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2007-12-03 10:30 609 查看



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一, 百度股价能否继续坚挺

































prediction of several trends of Internet in the

The Year 2007 will end. If we retrospect the
year of 2007, we can find so many flash points which are so
unforgettable. However, we can’t restrict the progress of year
2007, we just can look forward to year 2008. Are there any trends
we can predict? Now, let’s make an inventory year 2007 and look
forward to year 2008.


Whether the share price of Baidu can
persist or not


Last year, Baidu encountered so many
embarrassments, for example the issue of “staff firing”, the
issue of “click cheating” and the issue of “navigation”.
However, in 2007, Baidu is so lucky. The share price has break
through the level of 400dollars. Although the share price presented
flexible status, it is still the top one during so many stocks
which have gone public in NASDAQ.


Of course, it cares much about the
outstanding profitable ability. But the opportunity goes with the
challenge. Baidu has kept ahead in share price so it should pay
more cost for that. Can you still remember “Baidu World
Convention”? Baidu has publicize the watchword of “New Media”.
Then Baidu set the strategy of C2C progression. Then while Jack Ma
went to HongKong to assemble money, Robbin Li went there to
assemble talents.


But in 2008, the share price can be as
outstanding as year of 2007? The answer lays on the expansion the
product line and the restore of human resources and the execution
of strategy. Baidu based mainly on Search Engine.
Internationalization and multi ways are just on the first step of
long march. There will be so many variable complications. But Baidu
is one company which can make Chinese feel honored. So we hope
Baidu can be better and better.


E-business 2.0


In the future, we just can purchase the
goods in the shop. We can kill the price with the boss and look
over the goods, but the mode is so inconvenience. It is so terrible
because of time and space restriction. Then Alibaba
raised.  Alibaba made it available that the
internet platform can be helpful and useful for the bargaining. It
broke the restriction of time and space at first time. It created
the wholly new world for E-business.


But the goods are mainly substance. In the
future, the business mode and business goods should be more
progressive in depth and width. Recently, there are some website
which we called “Wit Key” has put intelligence and relationship
as the goods. This is one example of width development.

From that we can get some conclusions. In
the future the E-business will be more intellective and human. Not
only you can purchase Electric instruments and clothes, but also
intelligence and relationship.


Intelligence and relationship is necessary
for every people in our daily life. It can form one large market in
the future.


So the time of Alibaba is E-business 1.0.
The time of dummy goods is E-business 2.0. Of course, they won’t
conflict with each other. But it can be surely


The problem of “industry


In 2007, the development of industry
websites has called for more and more discussion. First is that as
the development of internet. More and more industry website come
into being. But most are half life and developing slowly. Second is
that NetSun has gone public. It encouraged almost all industry
websites. The two diathesis are contradictory. So the problem of
industry websites is much more difficult.


One article of “Internet Weekly” take
consideration that the profitable mode of industry websites are so
clear. Website construction and leaguer and advertisement are clear
and steady. But VC pay little attention to that. What a pity. But
since the summit of industry websites and venture capital in June
2007, more and more industry websites have been taken notice of.
There will be more and more meeting about that. They have obtained
more and more attention of VC.


But Fanshen Guo, the CEO of HC360 doesn’t
think that industry websites are promising. He have described them
as “the fly on the glass”. We also get some information that
Alibaba will set force on B2B of industries, which is great
threaten for industry websites.


But I don’t think the industry websites
are unpromising. But we can foresee that the competition will be
fiercer in the future. The combination of on line and off line
maybe can feasible.






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