephoned the hospital, she knew she had to return at once. The situation was serious.
Oh, my God! Is he OK? Well, what did the doctor say? I will... I'll...I'll take the next flight out.
She was sorry to interrupt the Mendozas' retirement party. It was a wonderful celebration for a wonderful family Mr. Mand Mrs. Mendoza, the guests of honor; Ram¨.n and his son, Alex; and, of course, Alberto.
Rebecca's thoughts about her father mix with thoughts about her life in San Francisco. Her new home at Nancy Shaw's house.
Here's to the beginning of a new life.
Classes and friends at music school. Her new job.
Great, I need to see what you can do. You can take over the softball practice today... right now, in fact... OK. Let me introduce you to the children.
Exciting times with Alberto.
Oh, my gosh. It's me.
Well, what do you think?
A new friendship with the Wang family.
Please, for you.
Oh, it's beautiful. But I... I can't accept this.
Vincent...Ni gao su ta ma yi ding yao ta shou xia lai.
My mom said she wants you to have it.
Thank you very much, Mrs. Wang.
Caring for Alex.
Alex, who's picking you up?
My dad. How come you have books?
Oh, I go to school too. I have a lot of homework tonight.
I have a big test tomorrow.
Uh-oh, what's it on?
Do you want me to help you study while you're waiting for your dad?
And getting to know Ram¨.n.
By the way, I hope you save a dance for me.
I have to warn you, I don't dance very well.
Don't worry, I only do the slow ones. But I can teach you some Latin dances.
I'd like that.
All of it was overwhelming. Did she neglect her family in Boston? Did she miss signs that something was wrong?
Rebecca, how are you?
Are you all right?
I'm fine. Just a frog in my throat. So, how's school?
School? It's pretty tough, Dad. It's a lot of work.
She remembered her father never really wanted her to go to San Francisco.
So, what do you want from me?
Just your approval.
N-O. No way.
But in the end he supported her because he loved her.
If you ever need help, change your mind, or anything, remember we're here.
Thanks, Dad. Thanks for everything. I love you.
Ah... well ah... I'll miss ya, God knows.
Oh, my gosh. They accepted you. The San Francisco College of Music. Oh, Rebecca, I'm so happy for you.
All right, Mary!
Her best friend, Sandy, was excited for her. And her brother supported her decision to go to music school, too.
You're going to miss her, aren't you?
The truth, is it all right with you if I go?

They knew it was her dream.
Go for it!
And now her brother is alone with her sick father in a hospital room in Boston. Why did she ever leave her father and her brother? Why did she ever leave Boston? And what was she coming home to?
Remember as we continue with Rebecca's story. Here's how you can connect with English£oWatch the videos by yourself; in a classroom; at home with family and friends.
Record the Video. There are books to use while you watch the program.
Make sure you read the instructions on how to use the book carefully.
The programs are closed-captioned. Turn on your captioning for extra help in following the language.
Talk about the program with your friends and family. And "Connect with English."

Rebecca's thoughts about her father mix with thoughts about her life in San Francisco.Her new home at Nancy Shaw's house.
Classes and friends at music school.Her new job.
Great, I need to see what you can do. You can take over the softball practice today... right now, in fact... OK. Let me introduce you to the children.
Exciting times with Alberto.
Oh, my gosh. It's me.
Well, what do you think?
A new friendship with the Wang family.
Please, for you.
Oh, it's beautiful. But I... I can't accept this.
My mom said she wants you to have it.
Thank you very much, Mrs. Wang.
Caring for Alex.
Alex, who's picking you up?
My dad. How come you have books?
Oh, I go to school too. I have a lot of homework tonight.
I have a big test tomorrow.
Uh-oh, what's it on?
Do you want me to help you study while you're waiting for your dad?
getting to know Ram¨.n.
By the way, I hope you save a dance for me.
I have to warn you, I don't dance very well.
Don't worry, I only do the slow ones. But I can teach you some Latin dances.
I'd like that.
All of it was overwhelming. Did she neglect her family in Boston? Did she miss signs that something was wrong?

All of it was overwhelming. Did she neglect her family in Boston? Did she miss signs that something was wrong?
How are you?
Are you all right?
I'm fine. Just a frog in my throat. So, how's school?
School? It's pretty tough, Dad. It's a lot of work.
remembered her father never really wanted her to go to San Francisco.
So, what do you want from me?
Just your approval.
N-O. No way.
But in the end he supported her because he loved her.
If you ever need help, change your mind, or anything, remember we're here.
Thanks, Dad. Thanks for everything. I love you.
Ah... well ah... I'll miss ya, God knows.
Oh, my gosh. They accepted you. The San Francisco College of Music. Oh, Rebecca, I'm so happy for you.
All right, Mary!
Her best friend, Sandy, was excited for her. And her brother supported her decision to go to music school, too.
You're going to miss her, aren't you?
The truth, is it all right with you if I go?
They knew it was her dream.
Go for it!
And now her brother is alone with her sick father in a hospital room in Boston.Why did she ever leave her father and her brother? Why did she ever leave Boston? And what was she coming home to?
Remember as we continue with Rebecca's story. Here's how you can connect with English£oWatch the videos by yourself; in a classroom; at home with family and friends.
Record the Video,There are books to use while you watch the program.
Make sure you read the instructions on how to use the book carefully.
The programs are closed-captioned. Turn on your captioning for extra help in following the language.
Talk about the program with your friends and family. And Connect with English."

How's Dad?
Not good. The heart attack was pretty serious.
Are you free?
How did it happen?
He just fell on the floor in his bedroom.
Was he in pain?
Were there any signs... I mean... before...?
I don't know exactly. He wasn't feeling well... and then... it just happened...
Dad?... Dad? You OK?
Dad?... Oh my God...
Dad?... Dad?... Hold on! ... Hold on, Dad, hold on...
Yes, this is an emergency!
Please stay calm. Tell me the problem.
It's my dad. He's fallen overhand, um... he's holding his chest.
Is he conscious?
Stay on the line... I'm transferring you to an emergency medical team.
Brewster seventy-seven...
Yes, this is Kevin Casey... I need an ambulance.
OK, what's your location?
I'm at ten-seven... ten-ninety-seven E Street, apartment three.
What part of the city is that?
South Boston.
All right, sir, give me your phone number.
Ah... six-eight-six-seven-seven-three-one.
All right, Kevin, you're doin' fine. OK. You're a family member?
Yes, I'm his son.
OK, do you have any medical training at all?
No, I don't.
OK, here's what I want you to do. Your dad's breathing?
Uh... barely.
I want you to go over to him, put your hand on his chest to see if he's breathing... I want you to also feel his neck or his chest to see if you can feel a heartbeat.
OK, hold on...
OK, uh... he's breathing... but barely... and his... and his... and his heartbeat is weak...
OK, Kevin, just slow down, you're doin' great. OK. Does he have any medical problems?
Yes, uh... uh... he has a bad heart and... and, uh... uh... he has high blood pressure, but I don't know what medication he's on...

Brewster seventy-seven, we'll be there in about three to five minutes. That's our ETA. That will be our Estimated Time of Arrival.
Hold on, Dad...
Up here...!
Hey, it's my dad...
How ya doin'? OK, that's Dan... I'm Fitz, all right?
How long ago did this start, Kevin?
Uh... like ten minutes.
It's really weak... Kevin, you said your dad was on medication?
But you didn't know what it was?
Why don't you find his meds, and bring them to me. OK?
OK, they're here.
OK, just go slow. Take your time, take your time.
I'm gonna put him on a mask.
It's my dad.
Your father has had a serious heart attack. We can't tell how bad it is at this point, but he's alive and alert. Now, can you tell me anything about his medical history?
Uh, well, his health hasn't been very good for years. He's been taking medicine for his...
For... for his heart?
High blood pressure, I think... Is he gonna to be all right?
We don't know how much damage there is to the heart, but we're doing everything we can.
How is he? Can he hear me?
He's under sedation at the moment. You should probably wait a little while before you try to talk to him.
But, um. . . shouldn't he know that I'm here?
He's pretty groggy right now. It's best to let him rest.
Yes, operator, I'd like to make a collect call, please... It's an emergency... I'm Kevin Casey...
Hello, I need to speak to Rebecca, please. It's an emergency...
You know, I tried to call you, but you were at some party...
I'm sorry. Must it have been awful for you.
There's the hospital.
I don't know if I'm ready for this...

His room is this way...
Hello. Are you a family member?
Yes, I'm his daughter. How is he?
He's on medication and resting comfortably now. I'll let the doctor know you're here.
Hi, Dad. It's me, Beck. I'm back.
You're gonna be all right, you hear me?
Mom's necklace, remember? I haven't taken it off since the day you gave it to me... just before I left for San Francisco. Oh, Dad, I've missed you.
You're gonna be OK...
Is this your sister?... Ms. Casey? I'm Dr. Lincoln. Let's step outside.
Your father has had a serious heart attack. Our tests show that there has been major damage to the heart muscle. Lack of blood flow through the arteries to certain portions of the heart muscle result in the death of that muscle. And this, in turn, can result in poor pumping action.
What does that mean?
That means that the next forty-eight hours will be critical. We're going to monitor him constantly... Your father's heart is very weak.
Is he gonna make it?
Well, we don't know for sure. Let's hope for the best... I have to go now, but I'll check back later.
What about a bypass operation, or drugs, or something?
Well, your father's in no condition to undergo surgery... But I can assure you that we are considering every possible procedure.
I think that I'd like to get a second opinion.
I understand. I can ask Dr. Weinstein, Chief of cardiology, to come up and see your father... Or, if you prefer, you can ask your own doctor to come in.
Uh.. . Dr. Weinstein will be fine, I guess.
Uh, there is still hope, isn's there?
Yes, of course, but his condition is serious... Excuse me.

Do you think I should call in a priest?
We are Catholic, you know. Shouldn't he have the last rites?
Stop it. He's going to make it. You'll see.
How is he?
He'll be under sedation for a while. Why don't the two of you go home, get some rest?
I don't want to leave him. The one thing I can do is be here for him.
I've been here since they brought him in except when I went to meet you at the airport.
Kevin, why don't you go home, hm? You need to get some rest.
No, it's all right. I can handle it.
Maybe we should both go home, hm? I'll let the nurse know we're going.
Excuse me, excuse me? Hi, are you Ms., ah... Casey?
Uh, I'm sorry to bother you at a time like this. My name's Mrs. Smith. I'm the billing administrator. Uh, your father's in room seven-eight-seven, is that right?
Yes, that's right.
Uh, and are you the person we talk to about his account?
OK, I'd like you to fill out a couple forms for me. I need some additional information... about his insurance.
Can we do this later? My brother and I are going home. We need to get some sleep.
I see. Do you know the name of his Health Maintenance Organization?
No. He was a Boston fireman. They have good coverage.
I told the Admitting Office all of this yesterday...
Will you fill these out, please? And return them to me just as soon as you possibly can?
What happened? This place is a mess.
It just needs a little cleaning up.
I can't believe this! Dirty dishes on the floor?
Kevin, I can't believe this... There's no food in the refrigerator.
We can go out and get a sandwich...
That's not my point! What were you and Dad doing for food?
He didn't want much food, and... he wasn't feeling well...
When did that start?
A while ago.
How long?
couple of weeks.
And you didn't call me? Damn it, Kevin, I'm talking to you! Why didn't you call me? What were you and Dad doing for food? What was going on here?
Don't blame me. At least I was here.
Yes?... Speaking. Oh, no... We'll be right there.
It's Dad. We have to go.

What did the nurse say?
Dad's in pretty bad shape. She said to hurry back.
Hello... I need a cab right away. It's an emergency.
Kevin... I'm sorry, we shouldn't be arguing at a time like this. We need each other.
Let me take you to your father. Before you see him there's something I want to tell you. Your father has just had another heart attack, and at this point it does not look good.
What are you saying? He made it through the first one...
entirely. And the second heart attack was more massive.
Aren't there any new drugs you could give him?
There are new drugs, but they won't help... not in his current condition.I'm very sorry. You should probably notify any other members of the family.
Hello. I'm Father O'Connor.
Oh, Father, thank you for coming...
I want you to know I'm here for you and your family. Is this your father?
Can we talk for a minute?
Tell me about your father's condition.
My father just had his second serious heart attack in the last two days.
I'm so sorry.It
must be very difficult for you. Are you very close to your father?
Yes. Kevin lives with my dad. I did, too, until recently. We're all pretty close.
And your mother...?
My mother died of lung cancer almost twelve years ago.
What a loss. Now, are there any other family members besides the two of you?
Not really. There are some relatives in Ireland, but we've never met them. We have a great aunt on my mother's side, and... uh, my father's brother, Brendan...
Oh, your father has a brother? Does he know your father's in the hospital?
No, he lives in Illinois. He has a farm there. My father and uncle don't talk to each other. They haven't for years.
Maybe this is the time for them to make peace... Perhaps you should call him.
I don't want to upset my father. Maybe Kevin and I need to talk before we do anything.
Give it some thought. I will begin my prayers for your father. God bless you.
Thanks, Father...

Yes, I need the number for a Brendan Casey.
Brendan!. . . Brendan, telephone!
It's Rebecca Casey.
Hello, Uncle Brendan... it's Rebecca. I'm afraid I have some bad news about my father.
He's in the hospital... What do the doctors say? I see... Yeah, I'll take the next flight out. Oh, and Rebecca, thank you for calling... Bye.
Was that Patrick's daughter?
Yeah, she called about Patrick. He's in the hospital. He just had a heart attack...
Oh, Honey, I'm sorry to hear that.
It doesn't look good... I'm going to take the next flight to Boston.
Yeah, I'll pack your bag.
Kevin... Kevin... Kevin... Take care of Kevin.
I will.
Call my brother. Call Brendan.
I already did. I called Uncle Brendan. He's flying out. He'll be here soon. Can you do something about the pain?
I can increase his medication a bit. Mr. Casey, this'll make you a little more comfortable.
Mr. Casey, I'm Father O'Connor. Mr. Casey, I'm going to administer the Sacrament of the Sick.

Kevin called and told me. How're you doing?
Terrible. I flew in this morning... This is my worst nightmare.
How is he?
He's barely hanging on. The doctors aren't hopeful.
Becky, I feel so sorry for you. How is he doing?
He keeps everything inside. I don't know... He seems so different.
Poor kid...
Sandy, you should see the apartment... It's a total mess... There's no food in the refrigerator, nothing.
I guess he still needs someone to take care of him.
I feel bad... I yelled at him this morning...
It's OK. You're upset. That's normal.
I know, but I shouldn't have yelled at him. I mean, he doesn't...
I bet you could use a cup of coffee. There's a cafeteria on the third floor... What do you say, we go?
Yeah... It's so good to see you.
I feel guilty for leaving Dad alone... I don't know... The doctor said things don't look good. I asked for a second opinion... But the other doctor said the same thing... I don't know if he's gonna make it.
Rebecca... Your dad's always been a fighter. He'll make it.
One coffee.
Two coffees, please...
Thank you.
So, how's life in San Francisco? Maybe I should have gone with you.
It's good. School's hard, but the teachers are great. Did you get my letter?
Yeah. How's it going with that Roberto guy?
Right, that's it.
He's very nice.
Anything serious?
I don't know. It's still new.
Take my advice. Get to know him before you fall in love.
I will.. . How's Jack?
We're living together, you know.
When's the big day?
The wedding? That's off, for now. Uh... he says he just wants to live together.
Sandy, your face is all black-and-blue. What on earth happened to you? Why are you wearing sunglasses?
It's nothing. I... I bumped into a door.
Did Jack hit you? Oh my God, he hit you, didn't he? I can't believe he hit you! There's no excuse for that. None!
Rebecca. Uncle Brendan's here.
I'll be right there. Don't move. I'll be back in a few minutes. Do you hear me?

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