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// <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">

// 需要IE5.5以上的版本支持

// write out styles for UI buttons

document.write('<style type="text/css"> ');

document.write('.btn { width: 22px; height: 22px; border: 1px solid buttonface; margin: 0; padding: 0; } ');

document.write('.btnOver { width: 22px; height: 22px; border: 1px outset; } ');

document.write('.btnDown { width: 22px; height: 22px; border: 1px inset; background-color: buttonhighlight; } ');

document.write('.btnNA { width: 22px; height: 22px; border: 1px solid buttonface; filter: alpha(opacity=25); } ');

document.write('.cMenu { background-color: threedface; color: menutext; cursor: Default; font-family: MS Sans Serif; font-size: 8pt; padding: 2 12 2 16; }');

document.write('.cMenuOver { background-color: highlight; color: highlighttext; cursor: Default; font-family: MS Sans Serif; font-size: 8pt; padding: 2 12 2 16; }');

document.write('.cMenuDivOuter { background-color: threedface; height: 9 }');

document.write('.cMenuDivInner { margin: 0 4 0 4; border-width: 1; border-style: solid; border-color: threedshadow threedhighlight threedhighlight threedshadow; }');

document.write('</style> ');

/**//* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *

Function : editor_defaultConfig 系统默认的模式

Description : default configuration settings for wysiwyg editor

* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

function editor_defaultConfig(objname) ...{

this.version = "2.03"

this.width = "auto";

this.height = "auto";

this.bodyStyle = 'background-color: #FFFFFF; font-family: "Verdana"; font-size: x-small;';

this.imgURL = _editor_url + 'images/';

this.debug = 0;

this.replaceNextlines = 0; // replace nextlines from spaces (on output)

this.plaintextInput = 0; // replace nextlines with breaks (on input)

this.toolbar = [



// ['fontstyle'],

// ['linebreak'],


// ['strikethrough','subscript','superscript','separator'],





// ['custom1','custom2','custom3','separator'],



this.fontnames = ...{

"Arial": "arial, helvetica, sans-serif",

"Courier New": "courier new, courier, mono",

"Georgia": "Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, Serif",

"Tahoma": "Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif",

"Times New Roman": "times new roman, times, serif",

"Verdana": "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif",

"impact": "impact",

"WingDings": "WingDings"


this.fontsizes = ...{

"1 (8 pt)": "1",

"2 (10 pt)": "2",

"3 (12 pt)": "3",

"4 (14 pt)": "4",

"5 (18 pt)": "5",

"6 (24 pt)": "6",

"7 (36 pt)": "7"


//// this.stylesheet = "http://www.domain.com/sample.css"; // full URL to stylesheet

this.fontstyles = [ // make sure these exist in the header of page the content is being display as well in or they won't work!

// { name: "headline", className: "headline", classStyle: "font-family: arial black, arial; font-size: 28px; letter-spacing: -2px;" },

// { name: "arial red", className: "headline2", classStyle: "font-family: arial black, arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: -2px; color:red" },

// { name: "verdana blue", className: "headline4", classStyle: "font-family: verdana; font-size: 18px; letter-spacing: -2px; color:blue" },


this.btnList = ...{

// buttonName: commandID, title, onclick, image,

"bold": ['Bold', '加粗', 'editor_action(this.id)', 'ed_format_bold.gif'],

"italic": ['Italic', '斜体', 'editor_action(this.id)', 'ed_format_italic.gif'],

"underline": ['Underline', 'Underline', 'editor_action(this.id)', 'ed_format_underline.gif'],

"strikethrough": ['StrikeThrough', 'Strikethrough', 'editor_action(this.id)', 'ed_format_strike.gif'],

"subscript": ['SubScript', 'Subscript', 'editor_action(this.id)', 'ed_format_sub.gif'],

"superscript": ['SuperScript', 'Superscript', 'editor_action(this.id)', 'ed_format_sup.gif'],

"justifyleft": ['JustifyLeft', 'Justify Left', 'editor_action(this.id)', 'ed_align_left.gif'],

"justifycenter": ['JustifyCenter', 'Justify Center', 'editor_action(this.id)', 'ed_align_center.gif'],

"justifyright": ['JustifyRight', 'Justify Right', 'editor_action(this.id)', 'ed_align_right.gif'],

"orderedlist": ['InsertOrderedList', 'Ordered List', 'editor_action(this.id)', 'ed_list_num.gif'],

"unorderedlist": ['InsertUnorderedList', 'Bulleted List', 'editor_action(this.id)', 'ed_list_bullet.gif'],

"outdent": ['Outdent', 'Decrease Indent', 'editor_action(this.id)', 'ed_indent_less.gif'],

"indent": ['Indent', 'Increase Indent', 'editor_action(this.id)', 'ed_indent_more.gif'],

"forecolor": ['ForeColor', 'Font Color', 'editor_action(this.id)', 'ed_color_fg.gif'],

"backcolor": ['BackColor', 'Background Color', 'editor_action(this.id)', 'ed_color_bg.gif'],

"horizontalrule": ['InsertHorizontalRule', 'Horizontal Rule', 'editor_action(this.id)', 'ed_hr.gif'],

"createlink": ['CreateLink', 'Insert Web Link', 'editor_action(this.id)', 'ed_link.gif'],

"insertimage": ['InsertImage', 'Insert Image', 'editor_action(this.id)', 'ed_image.gif'],

"inserttable": ['InsertTable', 'Insert Table', 'editor_action(this.id)', 'insert_table.gif'],

"htmlmode": ['HtmlMode', 'View HTML Source', 'editor_setmode(''+objname+'')', 'ed_html.gif'],

"popupeditor": ['popupeditor', 'Enlarge Editor', 'editor_action(this.id)', 'fullscreen_maximize.gif'],

"about": ['about', '关于当前编辑器', 'editor_about(''+objname+'')', 'ed_about.gif'],

// Add custom buttons here:

"custom1": ['custom1', 'Purpose of button 1', 'editor_action(this.id)', 'ed_custom.gif'],

"custom2": ['custom2', 'Purpose of button 2', 'editor_action(this.id)', 'ed_custom.gif'],

"custom3": ['custom3', 'Purpose of button 3', 'editor_action(this.id)', 'ed_custom.gif'],

// end: custom buttons

"help": ['showhelp', 'Help using editor', 'editor_action(this.id)', 'ed_help.gif']



/**//* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *

Function : editor_generate 设置编辑器的对象和内容

Description : replace textarea with wysiwyg editor

Usage : editor_generate("textarea_id",[height],[width]);

Arguments : objname - ID of textarea to replace

w - width of wysiwyg editor

h - height of wysiwyg editor

* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

function editor_generate(objname,userConfig) ...{

// Default Settings

var config = new editor_defaultConfig(objname);

if (userConfig) ...{

for (var thisName in userConfig) ...{

if (userConfig[thisName]) ...{

config[thisName] = userConfig[thisName];




document.all[objname].config = config; // store config settings

// set size to specified size or size of original object

var obj = document.all[objname];

if (!config.width || config.width == "auto") ...{

if (obj.style.width) ...{ // use css style

config.width = obj.style.width;

}else if (obj.cols)...{ // col width + toolbar

config.width = (obj.cols * 8) + 22;

}else ...{ // default

config.width = '100%';



if (!config.height || config.height == "auto") ...{

if(obj.style.height)...{ // use css style

config.height = obj.style.height;

}else if (obj.rows)...{ // row height

config.height = obj.rows * 17

}else...{ // default

config.height = '200';



var tblOpen = '<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 style="float: left;" unselectable="on"><tr><td style="border: none; padding: 1 0 0 0"><nobr>';

var tblClose = '</nobr></td></tr></table> ';

// build button toolbar

var toolbar = '';

var btnGroup, btnItem, aboutEditor;

for (var btnGroup in config.toolbar) ...{

// linebreak

if (config.toolbar[btnGroup].length == 1 &&

config.toolbar[btnGroup][0].toLowerCase() == "linebreak") ...{

toolbar += '<br clear="all">';



toolbar += tblOpen;

for (var btnItem in config.toolbar[btnGroup]) ...{

var btnName = config.toolbar[btnGroup][btnItem].toLowerCase();

// fontname

if (btnName == "fontname") ...{

toolbar += '<select id="_' +objname+ '_FontName" onChange="editor_action(this.id)" unselectable="on" style="margin: 1 2 0 2; font-size: 12px;">';

for (var fontname in config.fontnames) ...{

toolbar += '<option value="' +config.fontnames[fontname]+ '">' +fontname+ '</option>'


toolbar += '</select>';



// fontsize

if (btnName == "fontsize") ...{

toolbar += '<select id="_' +objname+ '_FontSize" onChange="editor_action(this.id)" unselectable="on" style="margin: 1 2 0 0; font-size: 12px;">';

for (var fontsize in config.fontsizes) ...{

toolbar += '<option value="' +config.fontsizes[fontsize]+ '">' +fontsize+ '</option>'


toolbar += '</select> ';



// font style

if (btnName == "fontstyle") ...{

toolbar += '<select id="_' +objname+ '_FontStyle" onChange="editor_action(this.id)" unselectable="on" style="margin: 1 2 0 0; font-size: 12px;">';

+ '<option value="">Font Style</option>';

for (var i in config.fontstyles) ...{

var fontstyle = config.fontstyles;

toolbar += '<option value="' +fontstyle.className+ '">' +fontstyle.name+ '</option>'


toolbar += '</select>';



// separator

if (btnName == "separator") ...{

toolbar += '<span style="border: 1px inset; width: 1px; font-size: 16px; height: 16px; margin: 0 3 0 3"></span>';



// buttons

var btnObj = config.btnList[btnName];

if (btnName == 'linebreak') ...{ alert("htmlArea error: 'linebreak' must be in a subgroup by itself, not with other buttons. htmlArea wysiwyg editor not created."); return; }

if (!btnObj) ...{ alert("htmlArea error: button '" +btnName+ "' not found in button list when creating the wysiwyg editor for '"+objname+"'. Please make sure you entered the button name correctly. htmlArea wysiwyg editor not created."); return; }

var btnCmdID = btnObj[0];

var btnTitle = btnObj[1];

var btnOnClick = btnObj[2];

var btnImage = btnObj[3];

toolbar += '<button title="' +btnTitle+ '" id="_' +objname+ '_' +btnCmdID+ '" class="btn" onClick="' +btnOnClick+ '" onmouseover="if(this.className=='btn'){this.className='btnOver'}" onmouseout="if(this.className=='btnOver'){this.className='btn'}" unselectable="on"><img src="' +config.imgURL + btnImage+ '" border=0 unselectable="on"></button>';

} // end of button sub-group

toolbar += tblClose;

} // end of entire button set

// build editor

var editor = '<span id="_editor_toolbar"><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 bgcolor="buttonface" style="padding: 1 0 0 2" width=' + config.width + ' unselectable="on"><tr><td> '

+ toolbar

+ '</td></tr></table> '

+ '</td></tr></table></span> '

+ '<textarea ID="_' +objname + '_editor" style="width:' +config.width+ '; height:' +config.height+ '; margin-top: -1px; margin-bottom: -1px;" wrap=soft></textarea>';

// add context menu

editor += '<div id="_' +objname + '_cMenu" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden;"></div>';

// hide original textarea and insert htmlarea after it

if (!config.debug) ...{ document.all[objname].style.display = "none"; }

if (config.plaintextInput) ...{ // replace nextlines with breaks

var contents = document.all[objname].value;

contents = contents.replace(/ /g, '<br>');

contents = contents.replace(/ /g, '<br>');

contents = contents.replace(/ /g, '<br>');

document.all[objname].value = contents;


// insert wysiwyg

document.all[objname].insertAdjacentHTML('afterEnd', editor)

// convert htmlarea from textarea to wysiwyg editor

editor_setmode(objname, 'init');

// call filterOutput when user submits form

for (var idx=0; idx < document.forms.length; idx++) ...{

var r = document.forms[idx].attachEvent('onsubmit', function() ...{ editor_filterOutput(objname); });

if (!r) ...{ alert("Error attaching event to form!"); }


return true;


/**//* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *

Function : editor_action

Description : perform an editor command on selected editor content

Usage :

Arguments : button_id - button id string with editor and action name

* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

function editor_action(button_id) ...{

// split up button name into "editorID" and "cmdID"

var BtnParts = Array();

BtnParts = button_id.split("_");

var objname = button_id.replace(/^_(.*)_[^_]*$/, '$1');

var cmdID = BtnParts[ BtnParts.length-1 ];

var button_obj = document.all[button_id];

var editor_obj = document.all["_" +objname + "_editor"];

var config = document.all[objname].config;

// help popup

if (cmdID == 'showhelp') ...{

window.open(_editor_url + "popups/editor_help.html", 'EditorHelp');



// popup editor

if (cmdID == 'popupeditor') ...{

window.open(_editor_url + "popups/fullscreen.html?"+objname,





// check editor mode (don't perform actions in textedit mode)

if (editor_obj.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'textarea') ...{ return; }

var editdoc = editor_obj.contentWindow.document;


// get index and value for pulldowns

var idx = button_obj.selectedIndex;

var val = (idx != null) ? button_obj[ idx ].value : null;

if (0) ...{} // use else if for easy cutting and pasting




// Custom1

else if (cmdID == 'custom1') ...{

alert("Hello, I am custom button 1!");


// Custom2

else if (cmdID == 'custom2') ...{ // insert some text from a popup window

var myTitle = "This is a custom title";

var myText = showModalDialog(_editor_url + "popups/custom2.html",

myTitle, // str or obj specified here can be read from dialog as "window.dialogArguments"

"resizable: yes; help: no; status: no; scroll: no; ");

if (myText) ...{ editor_insertHTML(objname, myText); }


// Custom3

else if (cmdID == 'custom3') ...{ // insert some text

editor_insertHTML(objname, "It's easy to add buttons that insert text!");





// FontName

else if (cmdID == 'FontName' && val) ...{



// FontSize

else if (cmdID == 'FontSize' && val) ...{



// FontStyle (change CSS className)

else if (cmdID == 'FontStyle' && val) ...{



var fontArray = editdoc.all.tags("FONT");

for (i=0; i<fontArray.length; i++) ...{

if (fontArray[i].face == '636c6173734e616d6520706c616365686f6c646572') ...{

fontArray[i].face = "";

fontArray[i].className = val;

fontArray[i].outerHTML = fontArray[i].outerHTML.replace(/face=['"]+/, "");



button_obj.selectedIndex =0;


// fgColor and bgColor

else if (cmdID == 'ForeColor' || cmdID == 'BackColor') {

var oldcolor = _dec_to_rgb(editdoc.queryCommandValue(cmdID));

var newcolor = showModalDialog(_editor_url + "popups/select_color.html", oldcolor, "resizable: no; help: no; status: no; scroll: no;");

if (newcolor != null) { editdoc.execCommand(cmdID, false, "#"+newcolor); }


// execute command for buttons - if we didn't catch the cmdID by here we'll assume it's a

// commandID and pass it to execCommand(). See http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/author/dhtml/reference/commandids.asp

else ...{

// subscript & superscript, disable one before enabling the other

if (cmdID.toLowerCase() == 'subscript' && editdoc.queryCommandState('superscript')) ...{ editdoc.execCommand('superscript'); }

if (cmdID.toLowerCase() == 'superscript' && editdoc.queryCommandState('subscript')) ...{ editdoc.execCommand('subscript'); }

// insert link

if (cmdID.toLowerCase() == 'createlink')...{



// insert image

else if (cmdID.toLowerCase() == 'insertimage')...{

showModalDialog(_editor_url + "popups/insert_image.html", editdoc, "resizable: no; help: no; status: no; scroll: no; ");


// insert table

else if (cmdID.toLowerCase() == 'inserttable')...{

showModalDialog(_editor_url + "popups/insert_table.html?"+objname,


"resizable: yes; help: no; status: no; scroll: no; ");


// all other commands microsoft Command Identifiers

else ...{ editdoc.execCommand(cmdID); }




/**//* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *

Function : editor_event

Description : called everytime an editor event occurs

Usage : editor_event(objname, runDelay, eventName)

Arguments : objname - ID of textarea to replace

runDelay: -1 = run now, no matter what

0 = run now, if allowed

1000 = run in 1 sec, if allowed at that point

* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

function editor_event(objname,runDelay) ...{

var config = document.all[objname].config;

var editor_obj = document.all["_" +objname+ "_editor"]; // html editor object

if (runDelay == null) ...{ runDelay = 0; }

var editdoc;

var editEvent = editor_obj.contentWindow ? editor_obj.contentWindow.event : event;

// catch keypress events

if (editEvent && editEvent.keyCode) ...{

var ord = editEvent.keyCode; // ascii order of key pressed

var ctrlKey = editEvent.ctrlKey;

var altKey = editEvent.altKey;

var shiftKey = editEvent.shiftKey;

if (ord == 16) ...{ return; } // ignore shift key by itself

if (ord == 17) ...{ return; } // ignore ctrl key by itself

if (ord == 18) ...{ return; } // ignore alt key by itself

// cancel ENTER key and insert <BR> instead

// if (ord == 13 && editEvent.type == 'keypress') {

// editEvent.returnValue = false;

// editor_insertHTML(objname, "<br>");

// return;

// }

if (ctrlKey && (ord == 122 || ord == 90)) ...{ // catch ctrl-z (UNDO)

// TODO: Add our own undo/redo functionality

// editEvent.cancelBubble = true;



if ((ctrlKey && (ord == 121 || ord == 89)) ||

ctrlKey && shiftKey && (ord == 122 || ord == 90)) ...{ // catch ctrl-y, ctrl-shift-z (REDO)

// TODO: Add our own undo/redo functionality




// setup timer for delayed updates (some events take time to complete)

if (runDelay > 0) ...{ return setTimeout(function()...{ editor_event(objname); }, runDelay); }

// don't execute more than 3 times a second (eg: too soon after last execution)

if (this.tooSoon == 1 && runDelay >= 0) ...{ this.queue = 1; return; } // queue all but urgent events

this.tooSoon = 1;


this.tooSoon = 0;

if (this.queue) ...{ editor_event(objname,-1); };

this.queue = 0;

}, 333); // 1/3 second




/**//* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *

Function : editor_updateToolbar

Description : update toolbar state

Usage :

Arguments : objname - ID of textarea to replace

action - enable, disable, or update (default action)

* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

function editor_updateToolbar(objname,action) ...{

var config = document.all[objname].config;

var editor_obj = document.all["_" +objname+ "_editor"];

// disable or enable toolbar

if (action == "enable" || action == "disable") ...{

var tbItems = new Array('FontName','FontSize','FontStyle'); // add pulldowns

for (var btnName in config.btnList) ...{ tbItems.push(config.btnList[btnName][0]); } // add buttons

for (var idxN in tbItems) ...{

var cmdID = tbItems[idxN].toLowerCase();

var tbObj = document.all["_" +objname+ "_" +tbItems[idxN]];

if (cmdID == "htmlmode" || cmdID == "about" || cmdID == "showhelp" || cmdID == "popupeditor") ...{ continue; } // don't change these buttons

if (tbObj == null) ...{ continue; }

var isBtn = (tbObj.tagName.toLowerCase() == "button") ? true : false;

if (action == "enable") ...{ tbObj.disabled = false; if (isBtn) ...{ tbObj.className = 'btn' }}

if (action == "disable") ...{ tbObj.disabled = true; if (isBtn) ...{ tbObj.className = 'btnNA' }}




// update toolbar state

if (editor_obj.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'textarea') ...{ return; } // don't update state in textedit mode

var editdoc = editor_obj.contentWindow.document;

// Set FontName pulldown

var fontname_obj = document.all["_" +objname+ "_FontName"];

if (fontname_obj) ...{

var fontname = editdoc.queryCommandValue('FontName');

if (fontname == null) ...{ fontname_obj.value = null; }

else ...{

var found = 0;

for (i=0; i<fontname_obj.length; i++) ...{

if (fontname.toLowerCase() == fontname_obj[i].text.toLowerCase()) ...{

fontname_obj.selectedIndex = i;

found = 1;



if (found != 1) ...{ fontname_obj.value = null; } // for fonts not in list



// Set FontSize pulldown

var fontsize_obj = document.all["_" +objname+ "_FontSize"];

if (fontsize_obj) ...{

var fontsize = editdoc.queryCommandValue('FontSize');

if (fontsize == null) ...{ fontsize_obj.value = null; }

else ...{

var found = 0;

for (i=0; i<fontsize_obj.length; i++) ...{

if (fontsize == fontsize_obj[i].value) ...{ fontsize_obj.selectedIndex = i; found=1; }


if (found != 1) ...{ fontsize_obj.value = null; } // for sizes not in list



// Set FontStyle pulldown

var classname_obj = document.all["_" +objname+ "_FontStyle"];

if (classname_obj) ...{

var curRange = editdoc.selection.createRange();

// check element and element parents for class names

var pElement;

if (curRange.length) ...{ pElement = curRange[0]; } // control tange

else ...{ pElement = curRange.parentElement(); } // text range

while (pElement && !pElement.className) ...{ pElement = pElement.parentElement; } // keep going up

var thisClass = pElement ? pElement.className.toLowerCase() : "";

if (!thisClass && classname_obj.value) ...{ classname_obj.value = null; }

else ...{

var found = 0;

for (i=0; i<classname_obj.length; i++) ...{

if (thisClass == classname_obj[i].value.toLowerCase()) ...{

classname_obj.selectedIndex = i;




if (found != 1) ...{ classname_obj.value = null; } // for classes not in list



// update button states

var IDList = Array('Bold','Italic','Underline','StrikeThrough','SubScript','SuperScript','JustifyLeft','JustifyCenter','JustifyRight','InsertOrderedList','InsertUnorderedList');

for (i=0; i<IDList.length; i++) ...{

var btnObj = document.all["_" +objname+ "_" +IDList[i]];

if (btnObj == null) ...{ continue; }

var cmdActive = editdoc.queryCommandState( IDList[i] );

if (!cmdActive) ...{ // option is OK

if (btnObj.className != 'btn') ...{ btnObj.className = 'btn'; }

if (btnObj.disabled != false) ...{ btnObj.disabled = false; }

} else if (cmdActive) ...{ // option already applied or mixed content

if (btnObj.className != 'btnDown') ...{ btnObj.className = 'btnDown'; }

if (btnObj.disabled != false) ...{ btnObj.disabled = false; }




/**//* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *

Function : editor_updateOutput

Description : update hidden output field with data from wysiwg

* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

function editor_updateOutput(objname) ...{

var config = document.all[objname].config;

var editor_obj = document.all["_" +objname+ "_editor"]; // html editor object

var editEvent = editor_obj.contentWindow ? editor_obj.contentWindow.event : event;

var isTextarea = (editor_obj.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'textarea');

var editdoc = isTextarea ? null : editor_obj.contentWindow.document;

// get contents of edit field

var contents;

if (isTextarea) ...{ contents = editor_obj.value; }

else ...{ contents = editdoc.body.innerHTML; }

// check if contents has changed since the last time we ran this routine

if (config.lastUpdateOutput && config.lastUpdateOutput == contents) ...{ return; }

else ...{ config.lastUpdateOutput = contents; }

// update hidden output field

document.all[objname].value = contents;


/**//* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *

Function : editor_filterOutput

Description :

* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

function editor_filterOutput(objname) ...{


var contents = document.all[objname].value;

var config = document.all[objname].config;

// ignore blank contents

if (contents.toLowerCase() == '<p> </p>') ...{ contents = ""; }

// filter tag - this code is run for each HTML tag matched

var filterTag = function(tagBody,tagName,tagAttr) ...{

tagName = tagName.toLowerCase();

var closingTag = (tagBody.match(/^<//)) ? true : false;

// fix placeholder URLS - remove absolute paths that IE adds

if (tagName == 'img') ...{ tagBody = tagBody.replace(/(srcs*=s*.)[^*]*(***)/, "$1$2"); }

if (tagName == 'a') ...{ tagBody = tagBody.replace(/(hrefs*=s*.)[^*]*(***)/, "$1$2"); }

// add additional tag filtering here

// convert to vbCode

// if (tagName == 'b' || tagName == 'strong') {

// if (closingTag) { tagBody = "[/b]"; } else { tagBody = ""; }

// }

// else if (tagName == 'i' || tagName == 'em') {

// if (closingTag) { tagBody = "
"; } else { tagBody = "[i]"; }

// }

// else if (tagName == 'u') {

// if (closingTag) { tagBody = "[/u]"; } else { tagBody = "[u]"; }

// }

// else {

// tagBody = ""; // disallow all other tags!

// }

return tagBody;


// match tags and call filterTag

RegExp.lastIndex = 0;

var matchTag = /</?(w+)((?:[^'">]*|'[^']*'|"[^"]*")*)>/g; // this will match tags, but still doesn't handle container tags (textarea, comments, etc)

contents = contents.replace(matchTag, filterTag);

// remove nextlines from output (if requested)

if (config.replaceNextlines) {

contents = contents.replace(/ /g, ' ');

contents = contents.replace(/ /g, ' ');

contents = contents.replace(/ /g, ' ');


// update output with filtered content

document.all[objname].value = contents;


/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *

Function : editor_setmode

Description : change mode between WYSIWYG and HTML editor

Usage : editor_setmode(objname, mode);

Arguments : objname - button id string with editor and action name

mode - init, textedit, or wysiwyg

* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

function editor_setmode(objname, mode) {

var config = document.all[objname].config;

var editor_obj = document.all["_" +objname + "_editor"];

// wait until document is fully loaded

if (document.readyState != 'complete') {

setTimeout(function() { editor_setmode(objname,mode) }, 25);



// define different editors

var TextEdit = '<textarea ID="_' +objname + '_editor" style="width:' +editor_obj.style.width+ '; height:' +editor_obj.style.height+ '; margin-top: -1px; margin-bottom: -1px;"></textarea>';

var RichEdit = '<iframe ID="_' +objname+ '_editor" style="width:' +editor_obj.style.width+ '; height:' +editor_obj.style.height+ ';"></iframe>';

// src="' +_editor_url+ 'popups/blank.html"


// Switch to TEXTEDIT mode


if (mode == "textedit" || editor_obj.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'iframe') {

config.mode = "textedit";

var editdoc = editor_obj.contentWindow.document;

var contents = editdoc.body.createTextRange().htmlText;

editor_obj.outerHTML = TextEdit;

editor_obj = document.all["_" +objname + "_editor"];

editor_obj.value = contents;


editor_updateToolbar(objname, "disable"); // disable toolbar items

// set event handlers

editor_obj.onkeydown = function() { editor_event(objname); }

editor_obj.onkeypress = function() { editor_event(objname); }

editor_obj.onkeyup = function() { editor_event(objname); }

editor_obj.onmouseup = function() { editor_event(objname); }

editor_obj.ondrop = function() { editor_event(objname, 100); } // these events fire before they occur

editor_obj.oncut = function() { editor_event(objname, 100); }

editor_obj.onpaste = function() { editor_event(objname, 100); }

editor_obj.onblur = function() { editor_event(objname, -1); }





// Switch to WYSIWYG mode


else {

config.mode = "wysiwyg";

var contents = editor_obj.value;

if (mode == 'init') { contents = document.all[objname].value; } // on init use original textarea content

// create editor

editor_obj.outerHTML = RichEdit;

editor_obj = document.all["_" +objname + "_editor"];

// get iframe document object

// create editor contents (and default styles for editor)

var html = "";

html += '<html><head> ';

if (config.stylesheet) {

html += '<link href="' +config.stylesheet+ '" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> ';


html += '<style> ';

html += 'body {' +config.bodyStyle+ '} ';

for (var i in config.fontstyles) {

var fontstyle = config.fontstyles[i];

if (fontstyle.classStyle) {

html += '.' +fontstyle.className+ ' {' +fontstyle.classStyle+ '} ';



html += '</style> '

+ '</head> '

+ '<body contenteditable="true" topmargin=1 leftmargin=1'

// still working on this

// + ' oncontextmenu="parent.editor_cMenu_generate(window,'' +objname+ '');"'


+ contents

+ '</body> '

+ '</html> ';

// write to editor window

var editdoc = editor_obj.contentWindow.document;




editor_updateToolbar(objname, "enable"); // enable toolbar items

// store objname under editdoc

editdoc.objname = objname;

// set event handlers

editdoc.onkeydown = function() ...{ editor_event(objname); }

editdoc.onkeypress = function() ...{ editor_event(objname); }

editdoc.onkeyup = function() ...{ editor_event(objname); }

editdoc.onmouseup = function() ...{ editor_event(objname); }

editdoc.body.ondrop = function() ...{ editor_event(objname, 100); } // these events fire before they occur

editdoc.body.oncut = function() ...{ editor_event(objname, 100); }

editdoc.body.onpaste = function() ...{ editor_event(objname, 100); }

editdoc.body.onblur = function() ...{ editor_event(objname, -1); }

// bring focus to editor

if (mode != 'init') ...{ // don't focus on page load, only on mode switch




// Call update UI

if (mode != 'init') ...{ // don't update UI on page load, only on mode switch




/**//* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *

Function : editor_focus

Description : bring focus to the editor

Usage : editor_focus(editor_obj);

Arguments : editor_obj - editor object

* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

function editor_focus(editor_obj) ...{

// check editor mode

if (editor_obj.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'textarea') ...{ // textarea

var myfunc = function() ...{ editor_obj.focus(); };

setTimeout(myfunc,100); // doesn't work all the time without delay


else ...{ // wysiwyg

var editdoc = editor_obj.contentWindow.document; // get iframe editor document object

var editorRange = editdoc.body.createTextRange(); // editor range

var curRange = editdoc.selection.createRange(); // selection range

if (curRange.length == null && // make sure it's not a controlRange

!editorRange.inRange(curRange)) ...{ // is selection in editor range

editorRange.collapse(); // move to start of range

editorRange.select(); // select

curRange = editorRange;




/**//* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *

Function : editor_about

Description : display "about this editor" popup

* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

function editor_about(objname) ...{

showModalDialog(_editor_url + "popups/about.html", window, "resizable: yes; help: no; status: no; scroll: no; ");


/**//* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *

Function : _dec_to_rgb

Description : convert dec color value to rgb hex

Usage : var hex = _dec_to_rgb('65535'); // returns FFFF00

Arguments : value - dec value

* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

function _dec_to_rgb(value) ...{

var hex_string = "";

for (var hexpair = 0; hexpair < 3; hexpair++) ...{

var myByte = value & 0xFF; // get low byte

value >>= 8; // drop low byte

var nybble2 = myByte & 0x0F; // get low nybble (4 bits)

var nybble1 = (myByte >> 4) & 0x0F; // get high nybble

hex_string += nybble1.toString(16); // convert nybble to hex

hex_string += nybble2.toString(16); // convert nybble to hex


return hex_string.toUpperCase();


/**//* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *

Function : editor_insertHTML

Description : insert string at current cursor position in editor. If

two strings are specifed, surround selected text with them.

Usage : editor_insertHTML(objname, str1, [str2], reqSelection)

Arguments : objname - ID of textarea

str1 - HTML or text to insert

str2 - HTML or text to insert (optional argument)

reqSelection - (1 or 0) give error if no text selected

* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

function editor_insertHTML(objname, str1,str2, reqSel) ...{

var config = document.all[objname].config;

var editor_obj = document.all["_" +objname + "_editor"]; // editor object

if (str1 == null) ...{ str1 = ''; }

if (str2 == null) ...{ str2 = ''; }

// for non-wysiwyg capable browsers just add to end of textbox

if (document.all[objname] && editor_obj == null) ...{


document.all[objname].value = document.all[objname].value + str1 + str2;



// error checking

if (editor_obj == null) ...{ return alert("Unable to insert HTML. Invalid object name '" +objname+ "'."); }


var tagname = editor_obj.tagName.toLowerCase();

var sRange;

// insertHTML for wysiwyg iframe

if (tagname == 'iframe') ...{

var editdoc = editor_obj.contentWindow.document;

sRange = editdoc.selection.createRange();

var sHtml = sRange.htmlText;

// check for control ranges

if (sRange.length) ...{ return alert("Unable to insert HTML. Try highlighting content instead of selecting it."); }

// insert HTML

var oldHandler = window.onerror;

window.onerror = function() ...{ alert("Unable to insert HTML for current selection."); return true; } // partial table selections cause errors

if (sHtml.length) ...{ // if content selected

if (str2) ...{ sRange.pasteHTML(str1 +sHtml+ str2) } // surround

else ...{ sRange.pasteHTML(str1); } // overwrite

} else ...{ // if insertion point only

if (reqSel) ...{ return alert("Unable to insert HTML. You must select something first."); }

sRange.pasteHTML(str1 + str2); // insert strings


window.onerror = oldHandler;


// insertHTML for plaintext textarea

else if (tagname == 'textarea') ...{


sRange = document.selection.createRange();

var sText = sRange.text;

// insert HTML

if (sText.length) ...{ // if content selected

if (str2) ...{ sRange.text = str1 +sText+ str2; } // surround

else ...{ sRange.text = str1; } // overwrite

} else ...{ // if insertion point only

if (reqSel) ...{ return alert("Unable to insert HTML. You must select something first."); }

sRange.text = str1 + str2; // insert strings



else ...{ alert("Unable to insert HTML. Unknown object tag type '" +tagname+ "'."); }

// move to end of new content

sRange.collapse(false); // move to end of range

sRange.select(); // re-select


/**//* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *

Function : editor_getHTML

Description : return HTML contents of editor (in either wywisyg or html mode)

Usage : var myHTML = editor_getHTML('objname');

* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

function editor_getHTML(objname) ...{

var editor_obj = document.all["_" +objname + "_editor"];

var isTextarea = (editor_obj.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'textarea');

if (isTextarea) ...{ return editor_obj.value; }

else ...{ return editor_obj.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML; }


/**//* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *

Function : editor_setHTML

Description : set HTML contents of editor (in either wywisyg or html mode)

Usage : editor_setHTML('objname',"<b>html</b> <u>here</u>");

* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

function editor_setHTML(objname, html) ...{

var editor_obj = document.all["_" +objname + "_editor"];

var isTextarea = (editor_obj.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'textarea');

if (isTextarea) ...{ editor_obj.value = html; }

else ...{ editor_obj.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML = html; }


/**//* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *

Function : editor_appendHTML

Description : append HTML contents to editor (in either wywisyg or html mode)

Usage : editor_appendHTML('objname',"<b>html</b> <u>here</u>");

* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

function editor_appendHTML(objname, html) ...{

var editor_obj = document.all["_" +objname + "_editor"];

var isTextarea = (editor_obj.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'textarea');

if (isTextarea) ...{ editor_obj.value += html; }

else ...{ editor_obj.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML += html; }


/**//* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */

function _isMouseOver(obj,event) ...{ // determine if mouse is over object

var mouseX = event.clientX;

var mouseY = event.clientY;

var objTop = obj.offsetTop;

var objBottom = obj.offsetTop + obj.offsetHeight;

var objLeft = obj.offsetLeft;

var objRight = obj.offsetLeft + obj.offsetWidth;

if (mouseX >= objLeft && mouseX <= objRight &&

mouseY >= objTop && mouseY <= objBottom) ...{ return true; }

return false;


/**//* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */

function editor_cMenu_generate(editorWin,objname) ...{

var parentWin = window;

editorWin.event.returnValue = false; // cancel default context menu

// define content menu options

var cMenuOptions = [ // menu name, shortcut displayed, javascript code

['Cut', 'Ctrl-X', function() ...{}],

['Copy', 'Ctrl-C', function() ...{}],

['Paste', 'Ctrl-C', function() ...{}],

['Delete', 'DEL', function() ...{}],

['---', null, null],

['Select All', 'Ctrl-A', function() ...{}],

['Clear All', '', function() ...{}],

['---', null, null],

['About this editor...', '', function() ...{

alert("about this editor");


editor_cMenu.options = cMenuOptions; // save options

// generate context menu

var cMenuHeader = ''

+ '<div id="_'+objname+'_cMenu" onblur="editor_cMenu(this);" oncontextmenu="return false;" onselectstart="return false"'

+ ' style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; cursor: default; width: 167px; background-color: threedface;'

+ ' border: solid 1px; border-color: threedlightshadow threeddarkshadow threeddarkshadow threedlightshadow;">'

+ '<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%" style="width: 167px; background-color: threedface; border: solid 1px; border-color: threedhighlight threedshadow threedshadow threedhighlight;">'

+ ' <tr><td colspan=2 height=1></td></tr>';

var cMenuList = '';

var cMenuFooter = ''

+ ' <tr><td colspan=2 height=1></td></tr>'

+ '</table></div>';

for (var menuIdx in editor_cMenu.options) ...{

var menuName = editor_cMenu.options[menuIdx][0];

var menuKey = editor_cMenu.options[menuIdx][1];

var menuCode = editor_cMenu.options[menuIdx][2];

// separator

if (menuName == "---" || menuName == "separator") ...{

cMenuList += ' <tr><td colspan=2 class="cMenuDivOuter"><div class="cMenuDivInner"></div></td></tr>';


// menu option

else ...{

cMenuList += '<tr class="cMenu" onMouseOver="editor_cMenu(this)" onMouseOut="editor_cMenu(this)" onClick="editor_cMenu(this, '' +menuIdx+ '','' +objname+ '')">';

if (menuKey) ...{ cMenuList += ' <td align=left class="cMenu">' +menuName+ '</td><td align=right class="cMenu">' +menuKey+ '</td>'; }

else ...{ cMenuList += ' <td colspan=2 class="cMenu">' +menuName+ '</td>'; }

cMenuList += '</tr>';



var cMenuHTML = cMenuHeader + cMenuList + cMenuFooter;

document.all['_'+objname+'_cMenu'].outerHTML = cMenuHTML;

editor_cMenu_setPosition(parentWin, editorWin, objname);

parentWin['_'+objname+'_cMenu'].style.visibility = 'visible';



/**//* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */

function editor_cMenu_setPosition(parentWin, editorWin, objname) ...{ // set object position that won't overlap window edge

var event = editorWin.event;

var cMenuObj = parentWin['_'+objname+'_cMenu'];

var mouseX = event.clientX + parentWin.document.all['_'+objname+'_editor'].offsetLeft;

var mouseY = event.clientY + parentWin.document.all['_'+objname+'_editor'].offsetTop;

var cMenuH = cMenuObj.offsetHeight;

var cMenuW = cMenuObj.offsetWidth;

var pageH = document.body.clientHeight + document.body.scrollTop;

var pageW = document.body.clientWidth + document.body.scrollLeft;

// set horzontal position

if (mouseX + 5 + cMenuW > pageW) ...{ var left = mouseX - cMenuW - 5; } // too far right

else ...{ var left = mouseX + 5; }

// set vertical position

if (mouseY + 5 + cMenuH > pageH) ...{ var top = mouseY - cMenuH + 5; } // too far down

else ...{ var top = mouseY + 5; }

cMenuObj.style.top = top;

cMenuObj.style.left = left;


/**//* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */

function editor_cMenu(obj,menuIdx,objname) ...{

var action = event.type;

if (action == "mouseover" && !obj.disabled && obj.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'tr') ...{

obj.className = 'cMenuOver';

for (var i=0; i < obj.cells.length; i++) ...{ obj.cells[i].className = 'cMenuOver'; }


else if (action == "mouseout" && !obj.disabled && obj.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'tr') ...{

obj.className = 'cMenu';

for (var i=0; i < obj.cells.length; i++) ...{ obj.cells[i].className = 'cMenu'; }


else if (action == "click" && !obj.disabled) ...{

document.all['_'+objname+'_cMenu'].style.visibility = "hidden";

var menucode = editor_cMenu.options[menuIdx][2];



else if (action == "blur") ...{

if (!_isMouseOver(obj,event)) ...{ obj.style.visibility = 'hidden'; }

else ...{

if (obj.style.visibility != "hidden") ...{ obj.focus(); }



else ...{ alert("editor_cMenu, unknown action: " + action); }


/**//* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */


function newConfig(contentName)


var config = new Object(); // 创建一个新的配置对象

config.width = "800px";

config.height = "400px";

config.bodyStyle = 'background-color: white; font-family: "Verdana"; font-size: x-small;';

config.debug = 0;

// NOTE: You can remove any of these blocks and use the default config!

config.toolbar = [






// ['strikethrough','subscript','superscript','separator'],




// ['HorizontalRule','Createlink','InsertImage','htmlmode','separator'],

// ['about','help','popupeditor'],


// 配置对象的字体

config.fontnames = ...{

"宋体": "宋体",

"Arial": "arial, helvetica, sans-serif",

"Courier New": "courier new, courier, mono",

"Georgia": "Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, Serif",

"Tahoma": "Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif",

"Times New Roman": "times new roman, times, serif",

"Verdana": "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif",

"impact": "impact",

"WingDings": "WingDings"


// 配置字体的大小

config.fontsizes = ...{

"1 (8 pt)": "1",

"2 (10 pt)": "2",

"3 (12 pt)": "3",

"4 (14 pt)": "4",

"5 (18 pt)": "5",

"6 (24 pt)": "6",

"7 (36 pt)": "7"


// 配置字体的样式

//// config.stylesheet = "http://www.domain.com/sample.css";

// 配置字体的样式

config.fontstyles = [ // make sure classNames are defined in the page the content is being display as well in or they won't work!

...{ name: "headline", className: "headline", classStyle: "font-family: arial black, arial; font-size: 28px; letter-spacing: -2px;" },

...{ name: "arial red", className: "headline2", classStyle: "font-family: arial black, arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: -2px; color:red" },

...{ name: "verdana blue", className: "headline4", classStyle: "font-family: verdana; font-size: 18px; letter-spacing: -2px; color:blue" }

// leave classStyle blank if it's defined in config.stylesheet (above), like this:

// { name: "verdana blue", className: "headline4", classStyle: "" }


// 设置对象,和对象的样式

editor_generate(contentName,config); // 指定输入区域的样式



function update_newConfig()


var config = new Object(); // 创建一个新的配置对象

config.width = "800px";

config.height = "400px";

config.bodyStyle = 'background-color: white; font-family: "Verdana"; font-size: x-small;';

config.debug = 0;

// NOTE: You can remove any of these blocks and use the default config!

config.toolbar = [






// ['strikethrough','subscript','superscript','separator'],




// ['HorizontalRule','Createlink','InsertImage','htmlmode','separator'],



// 配置对象的字体

config.fontnames = ...{

"宋体": "宋体",

"Arial": "arial, helvetica, sans-serif",

"Courier New": "courier new, courier, mono",

"Georgia": "Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, Serif",

"Tahoma": "Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif",

"Times New Roman": "times new roman, times, serif",

"Verdana": "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif",

"impact": "impact",

"WingDings": "WingDings"


// 配置字体的大小

config.fontsizes = ...{

"1 (8 pt)": "1",

"2 (10 pt)": "2",

"3 (12 pt)": "3",

"4 (14 pt)": "4",

"5 (18 pt)": "5",

"6 (24 pt)": "6",

"7 (36 pt)": "7"


// 配置字体的样式

//// config.stylesheet = "http://www.domain.com/sample.css";

// 配置字体的样式

config.fontstyles = [ // make sure classNames are defined in the page the content is being display as well in or they won't work!

...{ name: "headline", className: "headline", classStyle: "font-family: arial black, arial; font-size: 28px; letter-spacing: -2px;" },

...{ name: "arial red", className: "headline2", classStyle: "font-family: arial black, arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: -2px; color:red" },

...{ name: "verdana blue", className: "headline4", classStyle: "font-family: verdana; font-size: 18px; letter-spacing: -2px; color:blue" }

// leave classStyle blank if it's defined in config.stylesheet (above), like this:

// { name: "verdana blue", className: "headline4", classStyle: "" }


// 设置对象,和对象的样式

editor_generate('content',config); // 指定中文输入区域的样式



function browserControl()


_editor_url = ""; // 当前文件的绝对的路径

var win_ie_ver = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion.split("MSIE")[1]); // 获得IE浏览器的版本号


* 判断其他浏览器的方式


if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mac') >= 0) ...{ win_ie_ver = 0; }

if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Windows CE') >= 0) ...{ win_ie_ver = 0; }

if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Opera') >= 0) ...{ win_ie_ver = 0; }

// 这里是判断浏览器,需要IE5.5以上的版本支持

if (win_ie_ver >= 5.5) ...{

// document.write('<scr'+'ipt src="' +_editor_url+ 'js/editor.js" language="Javascript1.2"></scr'+'ipt>');

} else ...{


document.write('<scr'+'ipt>function editor_generate() { return false; }</scr'+'ipt>');


// -->



1.通过<script language="javascript" src="js/editor.js" type="text/javascript""></script>引入该控件所在的文件;

2 调用browserControl()函数来判断客户端的浏览器类型,对不同的浏览器作不同的操作;

3. 调用newConfig()函数,将指定的textarea域设定为文本编辑区域.

经过该编辑器格式化的文字内容提交到数据库以后,从数据库中直接以字符串的格式取出来放在jsp页面中,就可以显示出原来发布时的 格式效果,这是因为javascirpt脚本已经对格式化文本做了特殊处理,比如加粗文字"[b]加粗

2.tree.js && tree_tpl.js




Feel free to use your custom images for the tree. Make sure they are all of the same size.

User images collections are welcome, we'll publish them giving all regards.


var tree_tpl = ...{

'target' : 'mainFrame', // name of the frame links will be opened in

// other possible values are: _blank, _parent, _search, _self and _top

'icon_e' : 'images/empty.gif', // empty image

'icon_l' : 'images/line.gif', // vertical line

'icon_32' : 'images/base.gif', // root icon normal

'icon_36' : 'images/base.gif', // root icon normal

'icon_48' : 'images/base.gif', // root icon normal

'icon_52' : 'images/base.gif', // root icon selected

'icon_56' : 'images/base.gif', // root icon opened

'icon_60' : 'images/base.gif', // root icon selected

'icon_16' : 'images/folder.gif', // node icon normal

'icon_20' : 'images/folderopen.gif', // node icon selected

'icon_24' : 'images/folder.gif', // node icon opened

'icon_28' : 'images/folderopen.gif', // node icon selected opened

'icon_0' : 'images/page.gif', // leaf icon normal

'icon_4' : 'images/page.gif', // leaf icon selected

'icon_8' : 'images/page.gif', // leaf icon opened

'icon_12' : 'images/page.gif', // leaf icon selected

'icon_2' : 'images/joinbottom.gif', // junction for leaf

'icon_3' : 'images/join.gif', // junction for last leaf

'icon_18' : 'images/plusbottom.gif', // junction for closed node

'icon_19' : 'images/plus.gif', // junctioin for last closed node

'icon_26' : 'images/minusbottom.gif',// junction for opened node

'icon_27' : 'images/minus.gif' // junctioin for last opended node



// Title: Tigra Tree

// Description: See the demo at url

// URL: http://www.softcomplex.com/products/tigra_menu_tree/

// Version: 1.0

// Date: 07-20-2002 (mm-dd-yyyy)

// Contact: feedback@softcomplex.com (specify product title in the subject)

// Notes: Registration needed to use this script on your web site.

// Registration for this version (1.0) is free of charge.

// Visit official site for details

function tree (a_items, a_template) ...{

this.a_tpl = a_template;

this.a_config = a_items;

this.o_root = this;

this.a_index = [];

this.o_selected = null;

this.n_depth = -1;

var o_icone = new Image(),

o_iconl = new Image();

o_icone.src = a_template['icon_e'];

o_iconl.src = a_template['icon_l'];

a_template['im_e'] = o_icone;

a_template['im_l'] = o_iconl;

for (var i = 0; i < 64; i++)

if (a_template['icon_' + i]) ...{

var o_icon = new Image();

a_template['im_' + i] = o_icon;

o_icon.src = a_template['icon_' + i];


this.toggle = function (n_id) ...{ var o_item = this.a_index[n_id]; o_item.open(o_item.b_opened) };

this.select = function (n_id) ...{ return this.a_index[n_id].select(); };

this.mout = function (n_id) ...{ this.a_index[n_id].upstatus(true) };

this.mover = function (n_id) ...{ this.a_index[n_id].upstatus() };

this.a_children = [];

for (var i = 0; i < a_items.length; i++)

new tree_item(this, i);

this.n_id = trees.length;

trees[this.n_id] = this;

for (var i = 0; i < this.a_children.length; i++) ...{





function tree_item (o_parent, n_order) ...{

this.n_depth = o_parent.n_depth + 1;

this.a_config = o_parent.a_config[n_order + (this.n_depth ? 2 : 0)];

if (!this.a_config) return;

this.o_root = o_parent.o_root;

this.o_parent = o_parent;

this.n_order = n_order;

this.b_opened = !this.n_depth;

this.n_id = this.o_root.a_index.length;

this.o_root.a_index[this.n_id] = this;

o_parent.a_children[n_order] = this;

this.a_children = [];

for (var i = 0; i < this.a_config.length - 2; i++)

new tree_item(this, i);

this.get_icon = item_get_icon;

this.open = item_open;

this.select = item_select;

this.init = item_init;

this.upstatus = item_upstatus;

this.is_last = function () ...{ return this.n_order == this.o_parent.a_children.length - 1 };


function item_open (b_close) ...{

var o_idiv = get_element('i_div' + this.n_id);

if (!o_idiv) return;

if (!o_idiv.innerHTML) ...{

var a_children = [];

for (var i = 0; i < this.a_children.length; i++)

a_children[i]= this.a_children[i].init();

o_idiv.innerHTML = a_children.join('');


o_idiv.style.display = (b_close ? 'none' : 'block');

this.b_opened = !b_close;

var o_jicon = document.images['j_img' + this.n_id],

o_iicon = document.images['i_img' + this.n_id];

if (o_jicon) o_jicon.src = this.get_icon(true);

if (o_iicon) o_iicon.src = this.get_icon();



function item_select (b_deselect) ...{

if (!b_deselect) ...{

var o_olditem = this.o_root.o_selected;

this.o_root.o_selected = this;

if (o_olditem) o_olditem.select(true);


var o_iicon = document.images['i_img' + this.n_id];

if (o_iicon) o_iicon.src = this.get_icon();

get_element('i_txt' + this.n_id).style.fontWeight = b_deselect ? 'normal' : 'bold';


return Boolean(this.a_config[1]);


function item_upstatus (b_clear) ...{

window.setTimeout('window.status="' + (b_clear ? '' : this.a_config[0] + (this.a_config[1] ? ' ('+ this.a_config[1] + ')' : '')) + '"', 10);


function item_init () ...{

var a_offset = [],

o_current_item = this.o_parent;

for (var i = this.n_depth; i > 1; i--) ...{

a_offset[i] = '<img src="' + this.o_root.a_tpl[o_current_item.is_last() ? 'icon_e' : 'icon_l'] + '" border="0" align="absbottom">';

o_current_item = o_current_item.o_parent;


return '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td nowrap>' + (this.n_depth ? a_offset.join('') + (this.a_children.length ? '<a href="javascript: trees[' + this.o_root.n_id + '].toggle(' + this.n_id + ')" onmouseover="trees[' + this.o_root.n_id + '].mover(' + this.n_id + ')" onmouseout="trees[' + this.o_root.n_id + '].mout(' + this.n_id + ')"><img src="' + this.get_icon(true) + '" border="0" align="absbottom" name="j_img' + this.n_id + '"></a>' : '<img src="' + this.get_icon(true) + '" border="0" align="absbottom">') : '') + '<a href="' + this.a_config[1] + '" target="' + this.o_root.a_tpl['target'] + '" onclick="return trees[' + this.o_root.n_id + '].select(' + this.n_id + ')" ondblclick="trees[' + this.o_root.n_id + '].toggle(' + this.n_id + ')" onmouseover="trees[' + this.o_root.n_id + '].mover(' + this.n_id + ')" onmouseout="trees[' + this.o_root.n_id + '].mout(' + this.n_id + ')" class="t' + this.o_root.n_id + 'i" id="i_txt' + this.n_id + '"><img src="' + this.get_icon() + '" border="0" align="absbottom" name="i_img' + this.n_id + '" class="t' + this.o_root.n_id + 'im">' + this.a_config[0] + '</a></td></tr></table>' + (this.a_children.length ? '<div id="i_div' + this.n_id + '" style="display:none"></div>' : '');


function item_get_icon (b_junction) ...{

// alert('icon_' + ((this.n_depth ? 0 : 32) + (this.a_children.length ? 16 : 0) + (this.a_children.length && this.b_opened ? 8 : 0) + (!b_junction && this.o_root.o_selected == this ? 4 : 0) + (b_junction ? 2 : 0) + (b_junction && this.is_last() ? 1 : 0)));

return this.o_root.a_tpl['icon_' + ((this.n_depth ? 0 : 32) + (this.a_children.length ? 16 : 0) + (this.a_children.length && this.b_opened ? 8 : 0) + (!b_junction && this.o_root.o_selected == this ? 4 : 0) + (b_junction ? 2 : 0) + (b_junction && this.is_last() ? 1 : 0))];


var trees = [];

get_element = document.all ?

function (s_id) ...{ return document.all[s_id] } :

function (s_id) ...{ return document.getElementById(s_id) };


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<%...StringBuffer strBuf = new StringBuffer(); //构造字符串

strBuf.append("['根','some/path/to/my/url?column=1',"+" "+


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<script language="JavaScript" src="./js/tree.js"></script> <script language="JavaScript">...

var TREE_ITEMS = [



</script> <script language="JavaScript" src="./js/tree_tpl.js"></script> <script language="JavaScript">...

new tree (TREE_ITEMS, tree_tpl);





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