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英语->中国特色的奥运金牌(my translation)

2007-11-13 21:13 447 查看
//Translate the English passage by myself,but the language is not very incisive.Also I make a promise to improve it gradually,now the passage is about the designs of the medal of the 2008 Beijing Olympic .And it introduces the meanings of designs.

PASSAGE:Olympic Medals to Reflect Chinese Culture

Gold and jade, signifying honor and virtue in Chinese culture, have been unveiled as the two key elements in the 2008 Beijing Olympic medal designs.

The winning designs were unveiled at the Capital Museum in Beijing on Tuesday. The medals will show the Beijing Olympic logo, the Olympic rings and “Beijing 2008” in a center circle. This is surrounded by a ring of jade with a gold-plated ring on the outsides. The gold, silver and bronze medals will carry the same design with a finer white jade on the gold, a slightly darker shade on the silver and a green jade on the bronze medal. Officials said 265 design proposals were received from China and worldwide with a nine-member panel picking the winner.

Medal designer Wang Yipin says jade plays a very important role in Chinese culture, especially as a prize to award. Jade is the highest award to people in Chinese culture. Medals are the most important prize in Olympics and the coming Olympics is to be held in China, so medals with jade is the perfect combination to present the Olympics in Beijing.

China celebrated the 500-day countdown to the Beijing Games on Monday. Meanwhile, construction work is at an advanced stage at 37 Olympic venues, 31 of which are in Beijing, including the National Stadium.

Jerald N. for the Associated Press.


获胜奖设计星期二在首都博物馆揭开了面纱。在奖牌中间上将会出现北京奥运会的标志----奥运五环和Beijing 2008。外层他们被金色和翡翠环包围着。金银铜牌都将会有同样的设计方案,而且金牌由白玉,银牌由稍暗点的玉,铜牌由绿色的玉石环绕而成。官方说从中国和全世界收到了265种设计方案,在九名议会成员的商议下挑选出获胜者。
奖牌设计师Wang Yipin说在中国源远流长的文化长河中,玉石起到了很关键的作用尤其是将他作为一种奖励时。在中国玉石是对人们最高的奖励,奖牌在奥运会和以后将要在中国举行的奥运会中是很重要的奖励,因此玉石奖牌就是对北京奥运会参会者完美的奖励了。
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